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  • I remember having covid in August. Couldn't leave my bed, wasn't even able to talk or open my eyes for 2 days. At least no T spike lmao
    Eric N
    Did it affect your taste and smell?I lost like 60% smell and some taste ... I'm only on day 15 hoping it recovers, it's pretty scary stuff. I had some aggravations in some tinnitus tones but its probably from Tylenol not COVID
    @Eric N it took my friend 14+ days after symptoms subsided to fully recover her taste. I lost partial taste and it took a few days to come back. I didn't actually realized it and thought it was just Covid being an asshole. I shocked my tastebuds when I ate spicy food and it almost all came back the next day or so.
    I always wear mask in public, and I leave my apartment only once a week. And I'm still getting covid infections. Unbelievable...
    What kind of mask are you wearing? Do you have a proper fit?
    Got covid again. I had it less than 2 months ago. Unbelievable. Anyway, it did not spike my T back in August, so... There's a small hope!
    covid is shit. if i could, i would burn it to ashes
    It's so hard to find a restaurant that doesn't play music at 90 db...I had to eat at Panda Express once again because it's 50-65 db inside
    Panda Express is my guilty pleasure. Love that place.
    Gabapentin does not help T spike but it does make music sound much better. Ugh. Too bad I can't enjoy it at all :(
    Was filling papers for green card replacement and it says the cost is 700 dollars.What the hell. Looks like I'm permanently illegal now lmao
    I lost my green card and I don't have any other documents at all. Thank god that one pharmacy chain in Texas that doesn't ask for ID lol
    On the other hand I found a new doctor who is able to prescribe me gabapentin. Thank got I didn't order it from India illegally for $50...
    While acoustic trauma occured yesterday at 10:05 pm, my T spiked only today at 1:22 pm. This means you can get spike even a day or two later
    Yayyyy. I got a T spike in my left ear today! Yaaay! And all of this because I took off headphones for A SECOND when mom was at home. Yay!!!
    The worst thing is to sleep in earmuffs for construction workers. My head and neck hurts. But my mom is so damn loud. I want peace...
    Why did I take off my headphones for a minute knowing damn well I'm with my mom and she can do something horrible. What whas I thinking...
    Okay, I took off my headphones for 2 seconds and this happened. I am not taking them off when she is at home or I am outside. Fuck it
    Mom dropped a glass vase in a new apartment without carpets and furniture. The sound was INTENSE. Smartwatch showed 91 db. Why._.
    The dead silence about Auricle device is so unfair to people who are suffering on a daily basis for many months and years :c
    I hope moderate vibration is not dangerous to ears... uncomfortable as hell but not dangerous
    My new apartment has a huge HVAC unit right above my bedroom. The whole room is vibrating 24/7... But I love my bedroom :c
    Update. I'm surprisingly fine. Can't believe Clonazepam and 20mg or prednisone saved my butt (once again). Still in shock tho
    Literally my life depends rn on 1 mg of clonazepam and 20 mg of prednisone. I know you have to take 50 for acoustic trauma but I'm scared..
    50 mg of Prednisone or 50 tablets of 10 mg prednisone
    I was always getting spikes in my T but it was never the loudest of the sounds. September 9 is the day when I ruined my life once again lmao
    I can't believe. No way those scary stories about headphones are the truth. You can't use them even if volume is below 10%...I am shaking
    I can't believe I worsened my T by 50% less than 2 months before my one year anniversary of this hell
    I am getting flashbacks about November 24th... autumn is just not my time of the year is it?
    It happened. Severe spike while listening to music on a 5% volume out of 100. I am out of words...I took 10mg prednisone immediately. Idk...
    My smartwatch registered 107 decibels while I was sleeping and they were blowing leaves. I was in earplugs but...oh well. I hate it there :(
    Not to sound dismissive, but I sincerely doubt 107 decibels reached your ears through your window. Hopefully you can rest a little easier. Even if it reached in the 90's, while it's possible to cause pain and aggravate tinnitus, it's unlikely to cause any permanent damage in such a short period of time.
    I was deep in my sleep when they started blowing leaves right by my window. Now my ears ringing 40% louder. I had no time to react! Fuck.
    This day is so fucked up man. That apartment is so fucking bad. I don't want to move there. But I already paid fucking money...
    Is there such thing as a rental tribunal / tenancy rights service in your country? That condition would be considered illegal here and can be reported. Is it seriously legal there to not clean black mold?
    And it's legal for landlords to not clean black mold in my state. But I don't want to get asthma...
    My tinnitus and hyperacusis were caused by black mold. The mold could make your tinnitus much worse depending if it's toxic or not. I would find any way to not move in there, if you can stay with family. Idk man. Or possibly hire someone to clean it. Sorry this is happening tho, mold sucks
    Was seeing my new apt today. Every vent is in black mold. I know they won't clean it. I don't know what to do. I already paid for apt...
    I love living in a small town of 300K people instead of NYC or Chicago. So cool when none of 70 doctors in your city heard of your problems
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