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  • Ffs neighbours begun renevations behind my house this is gonna be a struggle this summer. Looks like you'll be seeing me more
    Better here bitchin.. then the alternative. Hope you can keep some sanity through it.
    Thats part of many reasons why I hate summer now. People are so damn noisy outside. Everywhere you go! Urghhh!! Hope you get through it safely.
    It's just summer. DIY, kids screaming and ice cream trucks and people just being extra noisy its annoying
    Anyone give example of accoustic trauma?Went supermarket today workers crashed shopping trolley right next to me. Been in discomfort since
    How can I get over fomo?being left behind, like everyone achieving their goals&successful careers while I'm sat home unemployed and got T&H
    I'm sitting right next you! It's a bummer
    You just have to work around it as best as you can
    wish I knew. I just remind myself that life is essentially meaningless. It doesn't make me feel better, but it numbs the pain a little
    Kind of weird, but smelled a few aftershaves today and now my T is increased is there any correlation ?
    I have noticed a sorta face nasal headache from cologne
    I think it maybe due to allergies that then cause ETD which in turn increases my T. Never the less going to stop wearing cologne for a while
    Maybe sensitive to a specific ingredient?; synthetic or natural? (Many commercialized deodorants are nauseatingly strong, add this w/ detergents, shampoos, soaps, etc. left with no individuality of your own). Like noise pollution, there's VOCs pollution.
    Family looking at movin, my mum said no to a house because there's a school nearby and considered noise from screaming kids. they put me 1st
    Wow! Amazing!
    Jack Straw
    You have a very loving family. Cherish them!
    It's nice they understand, but it's like I feel like a burden. I feel they plan around me I feel super guilty. The amount of birthday parties not celebrated or just spent doing nothing makes me feel shit. It's why I don't even care anymore my ex left me because it's difficult, I feel family are bound by blood so I don't know.
    feel like a burden on my family. Although I'm grateful that my family are so understanding I just can't help but feel guilty.
    Last time I ran T increased,so Anybody have tips for losing weight by cardio and weight training whereby my T and H wont be affected ?
    @makeyourownluck whats it's like doing lengths in a T-shirt? Can you front crawl okay - presuming you front crawl? I've never thought to wear a t-shirt. I mean I wouldn't start now because I never have. But, it's a good idea for those who aren't as brazen as others.
    At this rate I'd have to swim like a dog keeping my ears out of the water out of fear of swimmers ear. I wear silicone ear plugs in shower not because of noise but because of water getting ears. And they do a poor job so too paranoid ill end up with swimmers ear, because that shit was incredibly bad to deal with
    @Steph1710, yeah front crawl mostly. I've always worn a T-shirt so it just feels normal to me. Occasionally I'll forget an extra T-shirt and I feel like an Olympic athlete lol, you definitely go faster. Suppose it's just a habit/comfort thing.
    Also hope everyone's good, I know I've been gone for certain periods, but it's normally for the better and because I'm playing warzone lol
    Back again with T being more present. Anyone notice their T&h is worse on hotter days. Like a rise in body temperature or due to allergies
    Back again, with symptoms playing g up ears are burning. Probably because I been depressed.
    paranoid because I caught covid again and I think covids what gave me T and H. Anyone know if decongestants for nasal are bad on the ears ?
    Anyway, haven't seen you around in a while. How you been doing (apart from the virus)?
    Yup safe but I suggest mix the day with salt water nose spray when you can.
    Mild on the nose at least. Don't blow or cough to much:p
    I've been good guys, I've been focusing on getting better and not thinking about my ears. But itz like as soon a si got covid again I straight away thought oh no my ears. And been on roller past ever since. This morning I'm suffering from covid on top of that I'm getting electric spark type feeling in my ears.tryna not panic but really don't want to spend months out again with this problem.
    Quick update, I've been in good place and can't hear my T or don't have it anymore not jinxing it. H has improved but still tread carefully
    i was suicidal months ago, but have let time do its thing. coping much better nowadays. so positivity and time will help eventually
    i have improved but, still need to improve more. first time ive jumped on here after a month. bad week maybe due to poor weather.
    @Steph1710 how are you nowadays, how are your ears feeling any better ?
    Hey @Bimmerboy! Glad you're feeling better. :) I am doing okay. Mostly days are good. I still have the odd day where my T is more annoying, and I have more H days now - which I never had before, but I just carry on as normal.
    clearing your mind and getting good sleep really does help the ears. it helped me a lot until this week. no supplements and no protection
    taken lots of time off, back again as this week has been bad for my ears. left ear is constantly thumping followed by burning pain. Im back
    I'm not a dr. Just relaying my personal experience. The sensation was less burning and more of a spikey sensation, like when your hands warm up after being in the cold for a long time. Your spine handles all your sensations so a spine problem could create these things. By all means check everything.
    Yeah I'm getting the same like almost a frostbite sensation. I describe it as burning but spiking is better description. The spine is another thing I'll take a look at. I'm stopping supplements as of now.
    Did your symptoms pass ?

    Btw Thanks for the advice, means alot bro
    Might have peripheral neuropathy (tingling in feet and hands) can anyone link any relation to H&T ? Only been a week with symptoms.
    I've been through that, thought it was diabetes. It was probably a pinched nerve in my neck from a stiff bed and/or supplements. Get a nerve test and a diabetes test first, then try making lifestyle changes.
    @GlennS so did yours go ? I've done me tests waiting on results. Also what was your symptoms if you don't mind me asking. Was it tingling/burning?
    I have the same. How is yours doing?
    Back again, had good week but last night woke up middle of night with burning pain. Burning pain all day. Time of from TT has helped me tho.
    Any advice on what to take after multiple noise traumas ?
    I know that feeling with loud cars popping out of nowhere. I normally take curcumin (actually the more expensive theracurmin), NAC & Nicotinamide riboside. It's maybe way too much, but it really takes the edge of for me anxiety-wise
    If you're referring to that car, I think the only thing you need to take is a break. Try to relax ;)
    Thanks guys yall helped me deal better with it. Only came on for this question. Thanks guys.
    Had noise trauma few hours ago, from a loud car exhaust near me for 10 seconds max. No pain or flare up but anxiety killin me I've taken nac
    Are you sure that's a "trauma"?
    My friends car was very deceiving it was quiet until he pulled out. Yes it was no longer than 10 seconds. Maybe anxiety.
    Just had a noise about 4-5 hours ago from a loud car popping and banging was for max 10 seconds. No pain/flare up but anxiety killin me
    Im a depressed,defeated,deflated man. Dont know how I ended up like this at 24.
    I know the feeling.
    Might be the best thing that has ever happened to you...

    Sounds strange, I know, but we can't know what the universe has in store for us.

    Maybe you've been broken to be rebuilt a far stronger and more resilient being than the average person.

    You never know...
    Pain H is the worst condition known to man. I wish jastreboff and every ent get Pain H. And severe ass tinnitus. Only then will they know.
    My last post- sad to see what I become. These conditions broke me. I'm turning off.
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