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Sep 20, 2024 at 9:09 PM
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Member, Female, from UK

I've gone through a lot in my life. It's not been a bed of roses. i can't believe a stupid fake noise has brought me this low. Sep 16, 2024 at 9:52 PM

BlueMoon86 was last seen:
Sep 20, 2024 at 9:09 PM
    1. BlueMoon86
      I've gone through a lot in my life. It's not been a bed of roses. i can't believe a stupid fake noise has brought me this low.
    2. BlueMoon86
      So loud today. Usually it's low frequency droning in the left, today it was more like static in my whole head. I'm scared.
    3. BlueMoon86
      One doctor told me to "try white noise" and that is the only tinnitus related advice I have ever been given.
    4. BlueMoon86
      I have not been seen by a medical person who has tinnitus or seems to understand the effect it can have.
      1. L along the way likes this.
      2. ECP
        It's really discouraging to discover how little doctors and audiologists understand about this condition. The best advice I've ever gotten was from this website, which is both a compliment to this website and an indictment of modern medicine.
        Sep 13, 2024
        2049v, tpj and L along the way like this.
    5. BlueMoon86
      She was completely blank faced when I talked about tinnitus. It's not as common as statistics say imo.
      1. 2049v, cjbhab and NTV like this.
      2. cjbhab
        i agree completely, especially T that isn’t mild and stable, i know several people that claim to have T but they still go to concerts and sports with no earplugs and it doesn’t worsen ever. I could never.
        Sep 15, 2024 at 5:11 PM
    6. BlueMoon86
      Had a doctor's appointment today. She tried to push antidepressants to which I said no. "I don't know what you want me to do" she said.
      1. 2049v
        @BlueMoon86, What kind of doctor was he? What did you say?
        Sep 17, 2024 at 2:16 AM
    7. Viridiana
      Hi, I read you worked with animals, I would like to work with dogs but I can’t stand the barking, I hope you feel better soon
    8. BlueMoon86
      Another part of me that tinnitus has stolen, along with my peace of mind, hobbies, relationships and ability to function. I'm waiting to die
      1. 2049v likes this.
      2. 2049v
        @BlueMoon86, I'm exactly in the same situation. Can you take me there with you?
        Sep 11, 2024
      3. BlueMoon86
        You don't want to be where I am but I wish I was there to support you because I understand.
        Sep 12, 2024
    9. BlueMoon86
      I have had near waist length hair since I was single digit age. Yesterday I had it cut to my neck. No mental energy to maintain it anymore.
    10. BlueMoon86
      My germ factory nephew has given me a cold. Great. Who gets a cold in August? I'm congested and miserable as hell. Wish I had a drink....
      1. crescentsky
        there's definitely some strain going around. my family is down with something as well.
        Aug 29, 2024
      2. Watasha
        I just had an awful one, turned into a sinus infection. Took all the medicines and thankfully no noticeable change.
        Aug 30, 2024
    11. BlueMoon86
      Having headaches every single day now. Thought it was the drinking but I gave that up almost a week ago now.
      1. L along the way likes this.
    12. BlueMoon86
      I don't want to talk about the "distress" like anything can be done. It's so fucking annoying.
    13. BlueMoon86
      Sick of hearing the words "tinnitus distress". Of course I'm distressed. I can sit next to a 70db fan and still hear the noise in my ear.
      1. 2049v, Pinhead and weehiru like this.
    14. BlueMoon86
      Tinnitus is a two tier nightmare for me. It's ruined my everyday life and it's ruined my ability to escape from my everyday life.
      1. Manny, tpj, ECP and 3 others like this.
      2. Juliane
        Well put.
        Aug 11, 2024
      3. kingsfan
        I have literally nothing now bc of tinnitus
        Aug 12, 2024
    15. BlueMoon86
      I wish my parents were gone. I wish I could just kill myself without hurting anyone. I love my mum so much. I can't.
      1. Manny, tpj and streifzug like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 2049v
        I think about the same situation, leaving my family, gf, friends behind but at the same time I know that once I'm gone I won't even know how they would feel. It's all about if I want to be selfish or not.
        Aug 10, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      4. ajc
        Suicide is never selfish. You forcefully take away your one unique chance at life, never to be able to experience consciousness or Earth again. That alone makes it an extremely desperate act and those you leave behind are idiots if they think you were selfish.
        Aug 10, 2024
        snizzleberry, tpj and Juliane like this.
      5. 2049v
        @ajc You're right, but on the other hand, there's still the "old me" that my loved ones trust and care for. The me who had many goals and plans, the one they were proud of, who solved all their problems. The one whose absence is complained about at every gathering, the one they express missing. I just want to disappear.
        Aug 10, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    16. BlueMoon86
      I'd rather have eeeeeeeee. I'd rather have crickets/white noise. This massive low frequency drone just destroys me.
      1. MiaVIL
        I know what you mean. I would rather have ringing eee. I have crackling hiss, rhythmatic metal clanking, and screeching.
        Aug 11, 2024
    17. BlueMoon86
      If you don't have LF hearing loss you'll never know how this feels. 250 to 2000hz is my cochlear dead region. Nothing but DURRRRRR 24/7.
    18. BlueMoon86
      Never mind napping. I can't sleep. The noise is too much. I have woken up twice to terrifying roaring. I am drinking to try and calm down.
    19. BlueMoon86
      Today the T has mostly been below the noise of the huge fan. Had a nap. BIG MISTAKE. HUGE SPIKE. I cannot nap.
      1. BrOKeN_1 likes this.
    20. BlueMoon86
      The occlusion effect is apparently especially bad with low frequencies. My hearing loss and T is low frequency so that makes sense.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    21. BlueMoon86
      Never used to be this way. I slept on the deaf side for months with no problem. Used to wake up to reduced sound, now it's skull splitting.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. Juliane
        Are you deaf in one ear?
        Aug 11, 2024
      3. MiaVIL
        are you not a candidate for a CI?
        Aug 11, 2024
    22. BlueMoon86
      Sleeping is complicated. Lean to the deaf side I get occlusion effect hissing. Lean to the hearing side I get overwhelmed by droning.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    23. BlueMoon86
      I just don't feel things anymore. I am not moved by things any more. That's what this has done to me.
      1. Juliane, 4Grace, ECP and 3 others like this.
      2. 4Grace
        Understand. Sorry ❤️
        Aug 5, 2024
    24. BlueMoon86
      I watched a film with my dad last year that brought me to tears. I couldn't imagine doing that now with this massive DURRRR noise in my ear.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    25. BlueMoon86
      Can I enjoy any of those things though? Feel them? Lose myself in them, in the memories, in the moment? No. No I can't.
      1. 4Grace
        Wow these posts hit home for me
        Aug 5, 2024
    26. BlueMoon86
      My mum says I need to try. I need to still do those things every day just like I used to. I need to do all the things we used to do.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        There is little understanding. Family thinks I’m just depressed. I mean I am but with very very good reason.
        Aug 5, 2024
    27. BlueMoon86
      Can I still watch TV and hear it? Yes. Can I play a video game and hear it? Yes. Can I listen to music and hear it? Yes.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
    28. BlueMoon86
      I was always destined to be at a catastrophic level, even if I didn't have hearing loss and start pretty severe.
      1. 4Grace and _Shoto_ like this.
    29. BlueMoon86
      I would have blown even the mildest noise out of proportion as I see so many on other forums do. Tinnitus and I are incompatible.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        So true. I did that when it began in one ear for me. Now I am 100 x worse.
        Aug 5, 2024
    30. BlueMoon86
      My tinnitus is very loud but I have to be honest, no level other than zero would have ever been acceptable to me.
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        Aug 5, 2024
      3. MiaVIL
        I would take a 1-2/10
        Aug 11, 2024
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Sudden Hearing Loss