Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Yes we have a 30 day trial and there is also a good coverage by disabilty insurance. And there is also a new company which handles everything online. They were top rated in service and price compared to all other hearing aid companies with local stores.
But I will wait a little more and hope the discomfort in my ears will change to the better like last time.
In 2014 I tried this phonak hearing aids after 3 monthes and it was way to early.
I wish I could do it some more 10 years without.
Yesterday I was very depressed about this situation we are in. I just hope you will find some relief soon. It's going very very slow if there is no clear advance after 3 days when the problem started…
It's such a struggling condition which may improve after monthes.
@tomytl, No one can easily handle what I'm going through. In fact, I can't say that I'm handling it either. People who go through just one percent of my struggles can't cope even with the heaviest medications, and here I am, alone in another country, penniless, broken up with my girlfriend, far from my family and friends, about to undergo surgery again, dependent on government aid, unable to work.
I wish I were weak so I would have already killed myself.
What is your surgery about?
Your situation is really tuff, I wish you still have contact to your ex-gf and other friends near you, I know, they can't help you with your ear problems but they might give you some support.
My ex-gf does really ask me often about my situation, I would miss it very much if she would ignore me.
I hope that I probably can give you some support.
At the moment I really can't handle it either, it's a mess in my head and I have no clue how my life will continue with this shit.
But I guess, I need many monthes more of "healing" habituation… but at the moment I am completly caught with my situation.
@tomytl, A tissue needs to be removed from my body, it is called a pilonidal sinus. The situation in my country is very bad. It's almost impossible for me to live there. Moreover, my family has been affected by the country's situation. My brother and mother have their own problems. Being there would only make things worse, in short.
Before this ear issue, my life was quite good and peaceful. I was living a great life on my own, independently of my health problems, the issues in my country, or my family. However, this incident ended up ruining everything.
Oh man, I just wish you some positive change with your hearing very soon. In this condition the easiest task becomes a burden.
Would it be possible to explain your situation with your ex-boss or some people you worked with? Maybe they can help you out. You are asking because it's an emergency situation.
I believe your life has been very good and you are a modest guy also happy with the small things. So am I and this ears issues are dominating us completly!
how are you doing my friend?
@tomytl, everything is the same. It's a never ending torture.
Hi, I spent two days in the mountains at a thermal bath, hoping that it would ground me in some way. But the fear was already significant beforehand that it wouldn't help… and that's exactly how it turned out. The only moment of relaxation was holding my head under the water spout, which drowned out everything and helped me forget all the mess for a little while.
I'm very sorry to hear that there hasn't been any improvement for you yet. I still hope that it will get better; I read somewhere that it can take up to a year for noise-induced issues to improve. My speech comprehension has gotten a bit better, but overall, everything is still a huge mess in my head. In the past few days, I've also had increasing ocular migraines...
@tomytl, I'm really happy that you're improving man. I wish it was the case for me but no. Not only I'm still suffer the same level from T but also dealing with government's new plan to stop benefits. I'm still wishing to die. I hope it happens soon so that I don't suffer more. I don't want to spread my negativity. Hope that everything goes well for you.
I know that you don't want to spread negativity here, and I really understand your situation very well. It's truly difficult, especially because it's all happening abroad, which makes everything even more complicated. I hope there is a way for you to get support from the government.
Financially, this whole situation is also a challenge for me. As a self-employed person, I am insured, but it's impossible for me not to work, otherwise, I will lose even more clients. I haven't been able to do any acquisition for the past three months either. It's all a huge mess.
@tomytl, I forgot what you were doing. What was it again?
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