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  • Hey Olly, fellow noxacusis sufferer here, and I'm just wondering whether you feel or have ever felt any constant low-level buring pain in your entire face? I've had this symptoms for many, many months now, and just can't seem to get rid of it!
    Hi Olly,
    Would it be possible to tell me what exact type of lidocaine and how much was injected in your soft palate in the roof of your mouth?
    Thank you!
    I didn't realise there were different types, from memory I think it said 1% on the side of the vial. Not sure how much it was but he injected 4 times, two quite shallow and then two deeper. This was all on the right side
    In addition to your painful hyperacusis, do you have somatosensory tinnitus with neck or jaw movement?
    Do you have problems with your eustachian tube?
    This is a question about botox treatment and TTM contractions.
    Yeah if I clench jaw tinnitus spikes certain neck movements can too. I get alot of clicking and crackling in ear so I assume this is ET opening and closing.
    @Olly132 This is interesting. I had it confirmed this week that my eustachian tubes are completely dysfunctional. I have hyperacusis since June this year. At first it was a whistle sound in right ear to certain external noises. Since September I have a moderate earache or heat feeling in ear and occasional moderate stabbing pain. It doesn't seem to be in direct response to sound. More delayed I guess.
    @Olly132 How did you get TTTS diagnosis as opposed to ETD or TMJD...or are they all interconnected?
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