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  • it started with just a little whistle/ringing but after some damage it got worse and its now static in music. its very frustrating
    has anyone had dysacusis (sound distortions) improve. it feels like I'm in a unique boat cuz I think mine comes from hearing loss
    i might have auditory recruitment instead of hyperacusis. haven't seen an ENT/audiologist since this all began.
    It is a miracle my H hasn't devolved into Nox, especially after the first few days when I was dragged to a noisy restaurant without ear pro.
    Super intrusive ringing to a mild whistle with the fan. Haven't listened to any digital audio so I don't know if that aspect has improved.
    The distortions are improving again. Had a setback like a few hours after my first post that made them worse but they're tolerable again.
    But to stay positive, the mental aspect of this is improving. Appetite is returning and I'm not bedridden, even with worsened symptoms
    Unbelievably difficult to limit noise exposure when living with 3 other people and in a house with paper thin walls.
    Ugh I know the feeling. I've tried speaking out about it but of course nobody understands and acts like I'm overreacting. Well when I can hear someone clear as day smashing pots and pans all the way from my room with the door shut, I'm just glad I'm in here and not over there.
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