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  • Hello, is your tinnitus any better now?
    Hi. Sorry for taking so long to respond - I just saw your message. It definitely got better over the past few months, but about a week ago it got worse due to additional noise exposure.
    @Yosemite some days ago you advised me Ambroxol. My main issues are loudness hyperacusis and tinnitus.
    Can you share your experience with Ambroxol? Will it help for T and loudness H?
    @aab Nope. I didn't notice any changes to my T or loudness H while taking it. It helped my pain H (a.k.a Noxacusis) though.
    (4/4) I don't know what to do with myself. My anxiety is through the roof.
    (3/3) In the past I managed to recover from noise-related spikes, but this SSRI worsening is something else.
    @Yosemite - I really feel this. Are you still in the ADs. The firs5 few weeks can be hell before you start feeling better. Can't believe that most meds make this condition worse. I cannot imagine anything worse then this noise.
    @4Grace No. I stopped taking it after 3 days, as the T & H worsened.
    (1/1) It has been 33 days since I began to worsen due to 3 doses of Lexapro, and the T is absolutely unbearable. More than ever.
    @RunningMan I figured that if the T was going to subside, it would already have by now.

    The change in serotonin level has probably caused the issues in your gut. The question is why they haven't resolved yet if the medication has already left your body?
    Exactly. The stomach discomfort came on immediately with my first dose of Sertraline, never taken on empty stomach. Switching to Lexapro didn't help. I thought it was just a temporary side effect during adjustment to the med, but I had some of my worst pains in weeks 5 through 7 of Lexapro. I thought the discomfort would fade soon after weaning off, but no. Just hoping it improves.
    That chirping tone that came on while on the SSRI's did seem to fade within a couple weeks or so after weaning off, although it still occurs from time to time, including just last night overnight when I woke up. I didn't think my primary hissing and ringing sounds were ever affected, but they're variable anyway.
    You mentioned you were severe for two weeks. You feeling any better? When I'm around noise my ears seem to warm up. Could be the stress. Hope you are doing better.
    Hi. Just saw your message. My T is still severe 80% of the time. I also deal with pain H, and it's all due to Lexapro. :(
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