Forever hopeful

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  • have you tried any medication, in particular medication for pain? (maybe gabapentin, or something else?) if so, what has been your experience like? does it worsen your tinnitus? thanks
    Forever hopeful how are you doing? Has your T gotten better? I saw a post you said your husband has T also, how bad is his T? Havnt seen you on here just wanted to check on you.
    My ears do feel fuller, I'm suppose to take it everyday. My audiologist looked in her book and Trazadone was less than 1% side effect for tinnitus.
    Forever hopeful
    @SharonBell And he thinks that there's still a very good chance it's related to my TMJ. My TMJ related headaches have gotten appreciably worse in the last few weeks along with my tinnitus. I'm getting fitted for a mouthguard. Going back to PT for my jaws. But I'm really terrified this is a permanent worsening and I have no idea how I'm going to live with this.
    Yeah a lot of people put different comments on here about medicine and how it affects them. Do you take Trazadone every day?
    Forever hopeful
    Do you still take trazodone? My doctor prescribed it for anxiety. I just started taking it again and I'm just scared it's going to make my tinnitus worse. I have seen so many people say different things about it not so good. It has been helping me sleep better, I havnt noticed yet if my tinnitus feels louder.
    Hearing test today! Wish me luck please.
    Went to dinner for my husband's birthday. Used the heavy duty ear plugs. Listened to my ears scream all night. Even the drinks didn't help.
    I do sometimes wonder if the occlusion effect we experience does more harm to our ears and tinnitus than the surrounding noise we are trying to protect from. I wear ear protection of some form outdoors due to my reactivity, but the occlusion effect can be very loud and intense, especially when talking and eating.
    Forever hopeful
    @MindOverMatter Agreed but every place is loud now. And I find myself angry when others come in to dine and ruin my quiet.
    Forever hopeful
    @DeanD. Hope not. I try really hard not to eat crunchy things. Last night the sound of my voice wasn't very loud because the ambient noise was loud enough. I noticed the occlusion effect of my own voice mostly it's quiet around me. Which is almost never the case in a restaurant.
    Anyone get intermittent roaring in head when congested? This happens to me when I get a bad head cold. Don't have it otherwise.
    Forever hopeful I put my comment on there from the question you asked.
    Forever hopeful
    @SharonBell Looked online to see if congestion can cause head noise. And it all pointed me towards tinnitus. Whaaat? It's not like I have it normally. Tuesday tried to take a nap and my head started making the noise and nose itched. This am I woke up and I turned over and it started making that noise so got up b/c it was irritating. The minute I got up it stopped. 10 hrs later I have a full blown head cold.
    Forever hopeful
    @SharonBell It never used to bother me because I always assumed was related to my head cold because it was the only time it ever happened to me. I wonder if I'm just freaking out about it because I'm in a spike and I'm just freaking out about everything right now.
    I think mine is from my extended high frequency hearing loss. I know the brain causes my noise because I have hair cell damage and then the brain is coming up with sound to take the place. Mine is all the time.
    A lot of people think they have hair cell damage, but until they get an OAE or get tested at a tinnitus clinic. I can say that I think normally if it's noise induced it's normally constant, very loud. I know I read yesterday that normally your tinnitus is going to be as loud as what your test said, like mine was extended high frequency and that's how mine is.
    ENT standard frequency test was ok. I had a high frequency test at tinnitus clinic and it was very bad. Right ear-110db@10k,90db@12.5, 60db@16k. Left ear was 20db@10k,20db@12.5k,40db@16k. Mine is so bad I believe that is whyIT IS 24/7 in my ears and head buzzing-static. So right was sever profound extended high frequency and left was mild. Hair cell damage again I believe made mine louder.
    Pure tone ring in the L ear is back. Had it x 1 month pst spring. Had it x 5 months in 2021 following HL. HL resolved as did T.
    Pure tone is the worst. I get it very rarely thankfully, but when I do get it, it's tough to deal with. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Ugh this spike. Not helping that my mom was placed in hospice. Dad died then past March. Too much. Wish T would settle.
    Massive spike. Been doing well. Went to restaurant on birthday with ear protection. Now reactive even higher pitched T.
    Forever hopeful
    Agreed. So unfair. And I take care of my hearing.
    Going through (what I hope is) a high pitched spike of my own. When the pitch gets even higher it always worries me more, as my spikes are usually volume related.

    Hope your spike subsides soon. Crazy that in the year 2023 this is still a thing.
    Forever hopeful
    @Robster The higher pitch is the worst. Like a table saw in my ear. Probably not as loud as I experience it but so HF. Hear it over everything. Had a few good days and now back to screeching. The worst part is not being able to mask. Freq too high. Hope you get some relief.
    I have trazodone for my anxiety I can take during the day or at night for sleep. The audiologist told me it isn't ototoxic.
    Been well. Went to an outdoor grad party and didn't wear my earplugs. Now in a a spike. I was there all of 2 hrs. Such a fool.
    It will go back down. I just got over another spike.
    Forever hopeful
    Mo8409. Thanks. Sure hope so. It's so annoying when you've been doing well for a while and then all of a sudden bom. Per my DecibelMeter and it was only 70 dB to 80 every now and then. It was outdoors so it's diffused. It wasn't even a giant party maybe 40 people. Still kicking myself. I mean I know it certainly wasn't loud enough to damage my hearing. But I have to remind myself that noise makes tinnitus worse.
    Hello - I would say far from being a fool. Happy you did not miss out. The anxiety from missing out may have been worse for your T. With that sound level spike should be temporary.
    I saw that you took Prednisone and it seemed to help the hearing loss. Did the hearing loss worsen after it got better like the tinnitus did, or was it just the tinnitus that came back? I did 7 days of Prednisone and it seemed to have helped but a few weeks later (currently now) my improvements seemed to have regressed :(
    Forever hopeful
    @Nick23 Sorry. I've literally been off ofTT for a few months. I guess you can tell the pattern of T spikes by the frequency of my posts.

    As for the prednisone, sometimes if have a really spike. I always do about 21 days. The first 2 weeks at a higher dose 60/ 50/ 40 mg.
    Forever hopeful
    @Nick23 I usually use it if I suspect inflammation. Because that's really the only point of taking it. I've had hearing loss in the past and it's really helped. Right now I'm on it because I've been sick and I have a massive massive spike going on right now with reactive T. I think the worst spike I've ever had.
    Forever hopeful
    @Nick23 started couple hours after I was out to dinner for my birthday a week and a half ago. Very loud restaurant but I used what I thought was pretty ample protection. But I also came off the heels of being sick for 3weeks. It's so hard to know what causes a spike. And now evidently reactive T is a form of hyperacusis. My Audiologist said it could be that I'm overprotecting. All I know is I want it to end.
    how is your spike now? i hope it settled for you? :)
    Should of listened to my instinct and left. Part of me was worried people will be sick of me moaning about sound and my ears so I stupidly stayed. My bf and mum both have T and they were not affected at all by the noise no spike or nothing. Just me as per usual. Euuggh feel so stupid. @Forever hopeful
    Aslo managed to catch a cold which caused me to cough so bad my head felt like it was going to explode and also TMJ has flared up. So many causes that it's hard to pinpoint one. Knowing my luck it'll be the fair. I'm so careful around sound too and have been for 18 months. I hope despite everything you've had going on you are fairing well @Forever hopeful
    Forever hopeful
    @Strawberryblonde, After a brutal month long spike it is finally calming down. Not at baseline bit much better. Dealing with mom in hospice was too much. Had to step back and start taking care of myself.
    Major spike in high frequency tinnitus. Hope it is related to stress of the loss of my father and then a very good friend and lack of sleep.
    Just Developed MEM. What the heck? Like I don't have enough stress?
    @Forever hopeful I'm doing good this week. Feeling the closest to my old self than I have in a long time :) is anything helping you with your MEM at the moment?
    Forever hopeful
    @Strawberryblonde, so happy to hear you're doing better. Fingers crossed that it continues. My MEM isn't too bad right now. I usually get it every 2 days. The anxiety of waiting for it to happen is worse I think than when it happens. I've also developed an eye twitch on that side as well. Trying to massage my jaws fir TMJ. I also take a small dose of clonazepam and I think that that helps with the MEM
    Fingers crossed that it dissaptes to a point that its not bothering you as much @Forever hopeful
    Anyone have fluctuating hearing on their audiogram? I know variation is normal but i lose hearing and gain hearing. MD doesn't know why.
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