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  • Setback Nr. 5 within 37 months because a dumb waitress laughed very close to my bad ear. Probably enchroaching severe level by now.
    Man, loud tinnitus is bullshit. My first level was 1/10, second one 3/10 and now I'm at 5-6/10, so exhausting. How did it end up like this?
    My afterimages suddenly reduced by 90%, so basically gone. Feels like something clicked in my brain!
    Still the same today! Although they were mild to begin with. Anyway, I noticed it when it didn't feel like glare when watching at high contrast situations that would normally give me negative afterimages.
    Why do all us have such bad luck to have to endure this? I wonder if I can really habituate to this increase (little change so far).
    So, firework increased my T from 1,5-2/10 to 3-4/10, and that dog barking to 4-5/10 (delayed spike). I'll have to life carpe diem I guess.
    Habituating again is hell. I do not look forward to the next three years until I can get FX-322 or whatever treatment.
    Did one of these online tests for frequencies. Still goes to 15k. Those tones also still knock my T out for a moment.
    Having my first spike. Went to carneval yesterday. Volume was moderate, but an idiot blew off firework closely.
    T used to be a comfortable 2/10 (was habituated). Now it's a 3/4-10 and have some ear fullness. Already taking NAC and curcuma.
    Half year in, not much of a change for 5 months. Habituation-wise either my T or my VS bothers me. Hard to tune out both.
    T has been very low for a week. Seems to go down the less I think about it. Weird. VS stable, doesn't bother me much anymore.
    Found the pitch of my noise damage. Must be between 16-17khtz. Could hear the sound in my left (good) ear, but not in the right ear.
    Guess I react supersensitively on some minor loss, eh... (I mean, who in my age group hears that frequency anyways?)
    I feel terrible. I want to go back to the time where I only had my T. VS worsened in the past days.
    Now I'm having increased trailing, flickering and problems with depth perception. Why does it have to keep worsening? :(
    Experiencing my first real spike. Now it's moderate. Wonder if it was bus driving without plugs. Otherwise it could be anything.
    Quiet room stage T now for a while (except for some occasions it fluctuates up). But have mild visual snow now... :)
    I feel mostly habituated. But T was low this week. 2-2,5. Maybe 3 when I wake up in night.
    More habituation. T is calmer, but volume around the same (mostly a bit above silent room stage).
    Ah yeah, my fluctuations seem pretty much all related to stress/tension. Makes it harder to estimate how much fading I've got so far.
    When relaxed T is just above silent room stage. I wouldn't be unhappy though if it faded to zero, but it's ok as long as I don't get spikes.
    I also spike bad with anxiety :( so hard to control when you've lived with anxiety all your life.
    So I had 5 very low days in a row, yesterday slightly up, today a bit up again (so now a bit above quiet room stage again).
    Saturday afternoon: very low T. Sunday: almost gone. Monday: bit up (bad sleep), but still very low.
    Couple notes: T keeps changing slowly (unclear though if for the better) and I've started to habituate (pretty mild T, so no wonder).
    High-frequency H bothers me a lot more. Girls laughing makes my ears hurt, even with ear plugs. Luckily my T seems quite spike resistant.
    Sometimes I wonder if it's really going down or just longterm fluctuations. It has changed, but not so sure about volume. =/
    Short update: had one mediocre-good week, now four very good days with once 15 seconds of total silence.
    Today was the quietest morning if had so far, a new low. Afternoon was slightly louder, but stlll quiet room stage.
    Hmm so weird. Friday night was quite high, today was a mixed bag of everything (very low, high, low, high...). Wonder what it will be tomorrow.
    T feels a bit louder again today, but it fluctuated quite a bit today. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just imagining it going down^^
    The things that have clearly faded in these 6 weeks are H (quite a bit for the first week) and my sound got a lot better (mild TV hiss now, used to get intermitent ringing now and then).
    Monday was quiet room stage, today I seem to get another day. T must be at around 1db. Bad sleep though because of congested nose.
    Bill Bauer
    If and when it fades, please let us know. Also please let us know if it doesn't fade in 6 or 12 months (and it remains at 1 dB).
    I will, definitely. However it might already be gone this weekend. This morning I can only hear it in dead silent rooms and high fluctuation.
    Bill Bauer
    Please let us know when you can't hear it even when you wear earplugs in a quiet room. That is the ultimate test.
    Opened the package for my new earmuffs. It opened with an explosive bang. If I get a spike from this I'm gonna be real mad.
    Might have been lucky because the bang was more on the lower frequency. I only have h on very high frequencies.
    I'm glad it's subsiding. I've been very careful with things that can pop myself. HAHA.
    So far I'm mostly back at the point where I was a week ago. Hope it stays there/vanishes completely. ^_^
    Damn, it's louder again, feels like a setback of 2-3 weeks, and that so close to it being gone. Wonder why it went up. -_-
    Bill Bauer
    It was unrealistic to anticipate losing T within a week. It is more realistic to anticipate not having it more than a year or two in the future.
    Wouldn't say that. Mine started mild and after week 2 I made clear progress with every week. Some do/would recover in a short time if they don't screw up. -_-'
    Bill Bauer
    Some do, but if one still has it after a month, there is a good chance that it will take some time before one is over it (or before one gets to the "can hear it only in quiet rooms" stage).
    Quiet room stage since Sunday, but sligthly louder since yesterday. Probably stress and letting two metal pans clang together a bit...
    Very low again fortunately but a bit different, cant be more than 5db now at low fluctuation.
    I am now confident that it is fading. Had another very quiet day. At times I was close to silence.
    Another update: T reduced by 20% since yesterday. Feels like a background noise now, hearing feels more like normal (noticing small noises).
    I really hope it stays like that!
    That's good news. Hopefully it will just fade away.
    New Guy
    Great news!
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