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  • Outside of the Xanax blip yesterday it's been a good week where i really haven't thought about tinnitus. Still loud but brain tunes it out.
    Could it be your t is fading or do you attribute your improvement to the aides with low level noise therapy
    It's 100% the hearing aids, when I go to bed at night it's still unbelievably loud, but the hearing aids trick my brain by giving it more sound to latch on to and it basically slips out of my awareness.
    Found a trigger - xanax. I've been taking it to sleep for months, haven't taken for a week and t has been manageable. Took 1 today n worse t
    Wanna trade @SectorClear?

    I'll take your Xanax trigger, if you take my caffeine trigger.

    Won't be a problem, since you don't take caffeine to sleep, and I don't take Xanax for it's appearance in a high volume of great tasting food and drink.
    Hope you're all having a good day, even if your volume goes from the usual 10 to a 9 for a day that's a success.
    Even if you make it through another day of 10 it's a success
    I love this place but I swear it makes my t worse, gotta heal. Might need to get the hearing aids adjusted. Love you all, stay strong.
    Laid in bed last night and couldn't hear my high pitched loud T over the fan even when I tried. My brain is rewiring. Loved it!
    Haven't been on here in a month but have covid now, tinnitus seems worse. Might be the vaccine that caused it after all. Hearing aids ftw!
    Happy to report MDMA made no impact on my tinnitus. I can roll again without fear!
    MDMA is what gave me tinnitus. I used after a 6 month break. Much worse in left ear. It's been 3 months now and it has improved some but the sound changes with body movement and I definitely have hyperacusis. How are you doing these days? Are you able to use MDMA and not have it permanently increase? Based on my research it seems like almost every drug has incidences of people getting tinnitus from it
    Hearing aids still help but sleep is still hard. This is all very annoying, not getting a booster or any other covid vaccine ever.
    Ok so 13 days after 2nd Pfizer shot my tinnitus is noticeably louder. Same exact time it started after 1st shot initially. Fuck Pfizer.
    Might be time for me to leave you all, I'm in a really good place with these hearing aids. I'll post a success story on my 1 year anny 4/20.
    That would be a good day to celebrate.
    Gonna miss you compadre.

    Come back and visit us every once in a while.
    3 days post 2nd Pfizer shot, no difference in tinnitus. No ill effects besides a sore arm, guess I got lucky.
    Just got my 2nd Pfizer shot 7 months after the original where i got T 13 days later (probably from TMJ). Will keep you all posted.
    Hearing aids are so effective that I'm getting my Pfizer vaccine on Thursday. No longer afraid of tinnitus. I wasted months worrying.
    • B


    Is the tinnitus suppressed or you "simply" hear it less because it is submerged by the other noises?
    Yeah curious^^^ they helped me but unfortunately the amplification made my T worse
    If I listen for it I can pick it out still, the audiologist said not to drown it out completely. But it fades out of my awareness more often since there are more sounds for my brain to latch on to.
    I'm sitting in a quiet room and tinnitus isn't bothering me. These hearing aids (and I have no hearing loss) are worth their weight in gold
    Trying $4,000 hearing aids for the past 3 days. Minimal sound amplification plus white noise, they seem to be helping a lot.
    Just had the best 2 tinnitus days of my 6 months since onset, and it's coinciding with me stopping my TMJ mouthguard. Strange but good!
    Good morning beautiful people. Tinnitus is raging in us all but we're still here. We made it through another day and we will today too.
    Starting to really get how much stress impacts my perception of T. I dream of a few weeks away from my wife and kids and work.
    Doing a lot better this last week. Trying to get to where tinnitus is just "there" with no emotional reaction.
    @SectorClear you will get there. Habituation is a long road, and it doesn't happen all at once, but it will do eventually.
    Hey man, Im having trouble understanding how to reply to the message you sent me… is this the place? lol. Happy to answer any questions.

    But yes the tinnitus will sometimes become much worse for the first hour or so of the trip, then mostly disappear. My tinnitus seams to be aggravated by stress, and the psilocybin dramatically reduces my stress/anxiety and with it the tinnitus.
    Still haven't had the morning reset in the past few months. And did dry needling yesterday with no improvement in tinnitus. Bah
    Stressful day led to lack of sleep at night led to sky high tinnitus overnight to morning. Morning is always my quietest time until now.
    Now I await physical therapy on Thursday for TMJ. Tinnitus has been annoying still but not life destroying anymore.
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