Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Every spike leaves a trace. Each one aggrevates a tone or develops a new one. I was doing okay after 1 month but i screwed up by going to the cafe where they played music loud for me. Since then, I damages my ears even more and they are super fragile. H is brutal for 3 weeks now and does not let go even a bit. Tinnitus keeps on worsening and adding new tones without noise exposure. I have 26362828 tones
For example, for the Previous week I got two constant tones, one really high pitched Is this a normal turnaround for 3 month tinnitus? My H was improving before the cafe visit, damn it... It was only loudness, now it is pain one and each sound , no matter the frequency is either irritating or causes pain
Stem cell therapy? How long have you had t and h for @Freerunner ? Improvement can appear even after 2-3 years, so I think such a treatment should be a last call given the results seem to be of a mixed character?
I think that sooner I try this - the better chances of something happening. I keep on worsening from doing nothing so I definitely have to go and do something about it. I lost my life and I doubt only waiting will heal me. I consider my case as severe and I have to take some precautions.
@Freerunner if you have the money to try stem cells, I say go for it. I certainly would have tried stem cells if I had that kinda money. That's a luxury most of us on here can't/won't ever to be able to afford. But, just a few words of advice - you need to chill the hell out! Stress is the worst thing for T, & atm, your adrenaline levels must be skyrocketing!
You think most of us don't know what you're experiencing - we do. Many people on here have gone through exactly what you are going through. And I'm sure they will back me up when I say that you have to try and relax before doing anything too rash.
You're not alone @Freerunner <3
Easy 4 hours bus over a plane going up and down. I feel your pain. I won't comment on stem cells as I've never looked into it.
If you're changing ever 1-2 months it's still some hope..?
Update: I arranged a car to drive me - it is 400km drive, around 3:30-4 hours long. If I wear earmuffs, plus earplugs do you think I am going to survive without worsening of H in the span of 5 days?
@Freerunner sorry if I bother you, but where are you going to do the steam cell therapy? How much does it cost?
I have an offer for Serbia, 16k euro
@Freerunner thanks, when are you going to do It? ( I do not have the money I should ask my parents...).
I'm not familiar with stem cell therapy. What exactly is that?
@Freerunner the car ride will be fine with protection. At least after a day or two.
Are you just going there to get a consultation first..?
I would be very very careful...:/
@Freerunner you got tinnitus first time October 2021..?
If that's so I think you should wait...
Try not accidentally blasting ears for a couple of months..
I was in a rollercoaster first 5 months. Got new tones and all the sudden it got really bad before it turned in 10 days time!
Then I got blasted...
I am only afraid of H getting worse because from my latest setback almost a month ago - no improvement at all. If I go there It will be for the procedure itself, not a consultation. I already did several zoom meetings with the doctors and discussed the situation.
My H was a mess first year. Now only bothers me if I get blasted. I can even do some nasty noises in a silent room. That's been really difficult for me. Think closing plastic boxes , pills and dishes. Last 10 months I've had muffs on every time I go out except the forest. I hope you improve soon no matter what you decide.
@Barry098 , Injecting you with two different kind of stem cells . Delivery methods are IV and injections behind the ears. Also there are some additional therapies. But I am not able to travel physically. H got so severe that I think I am going to leave my job. I cant do it anymore.
Behind the ears?
What tissue will be the target inside there? Hugs