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  • Well, it's been 2 full years since my hearing issues began. Now onto year 3...
    From the way you described dysacusis it sounds like I struggle with that too.. It truly sucks
    How bad is your tinnitus? Do you know if you have hair call damage? Some people get tinnitus from the Covid shots also.
    @BellaMia COVID may have also contributed, as it all started 1-2 weeks after a COVID infection resolved. So maybe noise was the main culprit and COVID was the straw that broke the camel's back. However, I just got COVID again (as a New Year's gift), and so far, nothing has happened to my hearing. So who knows if COVID was really involved the first time. But I am still on the lookout for a possible delayed reaction.
    HearingHell how old are you? They told me that being older could show hair cell damage also. I'm 49 so she said they wouldn't know if it was noise damage or ototoxic it would just show damage.
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