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  • There needs to be more tinnitus support here in Aus, tempted to start a support group for my city so I feel less alone... Selfish maybe. Ha
    E.g. My tinnitus I hear over 50db easily, it's the hissing static kind. But I'm able to tune it out enough. I consider myself mild, really.
    What @BrOKeN_1 says here is true, @2049v. The vets and long time sufferers on boards like these with objectively louder tinnitus than my own have reinstated a lot of hope for me with their experiences.
    Anyway guys, I hope you guys get even better. That's what I wish.
    I've stopped hoping for it to go away at this point - because holding desperately onto that wish made me feel in surreal limbo of life on hold. What I hope for you is that in a few months you'll look back and notice the progress you've made. Cheers mate
    What do you guys consider "mild tinnitus"? Only hearing it in a quiet room, or is it how you handle the distress/habituate to it?
    It could be either of those things, but I believe the quiet kind is more likely to be perceived as mild. Stability helps too. When mine is both loud and reactive, it's harder to ignore.
    I'd agree with that. Initially I wouldn't have described my T as mild from how little I could habituate from it. It's nuanced. @ECP
    I went to Iron Maiden. Everything ended up being fine. No spike, no pain. I think its time to close this chapter of my life for good.
    Hiding in a quiet corner with my bong away from yelling people is now my default at parties and gatherings :')
    "Do you still have ringing in your ears?" Mate, I have a lifetime contract with T at this point. If it stopped EVERYONE would know about it!
    Is it the cause that made me have tinnitus, or was it inevitable? They say this is genetic. Maybe it would have happened regardless.
    For me there's no way around it, it's most definitely my fault I'm struggling with this. :/

    By knowingly subjecting myself to loud noise. And completely unknowning what the real consequences of that would be, well now from first hand experience they certainly aren't pretty...
    I wouldn't say you have to cop all of that blame. 1 person could go out and experience decades of noise exposure and end up with T, whilst the other experiences the same and doesn't end up with ringing in their ears. Why is that? I think there needs to be more studies and faith into the genetics surrounding T.
    My ETD sucks when I'm sick and with T thrown in on top of that now :/ Bit hard to rest to say the least. My ears are hissing and popping !!
    I hope I can close this chapter of my life soon. I hope one day I can go days upon weeks & months forgetting that I even have T & H.
    T & H are no longer ruining my life, it just makes life harder. But I can manage it; and for that I am grateful.
    I miss embracing idle time. Feels like I have 2 occupy/distract myself 24/7, I can't just *be*... Because then T rears its ugly head again!
    Dunno who this group of people you're referring to with making no progress with habituation because that doesn't apply to me @Lipshitz. If you read my posts you can tell I am doing just fine with this. Distraction comes with habituation. I'm unsure what you're going off about right now.
    Me making one negative post doesn't mean I'm in denial... Or whatever you're suggesting. Hahaha. Man I think you need to spend your time better than hanging around here and dissecting people's posted emotional rants about this. This is the forum dedicated to it. Unsure what your point is ?
    @Lipshitz id never wish anyone to get Nox...almost everyone.
    No spike from tooth being pulled. I'm grateful, but here I was semi-hoping that my wisdom tooth was affecting my T so I'd see a reduce lol
    Got mine pulled as well all 4 of them, no spike. Until now... Not sure if it's dentist appointments or just my other recent recklessness but could probably be both :(
    I would say the dentist is unrelated to your spike if its happened a few days later.
    Getting my wisdom tooth pulled out on Monday. The only thing I'm scared about with it is the procedure spiking my T :(
    The best thing out of all of this is the boards & forums and people who give me hope and humble my perspective & level of T. Appreciative
    Tripped shrooms for the first time since getting T - it made me forget I even had it for a good few hours
    I know you probably don't wanna hear it, and ultimately it's up to you and you'll do whatever. But be real careful you might do it one more time and permanently fck things up. You don't want VSS or Hppd on top of this crap. And having T amd H already leaves you more likely that this is brain related. Stay safe. I wouldn't wish the shit I'm going through on you
    @L along the way It didn't come off as crude at all! Only you giving empathetic advice. I appreciate it. I always try and take special precautions when I do it - making sure I'm sticking around 2 - 2.5 grams, making sure I'm in a good headspace + trip sitters. I'm yet to have a bad trip but I definitely don't doubt that it could happen to me one day if I get reckless. Wouldn't be game doing more than 3 grams
    @Utdmad89 Hey mate, thank you for that. I would hate for this all to get worse and you are right in what youre saying. I'll be careful not to do anything too risky or stupid. Cheers
    I need to get my wisdom tooth removed :/ I feel like it's causing a noise increase (apart from the fact its super painful FML)
    I am convinced now that mould exposure is effecting my T. New house, quiet street: the ringing is quiet. Old apartment, loud city: blaring
    Old place had major water damage, leaks and mould. My T would always be loudest at home, even though I'd be in objectively quieter rooms when out and about & not hear my T nearly as much. Coincidence or more? Starting to think the latter
    New house and neighbourhood is so quiet. I'm loving this! Only things threatening my ears are the kookaburras in the morning, ha!
    Just when I thought I had the reins on this shit. I'm terrified. I've fucked myself up
    @weehiru My advice to you is to try not to measure your t. It will only apply negative emotions, and increase your perception of t. Making it worse. A spike like this is very normal, and it will come down once you will be able to calm down again.
    I usually try and not to as its usually mild, just freaked me out hearing it even over a busy crowd
    Noise increase from a fucking bathroom hand dryer and busy mall crowd at my work. Trying not to freak out. I'm hearing it over 79 db
    I second that x10!!!!!! I wasn't even using one either, just 2 people in the bathroom using them at the same time. Made my ears hurt :( I always just shake my hands like crazy and bolt out of there before I can hear it bahaha
    I avoid restrooms with those in them. The times I haven't, I've pretty much been burned every single time. In the mall I'll usually opt for one of the anchor stores instead of the mall's restroom, like Nordstrom or Kohl's.
    Usually one is enough to have me just wincing and luckily no spike - but 2 at once... I reckon I had nearly 95+ dbs worth of handryers blasting and echoing in my ear. Spike has died down now though, thank fuck for that! @kingsfan
    Bond + deposit paid for the new house. I wonder if my T will benefit from not having constant sound exposures now :)
    I'm glad I'm able to ignore the noise increase while smoking bud most of the time because the noise increases at first were so terrifying
    Moving out of my noisy apartment to a quiet neighbourhood. No noise exposures 24/7 = good. No constant noise though also = less masking :(
    I'm just really fighting against wearing earplugs everywhere because man... I just wanna live my normal life again yknow :/ get fked T+H
    I think you guys are missing my point. I don't want to have to wear earplugs at all. I'm just lamenting the fact that I can't just go with the flow of life anymore without sound - the one thing I actually can't possibly avoid whatsoever - making it harder. I appreciate your input though and I know it comes from a good place
    I get what you're saying. I used to be able to carry a small or medium handbag everywhere, but now I carry a big one all the time so I have room for my Peltor earmuffs. I now see a small purse as a symbol of being carefree and spontaneous.
    @ECP I feel the same way about people on the bus listening to music on their headphones as that symbol !
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