Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

That's nonsense. A lot of people develop them as they age, but for most, they are so insignificant that they don't really see them. But I clearly know "Before Floaters" and "After Floaters"; in the former, my vision was clear; in the latter, I'm being attacked by a gazillion spiderwebs and other dark shapes.
It's assumed the filtering system of your brain is broken that's why you see them, they were always there. You just didn't see them before.
@BB23, what's the source for this claim? Floaters are literally physical particles, and people aren't born with them.

"Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes liquifies and contracts. Scattered clumps of collagen fibers form within the vitreous and can cast tiny shadows on your retina."
@Markku there isn't an official source and I know they are physical particles floating in the vitreous fluid in the eye, however on the visual snow forums, this has been said a lot, they say normally the brain filters them out but when the filtering gets broken, you see them.
OK, so maybe it was just something some patients came up with, and others thought, "This makes sense." :)

To me, it doesn't make any sense that the brain should be able to filter randomly moving particles in your field of vision. Maybe it could if they were static and/or few in number.
I've also met with some top-level ophthalmologists, and none of them have ever even remotely suggested it could be a brain-related thing to see vs. not see them.

I really dislike it when things are unnecessarily blamed on the brain, when there is something physiological to fix (e.g., Floaters Only Vitrectomy).
@Markku , theres another similar thing called flashes, they are like floaters but differently shaped, I had these as well when I was on mirtazapine, after dropping it they slowly and completely disappeared for me. But the floaters still remain.
@Markku To me it also sounds very weird. Perhaps, like with tinnitus, it's the difference between mild T and not mild. Similarly, many people may have a few clear insignificant floaters but they are not the ones seeking help.
My next question would then be why I develop floaters after my tinnitus worsening. To me, that indicates a brain connection. Or degeneration of the senses. It is baffling and scary.
There is a procedure called YAG Laser that is non-invasive that can eliminate floaters. I have not looked to much into, but the Cleveland Clinic offers this so it must have some efficacy.
My floaters have always been a nuisance but I have managed fine so far. I had them way before my tinnitus was ever a problem - back in my mid twenties.
@kingsfan people go on to develop retinal tears after yag laser some years later.
My floaters came on with my tinnitus. Saw docs at top hospitals - no answer. Very frustrating.