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  • My ENT confirmed that no neurologists prescribe nerve pain medications for Nox/TTTS in my state... Why the fuck this happened to me.
    Is there a particular med you're interested in trying, and is there a primary care doctor or ENT who can prescribe it for you? My PCP has offered to prescribe me nortriptyline or clomipramine, even though the neurologist she consulted on my behalf told her that there are no recommended meds for my condition.
    Getting fake diagnosis to get the most basic meds is not new for me but neuropathy sounds complicated. Plus, they might force me to do MRI..
    Is getting fake neuropathy diagnosis hard? I've called 9 neurologists in my state. They refuse to treat Nox nerve pain/TTTS. Time for plan B
    Noooo. I got hissing T and diplacusis again in my left ear. It went away 3 times so I pray this time it will do the same thing. God please.
    My hyperacusis is 0.5/10 thanks to COVID and fever. So weird, I can touch plastic bags now without ear protection!
    Due to fever caused by COVID my clicking sounds in ears changed! For the first time in 9 months. Now it's only left ear instead of both. Wow
    Emergency room doc prescribed me azithromycin for COVID. It's worse than placebo... pharmacist is laughing so hard. I can't stand doctors...
    I'm shocked I don't have T/H worsenings from severe COVID. I'm almost died this night. Yet nothing changed. I'm so glad y'all have no idea
    In emergency room rn. Sever COVID diagnosis. Heart rate 250. They can't prescribe anything scheduled so DXM cough syrup and promethazine
    Tomorrow going to urgent care to check for COVID/influenza. I'm interested what is going on with me
    Took off one earplug while talking to my mom and she suddenly started coughing. So painful. I can't believe I have to keep them all time
    By the way. Dextromethorphan (DXM) is not ototoxic fever reliever. In fact, it protects cochlea and auditory nerves according to studies
    Day 3 of fever. I feel much better. And for some reason my T/H are much better than before. I can't believe something good happened to me :)
    I can't believe I got COVID without leaving my house more than 1, maybe twice per month. My mom got sick and we share the kitchen/bathroom:(
    I can't believe all fever medicine is ototoxic. Acetaminophen/paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin, dextromethorphan... Boy am I a lucky guy.
    My body temperature rn is 100F(38.1C) and I feel awful. Can't taste anything. Finally got COVID after 4 years. No change in T/H tho..
    COVID is absolutely everywhere rn, spreading like wildfire
    Took off my headphones for 22 seconds and my mom dropped a vase 5 meters away from me. No comments. I can't live with a live person. Like...
    That's just how it is living with "roommates." It was the same living with a roommate as well as now with family. You can be prepared for your own accidents but it's impossible to be ready for other people's.

    I mainly stay in my bedroom. With my roommate I had a bedroom and an office that was decked out with couch and home theater, and I just stayed in there.
    Whenever I do leave the confines of my own space, it's always with earplugs. Helps keep me safe.
    I am just in shock. Today's day completely killed trust in doctors. I just wanted to get gabapentin and pregabalin, but that's impossible...
    I can't believe I was trusting doctors when I was a kid. It's bizarre how much they don't know. They actually know 2-4% of what I know.Crazy
    My ENT specialist doesn't know what hyperacusis, noxacusis, tonic tensor tympanii syndrome are. I'm shocked.She said I don't have nerve pain
    Yeah I'm not surprised... they are very rare.
    @_Shoto_ Do you have jaw or neck issues?
    I was laying down and suddenly my T has increased in volume by 90%. It NEVER happened to me, but...I hope it's temporary. It's been 10 mins
    Mom forgot for a sec I have hyperacusis and threw away the spoon and it was sooo loud. I am expecting worsening in my T/H in the next 24hrs
    I genuinely going insane in this apartment. And I'm staying in here for at least 50 days...I can't take it anymore. Crying every day
    Neighbors upstairs got a new dishwasher and it so loud I can't sleep due to vibrations coming thru the ceiling. My room is very far away...
    My neighbours washer leaked into my apartment now I have the maintenance guy coming a bunch to put the dehumidifier and do repairs. I hate living in an apartment. When it was leaking I went up to tell her to shut it off and she lied to my face and said she wasn't doing laundry. The water was soapy and smelled like detergent.
    After investigation I came to the conclusion that the vibration comes from their refrigerator and not dishwasher. Looks like they got a new fridge or it's the old one that got broken. One of the 2. Anyway I hope they will do something about it
    @kingsfan are the dishwashers 100 years old ? lol. my dish washer is not even 55 db.
    Took ibuprofen for cluster headache and woke up without ear pain and hyperacusis. The best 4 hours of my life. Too bad it's ototoxic...ugh
    Suddenly my ears hurt. Like just hurt. I feel like my cochlea is inflamed. And it's going to be weekly like this forever...nice :)
    I love fleeting tinnitus. Happens once in a blue moon but it feels so great to not hear ringing for 2-5 seconds. It's so euphoric
    They just changed my apartment unit...I do hope it's still 2nd floor and the windows are facing southwest but... knowing my luck. Hahahahah
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