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  • Flying sucks. I have some kind of eutachian tube issues and my right ear stays clogged for a day after. No help from earplugs (for flying)
    I went to my second concert after my tinnitus started. And I loved it. I stayed far away from speakers and used ear protection.
    But on the other hand my tinnitus has got worse (the loud humming/roaring part) in the long run. Hyperacusis is luckily better.
    I have recovered from severe hyperacusis to the point I no longer use earplugs outside most of the time and tolerate sound again better.
    I had noxacusis at first after acoustic trauma for months. Then my H has been more like loudness hyperacusis slowly when time has passed
    I had to use earplugs when I left my home for a long time. I stopped doing that last summer/autumn..
    Also not pushing myself too hard helped with noxacusis. It was important not to push my limits too much.
    A small kid screamed loudly like less than one meter away from me next to my ear at grocery store.
    I never knew ultrasonic bird repellers exist but my gosh these are torture machines for a person who can hear sounds they make and has T
    I'm only now realizing this is what I heard quite a while ago (before onset dysacusis) working delivery in a certain neighborhood when I walked past one of the houses there. Those things should be forbidden.
    There was loud ultra ultrasonic/high frequency repeller at place I went today to keep birds away. It felt so uncomfortable in my ears.
    My tinnitus feels like something is covering my ear and there is an echo chamber, seashell type of loud roaring that is driving me nuts.
    My tinnitus spike caused by syringing and microsuction did not calm down in the end. I cant habituate to this awful roaring tinnitus sound
    Why does my own voice sound so quiet... Why do I have roaring seashell sound in my ear with a weird echo effect. Why does music sound bad..
    @HearingHell Sorry to hear you're also dealing with dysacusis, it's a hearing issue I never knew even existed until I got it but I guess that goes for everyone. I hope one day it'll just kind of disappear but after almost two years I don't know if that'll still happen lol.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I havent done audiogram for 1,5 years. Going there soon. I have had 25 db-10 db losses in some frequencies in the past.
    @HearingHell I am sorry to hear that. I have had audiogram that has been considered as normal hearing (going to get my hearing checked out after this latest 24/7 loud roaring) and still I have these awful distortions
    I regret ear syringing and microsuction so much. ENT did syringing three times and then microsuction.
    Microsuction shattered my life.
    I @cyberspace Sorry to hear that :( I am so angry I have struggled for months after that stupid procedure. I believe it caused some hearing loss
    Seashell tinnitus and loud roaring in my ear. I hear the weird seashell distortion even when I try to mask it. My hearing feels weird
    I dont care anymore about this life. Everything sucks with tinnitus. I am sick of trying to be positive and still struggle every day
    Sorry to hear that. I am only 1 year. My hope I will be any better is waning. Not with that amount of damage/loudness I have.
    Almost 2,5 years of this tinnitus hell. Tinnitus has not got easier. Life sucks every day. I always make mistakes and make my T even worse
    I felt like I managed with my tinnitus better but after microsuction I feel like I don't deal with t anymore.
    I asked from ENT not to use microsuction because it is so loud but ENT thought there is no other solutions to remove impacted earwax :(
    I'm sorry Sointu, my ENT insisted on doing microsuction too. I hope your spike goes down soon. :(
    Usually impacted wax can be softened with ear drops, and then carefully removed manually with a curette. Anyhow, what's done is done. I've been there myself, and the situation can not be reversed. But your condition can get better, and for most this is a spike. Not permanent worsening. Try not to beat yourself up about it @Sointu , and let time heal you.
    In the future I am definitely not making the same mistake ever again. Thanks @MindOverMatter for tips and @TheCapybara for your kind words!
    I have horrible tinnitus spike after ENT first trying to syringe then microsuction the impacted earwax away.
    I hope my sudden pulsating tinnitus leaves after ENT removed impacted earwax that could be the cause. :(
    Yep. Pulsating tinnitus left (thankfully) after earwax removal but ironic is that overall my tinnitus is worse than before removal. It would be amazing if ENTs had tools that wouldnt be so loud.
    I still can't consentrate because of tinnitus. I have thought about starting to study again but I do not know am I able to do it.
    I say go for it. It's either find something else to do. Or put oll your energy into thinking about T. Do it safely but do it.
    Yes I'm glad I have some quiet hobbies that interest me...I literally get so bored of listening to my baseline T that my brain finds something else more interesting to concentrate on... I think it helps that my T is moderate though and I no longer care about it (must be the fight/flight response to it gone). My reactive T/Sound distortions though are more difficult to deal with.
    I still deal with fight/flight response because of my T. I feel myself so much dumber after I got tinnitus and I struggle a lot with concentration. I can do a lot of stuff but studying and writing etc feel the most challenging thing for me still at the moment. I try but it is a constant battle
    I feel like my hyperacusis has improved but at the same time my hearing feels worse
    Slowly my tolerance of sound improved within one to two years but at the same time I feel like I have started to feel more hearing issues with quality of sound. My ears still cant handle volumes such as parties and I get ear fatigue and even pain when pushing limits and my hearing fluctuates.
    At the same time when my hyperacusis has improved my hearing feels worse, the quality and things sound quieter and less clear. I still have hyperacusis too but like I said it is easier but I cant tolerate sound levels that many people normally do tolerate (I avoid movies, bars, parties). I have especially issues adapting to different sound levels and ear fatigue. I still have reactive tinnitus too.
    @TindalosKeeper And I feel like my hearing has started to feel worse at the same time when my hyperacusis has improved. Like I have gone from things sound super loud to things do not sound as clear anymore and even muffled and too quiet. But I still cant tolerate sound levels that some do.
    Ffs. A hyperacusis nightmare bike ride: two loud leaf blowers and loud angle grinder near me.
    Everything sounds quieter and more muffled. And this has lasted for weeks. I hope this just returns to normal. :(
    During my latest spike I have had a feeling like I don't hear my own voice normally and I have lost hearing and I have ear fullness.
    "oh i am sorry you have tinnitus, one person I know started drinking so much alcohol to cope with tinnitus and lost his health because ofit"
    I know benzos and benzo tapering played a large part why I got tinnitus even though I got my tinnitus because of loud noise.
    I have tried to live my life and go to loud places too with ear protection and it has been a bad idea. My hearing issues just gets worse
    @Wrfortiscue Yep. I would like to live my life as normally as possible and have fun but I know I always need to pay the price if I go to loud places
    @Jupiterman In some ways I have felt happier after doing stuff more again, I have avoided going to some places for 2 years after getting T. But I have to seriously think is it worth it still.
    @Sointu I feel like we are alike to some degree. Any positive changes over the two years? My ears just seem to be getting worse.
    I want tinnitus that is easy to mask, stays the same, that can be forgotten. Not this constantly changing T, sound distortion, reactive T BS
    The distorted gmhearing just reminds me that I've fucked my hearing up! If that's wasn't there things would sound "normal" . :(
    Yep. The distortions just make my hearing feel so messed up and I am afraid the distortions get even worse :(
    I feel like I can't deal with this anymore. Tinnitus steals all joy from my life.
    I know it sucks Sointu, distortions are the worst. Hang in there okay?
    Distorted hearing sucks. I cannot escape it even if I mask my T. I cannot forget it, I don't habituate to it. In the long run I feel like it has got worse. @TheCapybara I try to hang on, it is just so hard at the moment.
    @Sointu I know, trust me. I've had it for a year now, and it takes a very long time to settle or heal and that's without setbacks. It reacts to less things now than it did before so I have some hope these high frequency distortions will go away for us one day.
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