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  • Eleanor89 how long have you had T and do you have hyperacusis? I have used tinnitus maskers seemed like it made it louder than it was to start with. I also have open ear earbuds . I listen to sound therapy on my phone and my sound oasis machines.
    Hi @Eleanor89 , I just wanted to come by to say hello! I've been dealing with hyperacusis (loudness & pain) for over 6 months now, & I see that you've been able to make a lot of progress with yours! Can I ask if you also had pain hyperacusis?
    Hello @MadeleineHope soft nature sounds helped me, sitting on the beach etc, doing things gradually and introducing sounds slowly, Acs plugs helped considerably…patience is key.
    Read @MindOverMatter and @ZFire and @Vassili
    Read the positive stuff and there journeys also @Michael Leigh Writes a lot on sound therapy….
    Thanks for all of the tips! That has been my approach too so far - to introduce sounds gradually & slowly - & I have found nature sounds to be really helpful in this regard as well. However, I admit I get impatient sometimes & overdo it! Especially with digital sound. Were you able to tolerate artificial audio, by the way?
    I just recently started trying to re-introduce small amounts of pink noise into my days, & my hyperacusic ear is still very much pushing back!

    Did you find it challenging to adjust to the WNGs or was that a relatively smooth process for you?
    Hearing aids are different than sound machines. I think that hearing aids give you the perfect hearing that you didn't know you were missing.
    Hey Eleanor is it possible during the surgery that gave you T and H the doctors used some tool that made very loud noise resulting in your hearing injury? If not, what do tou think was the culprit for your problems? Drugs used during anesthesia/post surgery?
    Hello @tniuf
    I can truly say that I don't analyse the "what ifs" or question it anymore…. As I've realised it won't help me move forward….
    I've always had tinnitus for years but I never let it stop me do anything and I habituated, however h is a different beast….. and I've followed the principles of sound therapy…. And it's really helped…. I'm so much better but it's taken two years x
    That's great! Has your T subsidded a bit after all this time? Hopefully it's not too distressing now. What sound machine have you used? x
    Hi Eleanor,

    I've dealt with T for over 30 years. 2 years ago, I tried a pair of hearing aids, and it has dramatically reduced the ringing in my ears. Most hearing aid specialist will let you try them for free on a trial basis. Give it shot...

    Hello @tniuf
    I use oasis sound machine recommended by @Michael Leigh, I've also used in ear sound generators.
    I have the radio on low every day as background sound,
    And I've reached out to a lot of people for advice….
    Counselling has also been important….
    My t is there but I have times when I don't notice it at all…. I just keep pushing through, little steps
    Hello @tniuf
    I also use crackling fire sounds on my phone at night
    May I ask what kind of operation made it all worse? keep your positive spirit alive. Hugs//
    Hello @Sannush
    Yes I had two very large growths removed one was the size of a grapefruit. But benign…. Resulting in total hysterectomy etc…. But I like many others couldn't get surgery for over a year due to covid, so I spent a year on painkillers, high anxiety and not in a good place x
    I got through it but I think my body had enough after everything and t and h started a month after surgery x
    Hello @Sannush
    I'm in a much better place now, it's a slow process…
    I remember when my t started 27 years ago, it took a long time to habituate, very slowly over a couple of years or so…. That also started during a stressful time in my life…. But it got better x and yours will too . X little steps forward x
    Hi @Eleanor,

    I love seeing your comments as you as so positive. Thank you! How are you doing? I am using sound therapy for H and T. My H has improved greatly, my T not so much. How have you been coping with yours? Has it gotten any less intrusive? Any tips are greatly appreciated!
    Hello @OnlyUP
    I've had t for 27 years but habituated to it, so I didn't give it attention and didn't hear it…. This time it's a bit different but I hear it in the background, my main problem has been the h.
    I am hoping the t will fade into the background but only time will tell….
    Your doing well with the sound therapy, how bad is your t xxxxx
    @Eleanor89 Hi there. I also had background T for 12 years, totally adjusted to it and didn't notice it. My T in my left ear is now reactive to sound and certain positions. Sometimes it ramps up and I can hear it over the sound of the car on the interstate.
    What's your T like and have you habituated to it at all? I think I saw you are a year into your journey. My H has improved quite a bit since its worst point in April. I don't wear ear protection except on the rare occasion. My toddler's voice still causes the most discomfort.
    Hey Eleanor .. curious to hear how you are going? i know you mentioned your h is improving with sound therapy. this isnt my main issue but i am glad to hear you are experiencing some improvements. how is your t? i know you are doing hrt. has it made any difference. i am noticing way more head noise which is the main bother for me. has this been the case for you with your hormonal shift?
    Hello @DebInAustralia
    Yes I'm on HRT Evoral 50….
    And I do believe that menopause, my operation magnified my tinnitus and h…. Big changes and major surgery…. I still get tearful so it's a combination of everything…. It will settle eventually….
    It's a difficult time in a woman's life, a massive transition and I've read a great deal on the effects in the brain…. And hormones x
    When I got my blood drawn a while back they said, I was going through mentapause. Can this cause my Tinnitus to get worse.
    Hi Eleanor89,

    Hope your doing alright :)

    I've read a few of your posts and I'm interested in the white noise generators and the counselling. Did the NHS give them to you for free? Can I also ask who is doing your private counselling? Is it specifically for tinnitus? I might look into that as well.

    Hello @Pianist_Will her email is info@phoenixdramatherapy.co.uk. My generators are from the NHS and I find them great very soothing. They are PureTone Audimed for hyperacusis. I have the UPC numbers.
    Hey @Eleanor89, thanks for checking in on me. I continue to be comfortable with my severe tinnitus; so all's good in that department. Only thing was, I've been suffering with constant nausea for the last 5 days now. But my downstairs neighbour is ill also and has been throwing up for several days; so I suspect I have whatever she has.
    Hi can you go over my thread and give feedback to my situation please? You will see lots of questions. Hope you have some insights to my problem
    Hey do you have reactive tinnitus?
    Hello @IntotheBlue03
    No I don't as it has changed from all those years ago…
    I've had it 26 years….
    I'm eight months in following surgery and hypercusis..
    when it first started years ago I had distortions etc but it settled in time….
    Yours will too x
    You have to find a sound therapy that relaxes it,,,, this can take a while
    But it will help….
    Thank u so much I am desperate to find a sound therapy that works so far it's been impossible to mask. Hoping the reactivity settles enough to let me do that @Eleanor89
    Hi Eleanor89

    I wanted you to know that the warm and kind smile in your profile picture made my day. Thank you for sharing your positive spirit.

    Hey there Eleanor89- Kind thanks for the follow. Yes, it seems we are fellow psychotherapists-with-tinnitus :) What a strange - and busy - time (Covid-19) to be in this profession! (I have worked from home the past 2 years and counting, only "meeting" with people over Zoom / telephone. Looking forward to one day sitting down in person with people again...)
    Hello @Roosevelt DuPree
    I too have worked from home…. Yes I've had tinnitus since 1995 but habituated
    It magnified with hyperacusis in April this year following major surgery.,,,,
    How's yours…..
    We have to stay positive….
    Hi Eleanor, thanks for the "hug"! I appreciate it!

    I see that you are a psychotherapist---do you find that your professional training has helped you to better deal with your Tinnitus? I was just curious.

    Cheers from across the pond!

    Hello @Bruce NH USA
    I guess in some ways it has, however I started with t in 1995 and had habituated, it was following surgery this year that both t and h surfaced…. It's seven months now and I'm getting better slowly.
    Everyone's journey is different
    Please ask @Michael Leigh, he will give you wonderful advice on tinnitus as he has had it for years as well, he has written posts that may help you
    Bruce NH USA
    Glad to know that you are doing well, Eleanor. My increased T is only at six weeks, so if you are getting better at 7 months, that's great news.

    I'm hoping hearing aids can help, a bit. I have an appointment for a hearing test in three weeks. HA's aren't cheap, but the notching technology is intriguing, as discussed by several members on this forum.
    What triggered the new T for you?
    Brian P
    I've been looking for a glimmer of hope for people who recovered from the vaccine and benzodiazepines. This has been devastating to say the least as you know
    @Brian P
    You will get better…
    Just give it time and have faith….
    Hello @Bruce NH USA
    Just stay positive and read @Michael Leigh's posts, he will give you advise on sound therapy etc….
    Just stay positive and remember that everyone's journey is different….
    I've had t for 26 years but habituated like many others…. You will do it also….
    Sending prayers
    Hi Eleanor89,, My T started after covid, but yes , I ve been stressed out . There were like 10 different sounds changing all the time, now I hear 2. headaches and hyperacusis gone, but fullness feeling in my ears still there , much more in the right ear (loudest T)... I have never get a earing test before but after T I have 35-40 db loss on 4khz ...Did hoy have hearing loss also? Can it be recovered?
    @LilSass yes it was there in the background but I couldn't hear it…. It faded I'm hoping my brain remembers how to do it again
    I'm sure that it will fade again for you! It's been almost two years for me, but nothing has changed.
    I hope you don't mind me asking, how loud was the Tinnitus you originally habituated to?
    @Robster every one is different…. I perceived mine as loud perhaps because my emotions were heightened due to the stress I was going through at the time….
    Can you here it through the day…
    I think it's about getting your anxiety down and that's key with your recovery….
    How long have you had tinnitus for
    Had it since January. Can just about hear it for first few hours, after 4 or so hours it gets quite loud.
    When you say habituated, do you mean you could no longer hear it, or it no longer bothered you? Did the volume decrease to almost non-existent?
    Hi from a fellow Barrovian! I lived there from 2000-2004, but am back in Canada now. How's life in the world's longest cul-de-sac? lol :) ~Sarah
    Hello @LilSass
    Yes I'm from coniston but moved to barrow a few years ago…. How's your tinnitus x
    Where abouts in Canada x
    NIce! I used to hike the fells there, Old Man Coniston, Skafell Pike - love the Lake District! Tinnitus for almost two years from migraine meds. It's variable so volume changes from day to day. Accepted it mostly, but it still sucks. I'm living in Kitchener Ontario now. Hope you're doing okay!
    Hi Eleanor--i see that you're a therapist too. Thanks for "following" me I'm going to thank Sandra too for the sound pillow referral as I've been using my phone for YouTube mature sounds at bedtime. How's your acclimation going?
    Hello @Tommy5oh5
    Yes started with it again nearly five months ago
    Had it 26 years but habituated to it….
    Hope your ok….
    I've had hyperacusis since an MRI this January (thanks NHS). The hyperacusis was very slowly improving, then last month it improved dramatically. It's improved more in the last month than the previous six combined and is now only mild. Give it time and hopefully you will experience the same.
    Hi Eleanor. Welcome. I am new to this forum. My tinnitus started about a year ago. Doc says hearing loss. Prescription. Xanax. Doesn't work for me. But I found a sound pillow by conair. Available at Walmart or amazon. The later charges more. It's around 37.00 dollars. Plays tones. Has timer. Can use a mp3 Player. Helps
    At bedtime.
    Hello, @Sandra Menzie
    I've had tinnitus 26 years but habituated….
    It started again four months ago but I also have hyperacusis so I'm trying to deal with that aswell
    Thankyou for getting in touch
    My wish for everyone suffering from this unseen disease is that hopefully it dissipate s one day and I do hope a cure would be found someday. Tinnitus robbed my happiness away from me
    mismo pensamirnto,enfermedad invisible,que te destruye la vida
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