Mister Muso

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  • The receptionist at my new dentist talks at 92dB. The waiting room is very small. Think I'll go back to my old dentist again.
    Why are coffee machines that loud? No wonder tea drinkers seem so Zen.
    *Microwave beep enters the room*
    Mister Muso
    @Kiyomi I just muted the beep on our new air fryer by prising off the lid and sticking some blu tac over the speaker. Much better!
    Hi. How is your hum tinnitus these days? I am suicidal, bcs i woke up with this.
    Mister Muso
    Hi, my hum has been around for 10+ years, sometimes it is quite loud, but honestly I have pretty much habituated to it. It doesn't stop me doing things the way my hyperacusis does so please don't get too down about it. Look at my YouTube playlist "Low Frequency Sounds" on my Pinterest board or try audiobooks or podcasts to distract yourself from it.
    Hey Mister Muso, how are you doing these days?
    Wishing you a return to music! I miss it so much. I would give anything just to be able to compose in my studio with no pain. Performing live / DJing feels like a thing of the past for me...
    Mister Muso
    How long have you had hyperacusis? 3 years for me and it's easing off. I have a few small musical projects on the go again.
    @Mister Muso I'm coming up on 10 months since my initial acoustic trauma. Doing better than I was last summer but ways away from live music still. Happy to hear that you're able to have some musical projects going! Wishing you continued improvement.
    I sometimes think that hearing loss may be the way to battle my hyperacusis. Any advice?
    Possible reduction in H, but possible worsening in T...worth the gamble?
    Mister Muso
    Mmm maybe not my best idea!
    I've been waking early with musical hallucinations that sound just like my phone alarm. Time to change my alarm ringtone.
    You're wasted in healthcare, @aura.

    Should have been a physicist or something.

    *Gives genius award*.
    Oh, @Damocles...
    How could I accept an award that belongs to you? :)
    If that's the way you feel @aura, you could always accept it,
    and then give it to me later.

    Doesn't have to be a genius award either... (¬ ‿ ¬)
    Got loud fleeting tinnitus for a minute in the night time - two notes a semitone apart. Very dissonant - that would be hard to get used to.
    H slowly easing, perhaps through protecting less, plus the passage of time (2.5 years). T slightly worse but that's a small price to pay.
    Another concert recently and no worsening of my tinnitus. However it does seem like a game of Russian roulette. Not the same fun any more.
    How's the H bearing up?
    Mister Muso
    H has been much the same for the past few months. I still need earplugs in my pocket at all times for the odd incident each day. Wife bought tickets for an arena tour in the springtime but I'm going to ask her to go with a friend instead. Smaller concerts are one thing but I'm convinced it was a big arena concert that gave me my H in 2019.
    Thought my visual snow in the mornings was getting worse. Relieved to discover it was just static electricity from my polyester bed sheets!
    I am glad to hear it was not something more concerning.
    Two small concerts in a week and survived intact. That's enough for now though! Definitely no more rock concerts on the agenda.
    Played a concert with a friend I've been accompanying for almost 30 years. Got through it but not so much fun with earplugs in all night.
    Awake at 4am having panic attacks after agreeing to go to a band practice with the guy who caused part of my catastrophic tinnitus
    @Mister Muso Have you gone to the band practice? If not, I'd cancel it in a heartbeat. We can't afford to have it worsen further.
    If I were you, I wouldn't go...
    Mister Muso
    I've told them I'm not going, but to feel free to carry on without me. They were fine about it.

    I did play at a friend's wedding back in July with no problems, with one other instrumentalist (violin) and a singer. So I think small-scale musical outings may not be completely out of the question. I think I made the right decision in the case of this upcoming practice however.
    So my last spike did settle back down again, but that was a scary couple of hours. Steve's "Random bell melody" got me through!
    • B


    Glad to hear/read that!
    Always good news when someone's spike goes back down.
    Mister Muso
    @kingsfan True - we need all the"good news" stories we can get!
    My tinnitus just reached a new level after being around people raising their voices for several minutes. Hope this isn't my new baseline :-(
    I set my tinnitus back a year by listening to music too loud in the car. Had almost fully habituated too. Here we go again.
    Easily done my friend. Hopefully recovery won't be too long.
    Mister Muso
    Having a better day today. Haven't noticed my T for 3 hours
    Mister Muso
    And it's back. T was just starting to fade but I've had to use headphones a lot for work calls recently. Back on the acoustic modulation tracks to keep the internal noise bearable
    Hey, I saw you commented on a post that was asked if holding in a sneeze can cause permanent tinnitus. I was wondering if you were feeling any better?
    Mister Muso
    Hey thanks for asking. My tinnitus was noise-induced so I guess I've got to live with it, and the hyperacusis too. They are both manageable with care. At least with all concerts off this year, we are all in the same boat with normal-hearing people, for this year anyway. Hope you're doing well today.
    Chimes to the left of me, kettles to the right, here I am.
    Ahahahaha! This made me laugh!
    Mister Muso
    @Steph1710 I often get random song lyrics flying round my brain. I was going to add "stuck in the middle with you" in case nobody got it. Then thought about "Stuck in the middle with VROOM" to represent my low-frequency pulsatile tinnitus but thought that might be too confusing for those who don't experience that. Did I mention I'm an over-thinker? :-)
    On furlough for nine weeks now. Worried I'll have forgotten how to work, when my security clearance eventually comes through.
    Back on the B vitamins and my T and H both seem a bit better. Staying off Gingko as it seems to give me extra-weird dreams.
    I said to Alexa, "Volume down", and it thought I said "Volume ten." Damn...
    This happened to me a few months ago. Got blasted by my TV at a full volume.
    Mister Muso
    @pinklights98 Were you OK? Happened to me a handful of times but I always managed to kill the volume within about a second and suffered no lasting damage.
    I spiked for about two weeks when it happened, but it went down. I ended up never using Alexa again
    Struggling today... Piercing tinnitus, breathing difficulties, dental work falling apart. Just a general wreck.
    Mister Muso
    Well things calmed down a bit in general. Found a dentist that would treat me as an emergency. Still battling the breathing problems but getting more exercise helps a lot.
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