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  • I'm so tired of this. I feel so alone in it too. 23 and no one that's dealing with this I know.
    Totally get that even at my age with a family. That's why I ended up in these forums.
    Yep.. nobody in my immediate circle anyways. Surprisingly though alot of people I know have it to some extent.
    Waiting for this holiday to be over. In house with earplugs in. So loud. People start in the day so I can't even sit outside for a week
    I stocked up on groceries before the weekend and haven't stepped foot outside since.
    It's spring, my favorite season, and I can't do anything I used to do because of chronic pain. I already had tinnitus. 23. I feel trapped.
    Hi @pleasejuststop. I saw your post on my thread and was wondering if you're doing better. When did you get the Torodal shot?
    I read you can't walk.
    Why is that?
    Sending hugs.
    @Exit I can walk now but I've developed nerve pain. I'm going in the direction of assisted death soon. Just can't take this all. Thank you for the hugs, back to you
    I'm really sorry to hear this. I thought perhaps you had autoimmune arthritis or something like that which are treated with expensive Immune therapy. Hugs again.
    Can someone please talk to me? I feel like I am in hell.
    Bill Bauer
    Have you experienced Any fading/improvement, compared to how it was three months ago?
    It was improving a little until a few days ago, after another loud noise exposure. I have to take a flight back home in a few weeks.
    it's almost the exact 5-month date since I got my torodal injection. I can say that I feel that I have improved since then though. Last night, my room was almost dead silent, and I could only hear a faint hissing sound in my left ear. I'm starting to get back on my feet again, so hopefully it means I'll go back to normal soon. How are you holding up right now?
    Thunder clap right near me, extremely loud, I was outdoors, no earplugs. Woke everyone inside up, it was so loud. Very worried about spike
    Don´t worry about such things, it´s only in the mind ... trust me i know that feeling, at one point i was even scared to run because of spikes... it´s your nervous system which causes the spikes.
    It's definitely louder. Thunder can be 120 db so I'm worried about a permanent spike. I was right near it outside.
    It will get better, just calm your nerves. If you are feeling stressed and anxious about it, it probably comes from that.

    If your hearing is the same then you have nothing to worry... it will get normal again
    In agony. Same thing every day. I'm trying to live but it's so hard. How can I cope when I already was mentally ill and depressed?
    I understand. I had some of those same issues prior to tinnitus.
    Hang on in there! I've had T for over 16 years.... In all that time it's got better and less intrusive to the point of not knowing I even had it. It's H kicking my arse these days!
    What medications are you taking to deal with the stress of Tinnitus?
    I take Citalopram which has never impacted my T. I would avoid Benzos we're possible unless you need something short term to help you through.
    Do you take benzos prn? I'm on several meds, a mood stabilizer, and Klonopin every couple days, but the mood stabilizer reduces the effects of the Klonopin. And thank you
    Hey. I just take Citalopram but that's just for my current ear problem of H which is causing me serious anxiety. Before this I took nothing at all. Don't get me wrong when I first got T at 19 I struggled for 6 months but gradually it got better and I habituated. I still have T now but I only hear it when I tune in to it. Trust me when I say you will get to that point :) T will not ruin your life.
    I really can't take this anymore.
    People here understand you. Hopefully you find strength. I recommend "Man's search for meaning" by Victor Frankl.
    Bill Bauer
    The first 3-4 months are the worst. Have you experienced any fading compared to how it was a 6 weeks ago?
    Ty Bill. I have experienced some fading from the previous spike from months ago. I think I'm just at the point where after 4 years I don't want to deal with the constant fear of spikes at all anymore.
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