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  • Lucky me, I got VSS! In the cool club. Light sensitivity, floaters, negative afterimages, starbursts, BFEP. Frontotemporal headaches. Yay.
    This is an important question. Do you think you are neurodivergent? Autism ADHD etc? I ask because people who are neurodivergent are.more susceptible for this. I am neurodiverse.
    Mild to moderate hearing loss (slope from 20dB to 75dB at 8K); I wear hearing aids. Started new habituation process 6/2020.
    Ey @mknature, just saw an alert of your reaction weirdly enough. Yeah, it was both a pitch and volume issue.

    That sounds bothersome. So you don't have anything to mask your T or something else for relief? Relaxtion is the holy grail when dealing with Tenacious T. Anyway, I hope you're doing alright despite the recent change. I'm rooting for you:)
    Finally able to load TT properly today; my ISP isn't playing nice with it...thank you :) I've started daily guided meditation and playing jazz music seems to calm me and distract me a lot better than rock (something about the voices?). The only thing that seems to mask it is the shower. I'll be extra clean forever! :p Also the cicadas are coming out soon and I'm hoping they'll mask it too. Rooting for you too!
    Hey MK!And thank you too. To the sound of it, you're probably so squeaky clean that even darn covid will slip right off of you. At least that counts for something right;) Great to hear how you deal with it. Jazz is freaking A. Personally, I wouldn't let go of rock. It's too dear to me and everybody needs their happy place right? Keep meditating and hopefully you reach enlightenment in no time! Namasté
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