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  • No matter how and what level you categorise your T at, we all still suffer similarly. Be empathetic & kind today friends.
    Similarly and "the same" are not precisely synonymous.
    Spiked again, but I am not rattled. Surprisingly. Slowly taking away the power this shit has over me. Just ringing.
    No anxiety. Just gratuity, hope and determination. I feel like my spirit is stronger despite the battle I'm facing. Life can't end for me.
    Dealing with my first spike in this journey after seeing some progress. But I'm not letting it kill my spirit! I refuse to.
    Yesterday was really alarming for me as my right ear was blaring. But it's back to a hiss and high rain shower again. Little wins.
    I'm either seeing major improvements in my perception of tinnitus, or that I am healing somewhat. The hissing isn't as loud.
    Thanks, my Nox luckily is mild atm, but it can get so much worse. If I'm honest there isn't near enough research going on for H/N for me to feel like there will be anything that helps anytime soon. Especially with people giving out harmful advice then gaslighting them for speaking out on it when it worsens them.
    I've definitely seen that harmful advice floating about here and the net in relation to H/N. If T is under-represented, in comparison to H/T it's basically unaddressed and ignored tenfold. Must be incredibly frustrating
    Yeah try and not listen to them, people like runningman think they are really severe and then he does loads of stuff that real severe people can't! Please just protect what you have now, and don't listen to the one's I'm sure you can tell who. I think you will be alright, as long as you protect yourself from now till there is real treatment. Spread the word about N/H if you can.
    it was an awful start to the day and I'm still awake now at 4:30 in the morning. But the anxiety isn't here. Just the ringing. I'm okay w/t
    I've noticed that the inside of my right ear hurts/is tender when I touch it... Confused right now.
    Its like I jinxed myself last night, tinnitus got worse again. I think I need to quit smoking bud as it makes it louder.
    Yeah I never went back to it for this reason, it would definitely increase the perceived noise of it I reckon
    Bud is not good for tinnitus sufferers. The cannabinoids are linked to an increase in some users.
    I definitely hear the increase. I'm pretty sad honestly, it was what I would use to get to sleep.
    I have a concert lined up for Friday, as well as another concert the next day. I'm debating on whether I should go to the 2nd.
    It is very risky even with plugs in my opinion. Some concerts can be 120db plus. Db is LOUD even with plugs at that level because the higher you go the less you get a reduction with plugs. At 150db for example, you don't get 25db reduction with 25db plugs
    Love Iron Maiden. Wish I had seen them before all of this shit started. But even when I had mild, stable T, I knew it was too risky to see them.
    Love them too mate. I'm having constructive hope for now.
    I've seen a major improvement in my tinnitus today, the ringing isn't as loud and neither is the hissing. Everything will be okay :)
    That's great to hear and yes everything will be okay.
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