Good for you. I just wanna share here.. i also have done shroom trips a while back, and it made me more sensitive.. to everything basically, but also to the actual severity of my t.. the effects of shrooms was basically the opposite of numbing down.
So I do believe psychedelics could maybe have therapeutic value if approached rightly, but if there's actual pain or distress, it can be very unpleasant since it just made me more aware/feeling of it, without being able to fix underlying issues (acoustic harm/t). Maybe it has a different effect on different people, i just wanted to share this one too
Thank you for your input @L along the way . I definitely don't intend to trip often on shrooms, it's always been a once in a 3 month thing with my mates but I'll be cautious if I find that it affects me negatively. I appreciate your advice :)
I didn't notice that it increased the perception of my T, in fact it was a pretty good 3 hours of my H not being as intense. But that's a given if I'm not concentrating on it I think. My T is mild so that might be why I didn't have as much of a negative experience as yourself, assuming your T is much louder and intense. I see some people vouching for microdosing for T but even I'm skeptical of that.
Nice to read @weehiru :). Also that you've had good experience with shrooms. I felt i might have come of a bit crude, but i wanted to let people know that shrooms can be quite intense.
A while back i had a time where i experimented a bit with various psychedelics, also once every few months, and i do believe they also can be therapeutic, if used with care & responsability (not too much, not too often, with a good friend around whom you can trust, good set and setting).
The fact that they made my perception of everything more sensitive i found taughtful. But yes, i do feel like when there is some sort of disharmony, the shrooms can really bring it all more up to the surface.
You need to be able to deal with it, the last trip i just sat it out, because it was not pleasant. I do not just blame the shrooms, but more the underlying disharmony. I wish to experience more harmony in life, the main thing with t which helps me is the belief/hope/faith that it can heal and get better in time and a healthy lifestyle. Patience, and one day at a time