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  • Could you give an update on your benzo taper? How is your tinnitus doing now? thanks!
    Hey Mirador! Read your post about your benzo taper. How's it going now? What's your current taper rate? I'm thinking of starting a taper soon. I think my pain H may be due to tolerance withdrawal and I also have very erratic T. Hope everything is going as smoothly as is possible during a taper.
    Hey Mirador, how are you? Did you decide on a path forward yet?
    Sounds like you are doing ok. That is good to hear! I've waited far too long with my taper. I believe long term clonazepam made my T much worse. I just started tapering again and I am scared, but it has to be done!
    Let me know when you do the jump! :)
    It won't be for a while yet! I'm down to just under 0.16 and I guess it will take me at least a year to get off from here - I'm going down v. slowly so I can maintain functionality and some quality of life in the meantime. Good luck with the tapering - I think if you take it slow and follow your symptoms you are giving yourself a good shot at managing it.
    Struggling with clonazepam-induced tinnitus
    Did the withdrawal induce it? Or the drug itself
    Should fade
    Overly quick withdrawal. Doctor suggested I reinstate and taper slowly. Bad mistake. Still got 0.18mg to taper and have horrendous tinnitus.
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