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  • Rumbling or low vinrating effect in ears after dental work, is it permanent ?
    Dental work is death for T. There's no way to know if it'd permanent. Just wait and see. Good luck
    Hello, sorry to bother you I hope you're okay. I read your posts about VSS and I wanted to know if things got a little better for you? mine has gotten worse recently so I wanted to know if it can improve again.
    So bad that I want to end it all
    I'm so sorry to hear this, I hope you can find some relief soon and it gets better. hang in there!
    My VSS has gotten so severe that I can't walk properly, every montgh new symptoms leep on adding up, I just want all of this to end
    I really hate kids (actually not really)... all of thi shit happened because a rative of mine screamed into my ear..
    *queues american dad vasectomy video* Sorry about your situation friend. Stay strong.
    My ear is clicking every damn second, is that ETD ? TTTS ? Can it go away ?
    There are a myriad of possibilities, like ETD, MEM or just earwax buildup. It's best to check with your doctor/ENT what the primary cause is of your symptoms.
    ETD would click/pop/crackle when you swallow or flex your throat in a way that would open the tubes, also yawning.
    I will prbably give it a mobth, if it persists I will consult an ENT
    Still don't know why my ear distorts while talking, it makes strange robot noises... doss anybody have any idea what it might be ?
    My masseuse has this and she doesn't have tinnitus or hyperacusis
    Guys today I noticed one really strange thing and it's something new, like when lookimg at my reflection and turning away I can still see it
    @Farida, I had severe and persistent visual snow 24/7 with negative afterimages for 1/1,5 years. Now after 2 years and 3 months my visual snow is something like 80%-90% reduced. Your visual snow seems more severe than mine. Let's hope that it will get better with time.
    "@[40963:@Vassili] thank you so much for your reply"

    Oi, @Farida! What about me!?

    I helped too!
    @Damocles thank you for giving me the clue about the hgost mate :D
    Guys I'm having a shitty headache and want to take Paracetamol, I've never taken it at all, can thos cause problems with my hearing ?
    A small dose of Paracetamol isn't any harmful. But keep in mind that it's not always effective to take the pain away for some people. Every time I've taken such painkiller, it did nothing and I just had to wait it out to go away.
    You should be fine taking it. It doesn't help with my headaches, so I usually take naproxen without any issue. These medications are usually only a problem at very high doses for long periods of time.
    I took 1g Paracetamol regularly for tooth pain during two/three weeks a few months ago and it never caused any spike nor hearing problem. I hope your headache subsides soon - one drop of peppermint essential oil rubbed on the temples often soothes mine, if it can be of any help.
    Life''s actually really hard right now. Now sensations like how my chest moves or beats alongside my heartbeat, is this a heart palpilation?
    This does sound like heart palpitations btw.

    And they're rarely seriously.

    Usually just the result of anxiety (which is natural if you have tinnitus).
    @Damocles thank you sm for your reply, can frequent chocolate consumption cause this ?
    @Farida, chocolate contains caffeine, and caffeine can absolutely contribute to heart palpitations; in fact, it's a very common side-effect.
    One thing I'm really curious about, like sincerely asking, if VS is a result of having Tinnitus, isn't supposed to somehow imrpove with it ?
    I accept my VS :(
    This was hard for me too, I got VS about 3 months in? I was working and all of a sudden it just hit me at the end of the day. I thought a night's sleep would get rid of the visual static but it didn't haha. You can learn to live with it as well!
    This is really strange my one ear either distorts or makes weird sounds, only when I talk, but I have no priblme listening to anything v
    And actually idk hie describe it ? Ticking ? Clickjng ? It's something
    If you were recently sick sometimes fluid buildup up can cause a lot of weird things. I had fluid behind my ear and I almost cried because the radio sounded like metallic and distorted.
    So sick of my ear making differet sound when talking, of someone will say the same thing it won't react, but triggers when talking, TTTs ?
    I want to fucking die, this hissing isn't going away how did I go so suddenly from near silence to this, really crying
    Crackling in one ear ehile swallowing, is it because of the flu ? Really annoying :(
    Even my flu is gone
    @Farida, you need to give it time.

    You probably have fluid trapped behind your ears; which is common after a cold/flu.

    Like I said before, maybe try steam inhalation to speed up getting things back to normal.
    When your ears are unblocked, the hissing you're talking about should go away, or at least go down a lot in volume.
    May the reason of that be just distraction or this high hissing spike from flu, because I'm worried at this point
    Colds and Flus (pretty much all viruses) tend to make our tinnitus temporarily worse. Just how it is.
    Can this be case for mishearing some words ? Or is this always related to hearing-loss ? Idk happened to me twoce yesterday. Can this be because of spike or perhaps I was distracted ? And thank you for your reply
    It can absolutely be related to the Flu virus you have at the moment.

    Almost every cold/Flu I've ever had has caused me temporary hearing loss.

    Your hearing should go back to normal once you're better. But you can speed things up by inhaling steam with decongestant oil.
    Is mishearing some words considered ho be a sort of hearing loss ? Happened to me twice yesterday and I give different reply, but I hear fin
    That's a deterioration of hearing quality. It may not show up in a standard pure-tone audiogram. It could show up in a speech in noise test, where the patient hears words read at a certain (low) decibel level, masked by background noise.
    Thi there was no background noise. I think that I was just distracted and that's ehy I misinterpreted
    @Juan I''m also having a bad high-pitched spike from flu, so I think that's also most likely to be the case
    Guys, please give me some good encouraging worrds about VS to hold on, it's reslky hard to cope
    Not sure if encouraging; but I prefer my VS to my tinnitus.

    VS doesn't interfere with my sleep.
    Actually sad rn, my Tinnitus really did get better, but not my VS, it actually got a bit worse :(
    Don't worry @Farida, I've had terrible VS since I was 12 years old.

    Just avoid white rooms, and try not to look at that Blue-Eyes-White-Cat from Hell of yours.
    The whistling distortion is gone and now is replaced with several new mose-code reactive Tinnitus tones, mild and tolerable
    @Farida Do they come and go or you can hear them constantly? Was this a result of the Valsalva?

    My Valsalva resulted in exacerbating the tones that used to come and go.
    They come on go.
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