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  • You were right, prednisone gives ppl hyperacusis, my ears are definitely more delicate to loud sounds, after stopping it. But it did help me hear better though.
    Bro I'd do anything to go back and not take the steroids and antibiotic ear drops i was prescribed. What sucks is when you're new to tinnitus it's the first thing you see when looking up how to get rid of it. And your at a point of doing anything to help.
    Agreed. Looking back now, I took my pre steroid tinnitus for granted. While it was intrusive, it was nowhere near as bad as after steroids. I wish I left it as it was. Oh well, won't dwell on it anymore. It is what it is.
    This condition makes you live you life on eggshells. Always gotta be alert of your surroundings and carry protection ;)
    Yeah my reflexes are insane now catching every thing that drops lol. Sometimes things do fall and I'm like fuuuu always got to be a loud ass Pan or piece of metal
    Bc I enjoyed life so much. I used to think how could anyone be depressed. *Gets hit with the one thing that destroys me*
    Since there is no "hug" button here, I'll just send a hug this way. Try to stay strong, @Marshall, you're not alone!
    I was such a chill happy guy before tinnitus. Honestly just loved existing. Didn't need money. It's funny bc I used to be scared to die.
    Honestly hoping to die in my sleep at this point. I'm over tinnitus and everything it keeps me from doing. I'm just existing.
    Tinnitus got way worse after vacation, it's like I'm back to square one all over again. I didn't even xpose myself to any noises above 80dbs
    Did you wear earplugs? It'll probably take u 2 weeks to feel normal hopefully
    I'm hoping so. Just need to accept and move on i guess
    Aftr being in Puerto Rico for 2 weeks & constantly being surrounded by noise. My tolerance has shot up immensely, but my T is spiked to hell
    Just an update. My tinnitus has gotta worse in some ways, better in others. I've found a rhythm to it and can deal with it a lot better.
    I'll never have true silence tho. I have noise induced and two different barotraumas. So for me silence is being able to only hear it inside
    Honestly bro. I kinda like my low hum anyways. It's like someone always has a subwoofer on lmao
    Ben Winders
    first time I read this from anyone: "i kinda like my low hum"
    dont get me wrong - fantastic that your brain allows you to have that mindset. Mine is still flipping out 2.5 years into this thing. Any pointers how you cope ?
    I'm not sure @Ben Winders for me it's soothing, while anything high pitch drives me bonkers. I think it just depends on how your brain processes it. Maybe association?
    Never realized how much white noise is out there until I got reactive T holy shit
    Also I know that before all of this. I listened to a lot of loud music and loved loud sounds. And my gf who is not around loud stuff hates loud things. Same with a lot of other people. The noise you're constantly around is what your brain is accustomed to. I guess with tinnitus. We just have to get comfortable with safe sounds.
    Late response but everything you said makes perfect sense and matches my reactiveness almost perfectly I'm noticing better results after ditching the 24/7 ear muffs I think like you said time naturally heals the reactiveness
    Also of coarse avoiding loud places like festivals and concerts. I'm dealing with loudness H and slowly seeing results but I still have a long journey ahead of Me
    Knowing I have to walk on eggshells with this condition for the rest of my life is awful. I already had pretty bad anxiety before this…
    wish I was a little older when this happened. I'll be praying for you
    How does tinnitus just disappear some days? Why can't it disappear all the time. I don't get it
    Our brains must be malfunctioning. It it could just get stuck on quiet mode that'd be great
    Michael Leigh
    Once you fully habituate to tinnitus @Marshall, fluctuations in tinnitus will not bother you as much. This takes time and doesn't come easy. It took me 4 years to habituate for the 2nd time.
    This happens to me too. Some days I barely hear it, like it's taking a break that day. And other days it's pretty loud. Not sure what kind it'll be until I wake up. What happens at night to determine which it'll be?
    In high school, there should be an in depth class on hearing loss and the possible effects it may have on you.
    Being such a health freak I'm surprised I wasn't more adamant about my hearing.
    I did that a couple of time @Wrfortiscue lol I used to jam out while mowing the lawn lmao the ignorance.
    Yes! I talk about tinnitus to anyone who will listen. Got to get the word out there.
    I've told all my friends who listen to loud music and go to raves without hearing protection. I don't want anyone going through what I'm going through
    Hi, how are you doing today? I saw that you joined the forum in January. Has your tinnitus improved ?
    It actually got a lot worse, but it's slowly getting better. I'm starting to see more good days than bad. And even though it's still way worse from the start I can deal with it a lot better.
    Ohh I'm really sorry it got worse. I'm glad you're able able to handle this horror for some days. I wish you all the best for the future, and who knows, maybe a return to normal life sooner than you think. We're in this fight together. Stay strong !
    I probably hold the record for most ear damage in a span of 4 months. All while giving every ounce of energy to prevent it from getting wors
    Damn, i know the feeling. It seems like the more i try to take care, the more sudden, suprising high sounds i get exposed to..
    Same man I'm honestly starting to feel cursed at this point
    Taking it day by day. Seeming to have less and less breakdowns. But still in a very dark place. I feel like my life is over at 28
    All my life I have read stories of people pushing back all odds to accomplish the impossible. You can heal significantly from this but we have to get you first to believe that this is possible.
    @GeorgeLG i really do right now. My family and especially my girlfriend. This whole experience has humbled me to appreciate the little things. And if it weren't for my girl I'd probably be dead..
    I am glad that you have someone in your life cares for you. Lean on her when you need to and focus on other things when you can. She will need a break sometimes too.
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