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  • Loud kids screaming on the bus, my ears were hurting so much :( Feels like someone probing my inner ear with a blunt scalpel when it happens
    Give up and live my life the exact same way I did before or stay paranoid and hyper vigilant that this all could get worse. Dunno anymore
    Are you the same one who said they spent a month drafting suicide notes? If you're mild, you haven't seen anything, yet. Tinnitus has no limit. I suggest using hearing protection, avoiding loud noise, and even use double hearing protection if in doubt. This isn't something to play around with.
    I'm just wondering why on fucking earth you'd bring up my struggle with my T as a way to strengthen your point. I'm literally agreeing with you man. I get it. I don't really appreciate you bringing that up whatsoever. I just told you I would be careful.
    The reality is there is conflicting advice said on all corners of tinnitus support on the net that goes against your sentiment. I intake it all & use whats most relevant to my own experience, level of T/H and is reasonable for my location. What works for you might not work for everyone else. I take everything with a grain of salt & keep in mind the useful things. You need to realise that is the case with others too.
    When things are too loud its like they sound distorted coming off a pair of shitty speakers. Muffled. Like a recording that's peaking, lol
    I think it's pretty impossible to let my ears heal completely when I live right in the middle of a busy city with constant noise exposures..
    Just prioritizing feeling OK in the end of it all even if I'm hearing it. Sucks having to run away from sirens in public like a cat tho HA
    3 month mark. I'm coping much better than I was the first month and thank God for that! Never felt so hopeless and dire before than then :(
    A whole month thinking in detail and planning every day about how I was going to end it, drafting up suicide notes, planning my goddamn will. Fuck man. I'm only just 24. I don't wanna feel like my life is over already. Never again do I want to feel like that.
    Not really holding out for treatments as much as habituation for my T cuz I probably can't afford them when they come out anyway LOL
    "How's the ringing in your ears?" Still the same as the last time you asked that fucking stupid question. The same. Stop asking it. PLEASE !
    Why I get angry at the question though is that it brings T back into my focus again and it starts blaring like crazy! But even then when I hear it now I don't freak out the way I used to so I def don't get as frustrated when asked now & am on the right track to living a life with this yknow B-)
    I hope so! Don't wanna live like this forever ;) Fingers crossed it works out for you too @snizzleberry
    Finding hyperacusis far more annoying to navigate than T now. Sucks that loud noises just.. hurt :( No rhyme or reason. Some do, some dont.
    Whether it be hyperacusis, reactive tinnitus or dysacusis, any kind of sound reactivity really does bring this to a whole new level of awful. Stay strong brotha. We get ya.
    @beefling 110%, just makes it all the more convoluted in dealing with it ! Thanks though mate, I appreciate it :)
    I know it's hard, but keep holding on. Please. I want everyone I see on here to have a happy today & future. One day it could happen.
    The distortion, pressure + tingling I get in my ears when trucks & buses drive past is really uncomfortable :(
    Definitely not at the stage of N though. I'm confident this is just loudness H. But gonna be careful regardless
    Mate honestly wear them! Out n about or around loud people or things. I didn't at first then 13 months in I got so much worse and it's escalated from there! I'm now experiencing pain 24/7. It's not severe atm, but who knows if it will keep getting worse.
    I'd just try and rest your ears as much as you can. Let things subside
    Thinking that years before taking different SSRI/SNRI's contributed to me getting T. Maybe my auditory system was damaged from the get go :/
    The ppl I've talked to that didn't know wearing earplugs to concerts was even necessary! Blows my mind about hearing awareness here in Aus
    Loud AF smoke alarm went off in my friends house cuz we lit a joint :/ Ears were aching after :( No particularly noticeable spike. But ouch
    Be careful, like really careful pain from sound is crazy and can get so bad.
    @Utdmad89 Yeah I definitely will be a bit more vigilant - I'd hate for the pain to get more intense :((
    Do you find that nicotine spikes or quiets your tinnitus? It's the latter for me which is unusual from testimonies I've seen ?
    Idk if volume reduct or start of habituation at this point. Either way, I am grateful. I wish this + H/N didn't exist for anyone though.
    Life is moulding into its new normal. I know I'm going to be okay in the end. It's been a crazy 2 months of wrapping my head around it!
    I'm in objectively quieter rooms out and about than my 50db< city apartment, yet it only blares tenfold when I'm home. Makes no sense to me!
    I'm learning how to work with my T. Trying to stitch together my new normal with this. Habituation is my goal.
    Hearing a lower sort of mechanical whirring noise in my left ear. It's weird the new tones that this condition can throw at you randomly.
    Went away. I learn more and more about my T every day and I've finally learnt it's going to continue to surprise me no matter what ;)
    I think about all the people I saw at shows that never wear earplugs. I wanna grab them by their shoulders and tell them it's not worth it.
    I used to play shows without earplugs. When I wasn't touring it was usually 2-3 rehearsals and 2 shows a week standing in front of an 8x10 speaker cabinet. That's eight 10inch speakers. Look up Ampeg svt-810e "the fridge" or sometimes referred to as "the coffin"
    @kingsfan Woah!! And you had 8 of them set up? Must have been super loud
    Non-ototoxic antibiotic as a replacement. No gaslighting about overreacting. Took my tinnitus as a serious matter. Refreshing to hear.(2)
    Told my doctor about wanting to stop doxycycline as it's ototoxic and that I have tinnitus - listened to me straight away and gave me a (1)
    I am really starting to think that me getting COVID at the same time of noise exposure was some evil combo that gave me this
    I had some infection going on, Covid test negative. But it was the noise on top of it that did it.
    @crescentsky Antigen test manufacturers can't keep up with variants and when they are up to date they aren't sensitive enough. I didn't test positive on an antigen test until day 5 of symptoms but was positive on day 1 with PCR. The same happened with my daughter - negative antigen but positive PCR
    @kingsfan Same thing happens with my housemate - Antigen tests ALWAYS show up negative for him even if he tests positive on a PCR. I think they sometimes just dont work on all people too.
    I've started regularly smoking bud again & just toughening through the T spikes from it. Bc the constant anxiety + restlessness is torture/1
    I have been trying edibles for the first time and man they just don't agree with me. I have to get liquored up to deal with the freak outs.
    They added an additional pulse effect that got louder and louder. They made me scared.
    Having OCD when you have tinnitus is some cruel joke. Constant noise = constant attention = constant obsession = constant rumination. Ugh
    Just curious, does mold exposure affect tinnitus at all? Maybe my solution is moving house at this point, LOL
    @crescentsky I'd be more surprised if it *didn't* effect it! but I can't really find any substantial research about the correlation from looking
    Dr. Google's first link when I search says ringing is a symptom of mold toxicity...lol. I think we are doomed.
    @crescentsky I did see that it was a symptom but couldn't find any follow up research or anecdotal experiences.
    Tinnitus has just heightened my battle with OCD, I've realised. Seeking out psych support for it (with hopefully no meds )
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