P P pamplemousse Jul 22, 2022 Hello, sorry to bother you I hope you're okay. I read your posts about VSS and I wanted to know if things got a little better for you? mine has gotten worse recently so I wanted to know if it can improve again.
Hello, sorry to bother you I hope you're okay. I read your posts about VSS and I wanted to know if things got a little better for you? mine has gotten worse recently so I wanted to know if it can improve again.
Farida Jun 16, 2022 My VSS has gotten so severe that I can't walk properly, every montgh new symptoms leep on adding up, I just want all of this to end
My VSS has gotten so severe that I can't walk properly, every montgh new symptoms leep on adding up, I just want all of this to end
Farida May 15, 2022 I really hate kids (actually not really)... all of thi shit happened because a rative of mine screamed into my ear..
I really hate kids (actually not really)... all of thi shit happened because a rative of mine screamed into my ear..
Farida May 1, 2022 Still don't know why my ear distorts while talking, it makes strange robot noises... doss anybody have any idea what it might be ?
Still don't know why my ear distorts while talking, it makes strange robot noises... doss anybody have any idea what it might be ?
Farida Feb 5, 2022 Guys today I noticed one really strange thing and it's something new, like when lookimg at my reflection and turning away I can still see it
Guys today I noticed one really strange thing and it's something new, like when lookimg at my reflection and turning away I can still see it
Farida Jan 25, 2022 Guys I'm having a shitty headache and want to take Paracetamol, I've never taken it at all, can thos cause problems with my hearing ?
Guys I'm having a shitty headache and want to take Paracetamol, I've never taken it at all, can thos cause problems with my hearing ?
Farida Jan 2, 2022 Life''s actually really hard right now. Now sensations like how my chest moves or beats alongside my heartbeat, is this a heart palpilation?
Life''s actually really hard right now. Now sensations like how my chest moves or beats alongside my heartbeat, is this a heart palpilation?
Farida Jan 2, 2022 One thing I'm really curious about, like sincerely asking, if VS is a result of having Tinnitus, isn't supposed to somehow imrpove with it ?
One thing I'm really curious about, like sincerely asking, if VS is a result of having Tinnitus, isn't supposed to somehow imrpove with it ?
Farida Dec 26, 2021 This is really strange my one ear either distorts or makes weird sounds, only when I talk, but I have no priblme listening to anything v
This is really strange my one ear either distorts or makes weird sounds, only when I talk, but I have no priblme listening to anything v
Farida Dec 23, 2021 So sick of my ear making differet sound when talking, of someone will say the same thing it won't react, but triggers when talking, TTTs ?
So sick of my ear making differet sound when talking, of someone will say the same thing it won't react, but triggers when talking, TTTs ?
Farida Dec 23, 2021 I want to fucking die, this hissing isn't going away how did I go so suddenly from near silence to this, really crying
I want to fucking die, this hissing isn't going away how did I go so suddenly from near silence to this, really crying
Farida Dec 22, 2021 Crackling in one ear ehile swallowing, is it because of the flu ? Really annoying
Farida Dec 21, 2021 May the reason of that be just distraction or this high hissing spike from flu, because I'm worried at this point
May the reason of that be just distraction or this high hissing spike from flu, because I'm worried at this point
Farida Dec 21, 2021 Is mishearing some words considered ho be a sort of hearing loss ? Happened to me twice yesterday and I give different reply, but I hear fin
Is mishearing some words considered ho be a sort of hearing loss ? Happened to me twice yesterday and I give different reply, but I hear fin
Farida Dec 17, 2021 Guys, please give me some good encouraging worrds about VS to hold on, it's reslky hard to cope
Farida Nov 27, 2021 Actually sad rn, my Tinnitus really did get better, but not my VS, it actually got a bit worse
Farida Nov 19, 2021 The whistling distortion is gone and now is replaced with several new mose-code reactive Tinnitus tones, mild and tolerable
The whistling distortion is gone and now is replaced with several new mose-code reactive Tinnitus tones, mild and tolerable