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  • I have this eeep brief sound, but I don't know where it's from, can it be reactive ?
    Stop monitoring. It leads you to Hell. :D
    It's like the worst addiction heh
    I want to cry
    I just refused an MRi, did I do the right thing ? :(, I'm really terrified of A.Neuroma, but I did have a CT-scan and hearing test.
    Though I did take a CT-scan, and no signs of tumours, and my hearing results test came out just fine. Can all this all be stress-induced ?
    Still need to rule out Meniere, blood circulation problems, atm, and 16khz hearing loss (everyone has)
    @PortugalTheMan I saw two ENTs and none of them actually m3ntioned Merniere's
    Hello everyone. I have this facial numbness and the possibility of acousyic neuroma is freaking me out.
    I have so many unanswered questions. My efficiency has been reduced from 100 to 0. There are days I just lie down and refuse to eat or do anything just thinking what's the solution to this. For the past 1 month I've been searching and searching
    @Abdulrahman I'm really sorry about what happened to you, do you think you might have Perilymphatic Fistula ?
    @Abdulrahman a ruptured eardrum might take several months to heal
    Got a new mild hissing tone after the "heavy ear feeling" :(
    I can advise you to stop monitoring your tinnitus. I also do it sometimes but mostly I make myself not to.
    Ugh yesterday my dad yelled not too far from me. I'm so mad at him, because I think my T became reactive. I'm so sad and heartbroken now
    Does that mean I will stay like ghis forever, all this progress was for nothing ? I'm scared and crying :(
    No, it does not. You can very well be having a spike from that loud noise now, but it can go back again.
    Just a temporary spike imo
    Sudden "heavy" feeling in ear. Freaking aout what might it be ??
    So everything to my tinnitus, two seperate tones in my ears, but they are kind of fading away hopefully, some mild ear pain, this "metallic "eeee" overlay, this heavy feeling and spike while yawning, and I think some mikd TTTS
    Yes, I had it. I had lots of sounds/effects/feelings, you name it. You can read my threads and posts.
    Ah yes. The robot bacon sizzle sound.
    Is there any connection between tinnitus and auditory hallucinations ?
    There is a connection between hearing loss and auditory hallucinations, yes. Musical Ear Syndrome seems to be the most common. You hallucinate music or voices that are not there. Your brain can also replicate sounds you've heard in the background like a siren or other sounds.
    Another thing I'd like to talk about. So I have these weird "Reactive Tinnitus episodes", which means that when I hear this specififc exter
    External beeping sound, it kind of "triggers" something and that's when a reactive "bell" tinnitus emerges, sometimes it acts on its own, sometimes serves as an "overlay" to specific sounds. It DOES go away eventually go away only for me to hear some external beeping again then it comes back (it'a like you press the "on" button again). What do you think it might be ? Btw I have no apparent hearing loss.
    Stupid question, but can roosters cause hearing loss ? These mfs are so dakn loud especially in the mornings.
    Guys I have I have numbness in one part of my head for several weeks now, should I concerned ?
    I've had unexplained facial numbness. It's very frustrating, but I figure if it doesn't resolve in 6 months, I'll ask my doctor what I can do. It might be neurological. I wouldn't be too concerned, though. It's frustrating and upsetting, but it probably won't hurt you in the long run.
    Guys apparently moving my head in defferent directions changes my tinnitus from mild to moderate. All this when in sleeping position
    It might be partially somatic, then. I don't know if I trust chiropractors, but that might be worth looking into in your case.
    My tinnitus is: Mild-Moderate-Mild- Moderate-Mild.... also different tones that come and go. Today is officially my third month in :,).
    High-freguency and low freguency tones. As for somatic part it spikes when I yawn.
    At least my T and I are frenemies :D
    Keith Handy
    Mine fluctuates a lot too, and I also have the spike when yawning.
    My tinnitus is noise-induced without a doubt, then how come it's also gotten somatic (especially during yawns ?)
    @Farida Mine is also definitely noise induced, but I've also developed some somatic components as time has passed. I guess noise can set it off, and a lot of other things can mess with it.
    @Stacken77 hope it will subside for both of us :с
    Susan Shore said that somatosensory pathway can interfere with the auditory pathway and that is why many T sufferer experience being able to modulate T with movements of the neck, jaw, head. This is used in bimodal neuromodulation devices.
    Low-freguency humming that comes and goes, is it a good or bad thing lol
    watch your salt for a few days and see if that helps.
    Thank you sm !
    Shaky pulsating vision and random blurriness, had to throw up several times, feeling dizzy and having a "numb" pressure in my head.
    Do any of you guys have Visual Snow ? if so, did you have any success with it, did it diminish ? How much time was required for that ?
    Suicidal because of Visual Snow..
    There's a ton of readily available medicines to experiment with, medicine that deals with neurological disorders. Research all you can, find what has helped people and bring printed papers to your doctor or neurologist
    You really just have to make it your life's mission to get out of this situation
    Thank you so much, yesterday was such a fucking miserable day, now I guess the flare-up fecided to leave me for now
    Newbie here, had tinnitus for nearly 3 months. There is an improvement. But several weeks ago I developed VS. Can it also go away ?
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