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  • Ended the Christmas afternoon with 15 guests alone in a room with earplugs, noise became more & more unbearable as the hours passed.
    And again, woken up in the middle of a night by a fleeting T lasting for 2 hours, and no clue as to why it happens..
    Nothing like being woken up at 3:30am by a fleeting t that will take hours to completely die down. Makes for a great night.
    Do you believe your t was anxiety induced? I read on your story it sounds similar to mine actually almost exactly like mine. Even have/had the wine glass tone
    Your case definitely sounds similar to mine and I have teeth issues as well possibly started from COVID or anxiety I guess I'll never know but mine was bad it would fluctuate daily depending on how much noise I heard for the day determined how loud it got..(…)
    …(.) also I noticed I was grinding my teeth in my sleep.. gone through so many tones the wine glass one didn't really bother me much it was a drone humming one that bugged me the most! Thankfully it went away but still kinda there
    A lot of tones went away eventually just stopped caring and monitoring them all
    Hit my head really hard 30 min ago. Is there a risk for my T to worsen later during the day or am I safe if it stayed the same so far ? :(
    I know a few people who got T from head injury, they all got T immediately. I would guess you are probably ok.
    (3/3) and then fleeting tinnitus until the eeeeee remains... this time it's on my right ear. I can't handle it getting worse again, I can't.
    (2/?)These last few days I've experienced the same pattern as my onset : electronic noises coming back, discovering a huge iron deficiency
    This is very interesting. I had iron deficiency the first time I got T and also, when my huge spike which became my permanent new baseline happened 2 yrs ago.
    (1/?) 4 fleeting tinnitus in 1h, each one louder than the last, and the last one won't entirely go away. Please let it go away :'(
    My left ear feels full and resonates with so many hellish sounds, how can it get so much better and then... :'( I'm never going to recover..
    Spiking. Its been months since it's been this awful, this loud. What's the point of being almost healed if it's for relapsing after ?
    I'm going through the same thing right now. It really is very depressing. This time I'm hopeful it will at least get better again eventually.
    The old dial up modem sound has returned these last few days, it was the 1st I got when T started.. I want it gone, brings back bad memories
    Dreamt about a doctor forcing me to listen to loud sounds and mocking my fear because "T isn't real. Beat the shit out of him. It felt good
    I wish this was a movie so I could watch it over and over for therapy.
    From the bottom of my heart, thank you for beating the shit out of your dream doctor. You've made me very happy haha! :)
    It might be a coincidence, but I've been taking iodine and selenium for 2 months now and have consistently improved since. T is 90% gone.
    I didn't chose them on purpose actually. I tried a new brand for my B 12 supplements, and the new ones came with iodine and selenium supplements !
    I know I don't post much, but I read and think of you all everyday. Love to everyone who might need it.
    Ear infection in both ears and Amoxicillin for 5 days... I was doing so well these last few weeks. T was so very quiet.. :(
    I'm so sick of this. So terribly, desperately sick of this. Spiking for no reason and trying to remain calm, but I've been crying for 1h..
    How are things now for you?
    Travis Henry
    It always could be worse. If you don't have H and are not homebound and not able to listen to any sound at all without pain you are doing good.
    I have to go to Paris next week and take the underground for 20 minutes. I only have foam earplugs, I hope it's gonna be enough...
    Low humming and vibrations are killing me with anxiety. I just can't go through this again :'(
    Left/worst ear was 99% silent for the 1st time last night. If it wasn't for this low humming in the right ear it would have been perfect...
    To think I was considering posting a success story a few weeks ago as I was getting so much better... this is such a cruel, cruel joke.
    Burning and sounds feeling louder are gone, but I experienced low frequency tinnitus last night, my whole head vibrating. What is going on..
    Can hyperacusis declare for no reason ? No noise trauma, no meds? Something's definitely wrong, sounds are louder and I'm scared to death..
    Well,that's how I got mine.
    Mine does when i have anxiety
    Stress, anxiety, ptsd, thought of having it alone. Medication as well.
    Left ear has been increasingly sensitive to sound and burning these last few days, I'm so sick and worried about those random symptoms...
    Same here. Pain and burning sensation in the past 4 days, hyperacusis,loud T. Super worried.
    Solar flare from sun have been happenig mine was ache last 2 days
    Woke up crying at the thought of it coming back as unbearable as it was last year, I just can't live through this again...
    Stay positive! Chances are it will not come back as last year. Take care of yourself.
    I'm sure you'll be fine "très chère compatriote" ;). Fleeting T's may be scary but, on some days, I can have dozens of them, even on "good" days. Just pressure changes I guess as it's always happening when weather is changing.
    I'm sorry to reply so late, but thank you so much for your kind and reassuring words at the time. It did get better regarding fleeting tinnitus, but the unusual tone comes back once in a while and I'm now dealing with burning/sensitive ear...
    1 year since onset. Almost healed, but three fleeting Ts and a faint unusual tone sent me into full panick attack last night. Tinnitus PTSD.
    I want to send you a virtual hug.
    Sending *hugs*. <3 It will be alright. x
    I'm sorry to reply so late, thank you both so much for comforting me when I posted this. Hugs back to you, even months later <3
    Right ear feeling increasingly sensitive and inflamed, random pain too... trying not to overthink this but it makes me so anxious.
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