Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

look up visual snow and palinopsia, go to survivingantidepressants.org and tell me if you still want to use antidepressants...
@BB23 everyone is different tho. I take a low dose Prozac type (fluoxetine 10mg) and it doesn't change my tone at all.
There's always a risk with antidepressants. It doesn't mean you'll have any ill effects from them, though.

My rule is to always start with the smallest possible dosage and slowly work your way up, monitoring all side effects.

Never quit cold turkey. Always slowly taper down, again, monitoring side effects.
i am in the same position and unfortunately it looks like the answer is everything is a gamble.
@BrOKeN_1 I'm trying Prozac next.

So far I have tried Nortriptyline, Mirtazipine, and Zoloft.

Before tinnitus I had tried Wellbutrin and Cymbalta.
Antidepressants don't work for a lot of people. I was on 50mg Nortriptyline for a few months and 10 mg Escitalopram for 7 weeks, and I never felt any benefit. I had to stop the latter due to stomach pains which I still have some weeks after stopping. Nort had different side effects.
I took Sertraline for a week before Escitalopram. I noticed more intermittent short rings / chirping type tinnitus come on with Sertraline a few days and continued with Escitalopram. That has cleared up mostly since stopping those SSRIs but not completely. Hadn't noticed any change when I was on Nort. Tricyclic or Mirt might be safer than SSRI/SSNR as far as tinnitus effect.