Monkee Man
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Sep 16, 2024 at 1:32 AM
Mar 18, 2022
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Monkee Man

Member, Male, from United States

Went to two great (indoor!) concerts in the past month with proper hearing protection without any serious spiking. My soul needed that :) Mar 19, 2023

Monkee Man was last seen:
Sep 16, 2024 at 1:32 AM
    1. 4Grace
      1. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        Hey Frank, yes I still pop in a few times a week though I’m not posting much these days, mostly for any updates on the Shore device/general research news. How are you doing?
        Aug 17, 2023
    2. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      Went to two great (indoor!) concerts in the past month with proper hearing protection without any serious spiking. My soul needed that :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        For sure. First show was John Mellencamp who I’ve been wanting to see for years… bought the farthest possible ticket from the stage, wore foam earplugs + X5As and took breaks during the full band parts. It was awesome!
        Mar 19, 2023
      3. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        Second show was all acoustic guitar based: Tommy Emmanuel w/ Richard Smith opening. Smaller theater and had a seat fairly close to the stage, just wore foam earplugs for this one. Only had to get out for a little bit when Tommy started doing percussion on the guitar lol. Some of the absolute greatest guitar playing I’ve ever seen.
        Mar 19, 2023
      4. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        Probably done with any shows until summer though, planning on seeing Hermanos Gutiérrez at a free outdoor bandshell show in June and I won’t be pushing my luck til then. Very grateful and satisfied from what I got to see/hear!
        Mar 19, 2023
        Sammy0225 likes this.
    3. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      Hyperacusis + Hearing Loss = Hearing the bubbles in your seltzer can loud and clear but always responding to folks with “I’m sorry, what???”
    4. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      So tired of missing out, so tired of feeling like the world is attacking me, so tired of feeling like a prisoner to this bullshit condition.
    5. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      My neighbor is mowing their lawn while simultaneously vibrating/electrocuting my brain… and they have no idea. Happy Hump Day!
      1. NTV, Damocles, NYCGuy and 2 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        Hump Day again already?

        Time moves so fast; days are a blur.
        Nov 16, 2022
        Monkee Man likes this.
    6. Sammy0225
      How many months did it take for your reactiveness to chill out? I’m on month 4 and it’s seems to have gotten a lot better
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        I have been able to go back to listening to music, mostly on my bookshelf speakers, as well as in the car and on a Bluetooth speaker, though I can’t crank it like I used to. Headphones are not an option anymore.
        Nov 17, 2022
      4. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        Unfortunately, I’m still unable to go to concerts and it will likely remain that way as it’s impossible to cut down the low frequencies (bass, kick drum, etc.) with hearing protection. Really sucks to have that ripped away as shows were my happy place for years.
        Nov 17, 2022
      5. Sammy0225
        I know the feeling man trust me music was my outlet I envy the people who can mask there t with music and sound. My reactiveness has calmed down alot and I listen to music but low volume same as you I can’t crank it up anymore. This whole ordeal has given me PTSD at one point I was scared by little noise would worsen me. I had to break from that mindset
        I hope one day you fully recover and can enjoy live music again
        Nov 17, 2022
        Monkee Man likes this.
    7. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      I never could’ve imagined life becoming so horribly difficult. No one ever said life would be easy but… GADDAMN!!
      1. tpj, Guywithapug, Damocles and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Leila
        Yeah, nobody who hasn't suffered from tinnitus / hyperacusis / ... themselves is capable of understanding what having to live with this condition really means. Don't give up!
        Jun 19, 2022
        Monkee Man, ThomasF, sakrt and 3 others like this.
      4. Snake
        Do we still live? We're robbed of life.
        Jun 19, 2022
      5. olu
        I feel much...just come back from film festival - not even able to watch one movie....
        Jun 19, 2022
        Sammy0225 and Monkee Man like this.
    8. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      Losing so many things I took for granted before T&H has made me better at counting the blessings I still have… sometimes.
      1. Steph1710, tracyNYC, Marshall and 3 others like this.
    9. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      Do y’all believe it’s foolish to maintain hope that regenerative treatments (FX-322/345, OTO-413, etc.) could possibly help fix hyperacusis?
      1. Foamearplugssuck
        not if it keeps you going
        May 9, 2022
        Rockman, Marshall and Monkee Man like this.
      2. kingsfan
        Not foolish at all
        May 9, 2022
        Steph1710, Rockman and Marshall like this.
      3. Travis Henry
        Travis Henry
        I wish mine wasnt so bad and could make it. My ears burn off of any sounds.
        May 11, 2022
    10. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      Great guide by the CDC on protecting your hearing. This would’ve saved my life if I’d only thought to Google “protecting your hearing” once.
      1. gameover, aura, Rockman and 1 other person like this.
      2. Monkee Man
      3. Marshall
        Should be in school curriculum
        May 8, 2022
        Monkee Man and Rockman like this.
      4. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        Damn right.
        May 8, 2022
        Marshall likes this.
    11. Monkee Man
      Monkee Man
      I miss live music so fucking much. It’s as if I’ve been permanently banned from all my favorite places. Dammit I want my old haunts back! :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Foamearplugssuck
        god I was just thinking this. it's so hard when something you love so much is taken away, but everyone else gets to enjoy it still. we're in the worse timeline lmao.
        May 7, 2022
      3. Monkee Man
        Monkee Man
        @Foamearplugssuck No kidding man, it was such a drag not being able to go to shows during the pandemic. Felt so great to have live music back for a few months… now it’s like I got sucked back into the COVID era forever, fuckin’ hell!!
        May 7, 2022
        Foamearplugssuck and Steph1710 like this.
      4. Steph1710
        I developed tinnitus after two months in lockdown. 2020 was the shittest year of my life. I ended up with eye problems, lung problems. Don’t know what happened. My body just fell apart. On another note, a dog barked near me earlier. It’s been 3 hours & ears still hurt.
        May 7, 2022
        tniuf, Monkee Man and Marshall like this.
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  • About

    United States
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise Exposure/Acoustic Trauma