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  • Can in-ear-maskers make feedback sounds that are harmful for (hyperacusis) ears when they are programmed and connected to a computer?
    After my setback: New reactive hissing/sizzling ear piercing noise in my better ear combined with burning and needle sensations.
    @Jerad Yes. It is so weird. Do you have similar symptoms?
    Also external noises cause this same needle sensation in my ear. But also my tinnitus does it. When I use earplugs, this type of tinnitus drives me crazy.
    @Sointu i didn't see your message before. I have this type of tinnitus too. It causes physical sensations of pain I'm guessing due to the frequency of the t. How is yours doing now?
    My tolerance of sound dropped. My own voice burns in my ear and computer fan hurts. This is my tolerance at the moment. I can't believe it
    How to emotionally deal with setback that triggered pain hyperacusis symptoms again? The constant pain was gone for months.
    I can't sleep because I experience burning sensation in my ear and ear piercing hissing sound. I can't mask it because masking hurts.
    The sleep is still acceptable though. I go to bed at 3-4 AM. But at least i m getting a few hours of sleep.
    Reactivity sucks.
    What meds have you tried for sleep? Trazodone?
    I have tried similar stuff like mirtazapine in the past and I mostly get RLS symptoms from drugs like that. Not worth it. But thanks.
    I think I will stop trying in-ear-maskers for now. Symptoms spiking too much.
    I regret trying In-Ear-Maskers. I will not ever put those maskers anywhere near my ears again. This is intolerable at the moment. I just hope this setback resolves.
    What prompted you to try the in ear mask? Sorry it caused the spike!
    Therapist specialized in hearing issues recommended them at first. I hoped they would help with tinnitus and hyperacusis.
    Nice. I woke up to really high pitched tinnitus in my right ear that usually is silent. Yesterday evening the same thing.
    I am feeling suicidal thoughts too. I can cope better if I can sleep and mask my tinnitus and sounds don't hurt.
    I try to concentrate on things I can do and what I am grateful of instead of what I can't do and what is missing. It has helped.
    But during setbacks and spiked hyperacusis or tinnitus I sometimes have major issues to cope and I have suicidal thoughts.
    I got in-ear maskers. Like I thought, the white noise just makes my reactive tinnitus climb on top of the masking sound.
    You need to find a sound that works. White noise does that and apparently I think pink is doing that for me too. Keep at it
    My tinnitus climbs on top of pink noise too. It is more gentle for my hyperacusis ears though.
    Unfortunately there aren't a lot of masking sound options available in these cheaper ear-maskers. I have to pay a lot of more to get better ones with more sound options. I have a possibility to try and use these for free. Unfortunately white noise hasn't ever worked for me during my hyperacusis and tinnitus.
    I am constantly losing my train of thought and have constant difficulties to concentrate because of tinnitus. I hate what T did to me.
    Can you work? Or are you on fmla? I am working but I constantly check my ears
    I was studying before I got acoustic trauma. I am not able to do it at the moment. I have been thinking about restarting my studying if these hyperacusis symptoms would get more tolerable
    I also have been trying to learn to concentrate with tinnitus for months. Still major issues with it too.
    My sound distortions: Seashell sound, whistling sounds and metallic sounds. My tinnitus is also reactive.
    Going through grieving process and not being able to hear silence and ears ringing and roaring all the time is horrible. No peace and quiet
    My old dear friend, my dog, passed away two days ago. It helped me to cope with tinnitus and stay positive. I am really sad.
    I have to use earplugs outside because of my hyperacusis at the moment. I am not sure would I hear it without them. Now my right ear has started to ring and it has rang for days.
    Is your t constant or on and off?
    I think it more constant but the volume changes. Sometimes it is louder and sometimes quieter. How is your T?
    I am planning to try In-Ear Maskers soon. I don´t have high hopes these work for me though.
    Michael Leigh
    If you think negatively about the maskers not helping you then they won't. You should also be having counselling for best results. This treatment is not a quick fix, it takes time.
    I used to have really bad hyperacusis and I was not even capable of masking my tinnitus some time ago because of hyperacusis. My tinnitus is also reactive. That is why I am not sure will maskers work for me.
    I still have hyperacusis. I also feel like my tinnitus is not easily masked because there are multiple tones. Of course I really hope the maskers would help me.
    I got acoustic trauma while tapering benzos. It has been a nightmare. I don´t know will my tinnitus get even worse after stopping benzos.
    I also have noticed my tinnitus is a bit quieter after taking a benzo but I think they aren't worth it when thinking of adverse effects/benefits.
    I saw your original post, how loud were the music when you were at the concert? How long were you there?
    It was a rock concert. I dunno the decibels. I went too near the stage/speakers without earplugs, it triggered pain. Spent there only minutes until I decided to leave further away. At the festival area I spent hours, maybe it played a part too but I did not go anywhere near speakers but was standing far away. How did you get your T?
    My T.Hissing sound. Quiet jet fan noise that reminds me of a mosquito sometimes.And high pitch crickets/electrical noise.Sometimes whistle
    @JPGL yeah but my ears were already going down the tube
    I have felt too scared to take the covid vaccine because of these worsening symptoms I am experiencing at the moment. I am sorry you got harm.
    Maria Francesca
    I have a theory about the benzo hissing/electrical tinnitus. I have had it when tapering. Some random days I still get that sound, I measured my blood pressure in that days, it is above my baseline values. The theory is that that sound is caused by withdrawal vasoconstriction in the ears. It improves a bit with ginger tea, two-three bags in a cup. If you try this I am curious to know if it also works for you.
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