Keith Handy

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  • Tea kettle and electric wasps at work. The low thing is in there too but less audible among the ambient sound & music. Hardly any beeps.
    My weird-ass reactive bass note is A flat (~100 Hz), but sometimes it's E flat (~155) depending on what sounds have been "imprinted" on me.
    Keith Handy
    Weird, now it was at E natural... the radiator kicked on and it was a semitone lower than my tone. It moves around.
    Keith Handy
    If this was a bad hair(s) or bad synapse(s), I would think it would stay put. Inflamed membrane?
    Ilias T
    Mine spiked yesterday and today it's a white noise fluctuating. The piercing sound stopped but it's torturing me when it comes and goes. The worst thing is that noone understands not the doctors not my family
    What does it mean that my onset was so slow it took me a few days to even notice it? Anyone else have that experience?
    Ilias T
    My onset was lighting fast. I woke up one day from my healthy self to the... Not so healthy me today. Lol.
    I don't know as mine was sudden and brought about by injury. It makes me wonder if a slow onset be from the opposite. Was it preceded by a period of stress or anxiety?
    Keith Handy
    Yes, it was.
    Work is hard. Loud environment + reactivity + over 10 KHz. Intermittent for a couple hours, but eventually it sings the song of its people.
    I'm running out of things to search, and keep seeing the same threads. :(
    It will get easier Kieth. It really will. I know what it's like - we all do on here. Blimey, I wanted to die when I first developed T. However, I've managed to accomplish great things since. :) You will get through this. X
    Feeling really down about everything right now. I keep going over everything that happened in November and I don't know how I hurt myself.
    Sometimes we just dont.. I'm right there with ya. Years of headphone abuse maybe for me. Idk
    Like Drachen mentioned, there's no point dwelling on the past. What happened, happened.
    @Keith Handy sorry to hear you're not doing great at the moment. I still think about the day before I developed T - although I try not too. However, it does become easier accepting it. Please don't be too hard on yourself. X
    Small victory: Listened to an entire song without noticing any high-pitched squeals. Hoping later this year I can enjoy whole albums again.
    I think this is quite remarkable if you've had trouble doing so in the past. I hope it only gets better for you from here!
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