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  • Did the eustachi give you instant relief or did you have to use it a while? Did you have to exercise your eustacian tubes back to normal?
    It helped the first time I used it. I used it for a few days (multiple times a day) until I felt I didn't need it any more. I still use it once or twice a week to keep my right ear from feeling full, but it was the best money I ever spent.
    Got T from 10 min loud snowmobile ride Dec 2016. At one year mark started getting T free days. New years went to friends with a six peps and no loud music but few loud spikes (yelling). Didn't wear plugs. Now, T is louder hiss that can't easily mask. 24/7 first week but second week it's becoming intermittent and can sometimes mask it. Was always able mask it before. How bad did I screw myself? Did you have setbacks?
    I had setbacks ( I still do), but the overall trend is it continues to improve. I'm sure you will be fine, it was just a minor setback
    Thanks! This was my first real set back, especially considering I was starting to get T free days sometimes several (took a long time to get to that) and to have it come back was very discouraging and scary. Definitely learn from this experience and will be even more diligent at protecting my ears.
    Hi jjflyman. On October 3rd, I was exposed to VERY loud noise in class and in a taxi, and then the tinnitus started. The good news is that the sound has been fluctuating, starting off as a buzz, then a hiss, and at the moment is a mix of a hum and electric static. I did experience a spike yesterday due to drunk family members, which hopefully will calm down soon enough. Any tips to help with the recovery?
    Thanks for the advice, just so you know, I'm 23 years old. You'll happy to know that I have been doing all my uni work via referral, and have been using earplugs whenever I've gone out of the house. Chewing gum has also helped with the ears, in addition long walks and ambient nature sounds are also super relaxing for sleeping. My diet is filled with vegetables and fruit. I have stopped using headphones to help.
    Yes, I would chew gum a lot too, it helped break up the T sound and would keep me calm. Sounds like you are doing great, and will be able to write your success story here soon. T is truly a life changing event.
    Doing that for half an hour helps to keep the time passing by, for certain. You might be interested to know that a few weeks ago when a family member went to do an errand, I woke up and it was completely silent for 4-ish hours. I will keep hope that one day I'll eventually regain my silence for good.
    Hey, can i ask you smth? When you had ear fullness and ET issues have you had some kind of weird hearing? Im almost month in my story and i noticed that while im in crowded, noisy places i hear voices weird, kind of muffled. Audiogram and tympanometry didn't shown anything wrong with my hearing. I was sure that cause of this is ET but then i read about hidden hearing loss :(
    Hi @Dem
    I did not notice any hearing issues either time I had T or ET issues, but I think everyone is affected different.
    14 months in and I am starting to get my life back. T has faded at least 80% and continues to improve.
    Did you have T in both ears?
    Hello jjflyman, how are you? I would like to thank you for the initial support you gave me here on TT. It was (and still is) super important.
    Hi @w-drak
    Doing good. T continues to slowly fade, and my H completely gone except for sudden sharp noises. I'm just over 14 months in now and am quite a bit better I still hear slight ring and hiss in quiet rooms, but it is getting better.
    How are you doing? are you still seeing improvement? I full expect my T to be a total of 2 years to fully fade
    Hello how are you feeling I hope all is well. I was wondering aboutility the ear fullness I have been suffering with this for a good while now and it's worrying me. Mri and mra are normal have seen ent and now waiting to see someone who deals with hearing and balance I hope your well thanks for reading
    I had ear fullness (and a slight ear pain) for 8 months after my noise trauma. I finally tried a device called a "Eustachi - Eustachian Tube Exerciser" it is available for around $60 at Amazon. It really helped relive my fullness. I would swallow water while using this device.
    I don't know what is causing your fullness but mine was because of the noise trauma.
    Did the eustachi give you instant relief or did you have to use it a while? Did you have to exercise your eustacian tubes back to normal?
    12 months in now, T continues to fade (slowly) H is totally gone.
    Thanks a lot. And thanks also for the initial reaction on my panic thread. I must admit I am fighting sometimes with my anxiety that appeared with T, this is important to overcome now.
    Oh, I was a basket case for the first 2-4 months. It was almost 6 months before I started "living" again (but still had bad days). Fortunately, I am retired, so I could just lay low (no job!)
    It takes time, time, and then more time.
    keep us updated , you are doing great :)
    11 months in from noise trauma (concert), T is 80% faded, H is almost gone
    Very happy for you my friend. Please continue to post updates. I'm seven months in (same cause as you) and I think I'm finally starting to see improvement. Has your progress also been very erratic?
    Somewhat erratic, but mostly just slow. I'll keep posting as it improves
    When did you first start noticing improvement?
    Hello JJ and congrats on your continued improvement. Every once in a while I'll search your posts and read a few. You are ALWAYS very positive and supportive to whomever you're posting. You're a good man JJ!
    Thanks Rick, I appreciate that. I hope things are improving for you too. I'm going to post my entire story in the "success" area when I feel close to 100% recovered.
    Hi JJflyman
    Do you notice improvement in your T month after month or only after several months? I'm 2 months in and i don't feel my T has improved in volume at all, did you notice slight improvement after 2 months or did it take longer?
    I think I did see a slight improvement after 2 months, it is possible you just don't notice improvement yet, but it is happening.Just keep in mind that I know of one ENT doctor who said a reasonable time line for recovery is 1-2- years, so you are in the early stages yet. I expect you will start to see noticeable improvement over the next 3-6 months. I know you will get better!
    just remember that the vast majority of sudden cases of Tinnitus resolves itself within 18 months. It just slow
    thank you for answering my quastion :) i really dont know, some times i think it has gotten a bit better, other times i feel its the same or maybe even a tad worse...these last couple of days i feel it has been a little worse :/
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