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  • My tinnitus has been spiked ever since my head started hurting yesterday. The migraine is gone, but the extremely loud hissing is still going.

    I'm also starting to wonder if finasteride has spiked my right ear? The static sound spiked up three days ago and that's the only new thing that has happened.
    Hopefully it's only a temporary spike, best wishes!
    Woke up to my right ear (the one that never spikes) being elevated. Haven't started any of the new meds. Didn't go anywhere yesterday. Just louder for no reason. :sour:
    Same here. Unpredictable BS condition
    over $400 to renew my CA auto registration - $263 for registration, $60 late fee (bc I suck), $30 needtags service fee, $60 service fee for them to process my smog check exemption for me plus credit card service fee and shipping for the tags.
    Tinnitus is really raging today. Got a new Gabapentin script from the psychiatrist, though and also Prozac
    I hope the Prozac helps. I take a 10mg dose consistently to help my mental state from becoming erratic. It doesn't seem to have any real influence on my T level. (Always screaming...) I have been thinking about adding gabapentin myself. Would like to know how you do on it. Best of luck.
    @BrOKeN_1 I was given 10mg of the Prozac. I hope it just doesn't affect my tinnitus at all so that I can get some metal relief. Zoloft spiked me immediately, though, so I think this will probably do the same.

    Gabapentin kind of helps, but it seems to only work for a short while - like 2 or 3 days - before it becomes ineffective.
    @BrOKeN_1 I'm just going to be taking it for anxiety since we know it doesn't make my tinnitus worse. Hoping I don't get hooked on it or anything though. I think it's supposed to be a bit easier to get off of. It does make me insatiably hungry, so I have to stick to an eating schedule while on it.
    It's been 2 months now since my right ear elevated. Accepting it's permanent.
    That always sucks... I hope we can get a real cure someday. Great that you have found some acceptance though.
    It's been 5 days since my right ear T increased in intensity. The first day, the variable tinnitus was peaking at levels way above the sound of the shower like I had never heard before. It wasn't as bad just a day later, but now a few more days later, it seems to have leveled out at a higher baseline than prior to this worsening.
    Alright well I lied. Struggling with it while I'm lying in bed tonight. It's just such a raw and ugly sound when it used to be smooth a calm.
    Tooth pain right around the time I was planning on leaving the state. Is it an omen telling me it's a bad idea?
    It's a sign to not leave
    @snizzleberry I can't make this stuff up. My dentist all the way across the country in Torrance, CA just messaged me that they have a last-minute opening tomorrow too. What a tease.
    It's crazy how much hissing and static I have now. My old prominent tones are now buried beneath it all. It's just too much noise
    @LukeYoung I get that aural fullness with certain sounds even if they are low volume
    Thanks for your response. It was really annoying. Didn't sleep much because I was like what the hell is this.
    I can't handle this new level. It's been increase after increase since early August. The static and hissing is like sandpaper on my brain
    I had a few moments like this. They did eventually settle back down. Though I definitely have another sound I never had in the early days.
    The fact that help is sitting on a shelf while I continue to deteriorate is infuriating
    The exact same thought is hunting me 24/7. Like the treatment/cure is literally in the box somewhere in the storage room with other garbage and materials for future/past researches...ugh!
    Is it sitting on a shelf?
    @Juliane Yes, possible help is just sitting there while Aurical and the FDA play politics
    Not seeing much of a point anymore
    I don't either. Costant decline just makes you want to give up on this life that seems to be designed to torture us.
    @Juliane Yes life was difficult and lonely before, but I've reached the point that cognitive function has become impaired. I'm having a hard time simply making a grocery list to go shopping let alone perform a complex dev role. It's hard to form a thought amongst all the noise. I think my life has essentially come to an end.
    @kingsfan I still have a feeling this is not the end for you. For some reason, I really believe you will get better.
    How do I get car repairs and maintenance without making my T worse? Every shop has their garage open with loud tools going. It's unavoidable
    Drop it there right as they open and have time to set up for the day.
    @Stayinghopeful well shit.. I had to go out and confirm my replacement wheel matched the other three and was exposed to impact driver yet again.
    Like I understand to avoid clubs, sports games, etc. But why can't I fucking shave my face or go to the store, pump gas, without suffering?
    Darn I shaved with the electric razor and forgot I only had my plugs in partially due to ear pain lately.I thought they seemed kind of loud
    My tinnitus has been incredibly loud since. I hope this is temporary bc I'm incapacitated right now
    Braved going out to my car without any earplugs It felt so amazing to hear the wind and rustling leaves. Everything felt like surround sound
    A truck did go by though. No loud engine but sound of the tires on pavement was uncomfortable. Ears a little full and T a little elevated.
    Why, lately, do I always feel ill (flu cold symptoms) for several days after being out of the house for an extended period of time?
    @ECP Who knows if I could have been infected with mild-symptom Covid infections that rapid tests aren't picking up.

    Would explain why my tinnitus is constantly getting worse. But I'll never know.

    It's really interesting that we are having the same symptoms. Makes you wonder.
    I am wondering too if seasonal allergies are at play, at least for me. We're transitioning from summer to autumn now, and sometimes that triggers mild symptoms that are similar to a real cold. That happened to me even before I had ear problems. Add noise-induced ETD to the mix, and it gets even harder to tell why my nose and ears are stuffy.
    On the bright side, the government is mailing out free at-home COVID tests again this autumn to anyone who fills out the request online. They haven't announced the start date yet, but it should happen very soon.
    My solid ear plugs definitely filter more high frequency than my filtered but I think that's where the extra protection ends.Still like them
    are you still watching hockey on tv? i'm excited for the season.
    Yes I try and watch all 82 Kings games and catch a few other games here and there
    Family is back from a week-long camping trip and I can hear my ultra-high pitch hissing/squealing coming back. Coincidence?
    Yep it has been getting louder and "hiss-ier" as the day moves along. Accidentally dropping a huge ice cube into my stainless steel Klean Kanteen tumbler probably didn't help either.
    I need to attend a birthday for my brothers kid this weekend. Can already hear the balloons poping, children screaming, and glasses falling to the floor. "oh kids are just the best isnt it Sodlin?"......
    I probably would have had excruciating tinnitus a decade earlier had my old car's stereo not been broken and if I'd bothered to fix it.
    I did drive on the highway a lot with the windows down, bc the AC was also broken. So maybe it all cancelled each other out.
    I have 2 weeks to figure out where I'm going to live and how to get the money to pay for it, but I'm immobilized by my tinnitus.
    @2049v Wore out my welcome with family. It's time to move on. I'm middle-aged. I should have my own place, but I've struggled with work since tinnitus. Had a really good career and was financially sound. Now I'm left with nothing.
    I'm in a similar situation. I had a job I liked, colleagues I liked, and a decent income in my own way, but one by one, I lost them all. Now, what are you thinking of doing? My situation has turned into a tangled mess.
    @2049v I said I was going to kill myself once my bank account reached $0. I can't live in poverty with tinnitus.
    How does one move on from a setback and stop comparing their new T volume to how it used to be?How do you stop ruminating over your mistake?
    Sertraline helps me to stop ruminating on past mistakes that caused my T, and live more in the present. Wanting to go back and change the past has caused me so much pain and wasted time. But even though I see that, I still need medication to change the thought pattern.
    @SimonRK I've tried Sertraline, but it unfortunately spiked my tinnitus so I couldn't continue. I've tried Zoloft, Nortriptyline, and Mirtazapine so far with no luck due my tinnitus spiking. I'm going to try Prozac next.
    Going to that restaurant was stupid. I even knew it was a bad idea. But I struggle with conflict and saying no to people.
    Could hyperacusis be the cause? I've been to restaurants several times before and had been alright and comfortable. I guess I can't anymore.
    give it some time. i had a restaurant setback last December because i stupidly went to the work christmas lunch. My T was a disaster after. in about 3 weeks it was a lot better.
    Being chronically ill was the only thing that made me better at saying no. Please get some rest, and yeah, watch out for those restaurants that have metal chairs on the sidewalks. They are painful to listen to.
    Wish I could hear what my tinnitus sounded like 3 years ago. I can hardly remember. I bet it was bliss. I remember somewhat content.
    Did you have an acustic trauma? Why did it get worse?
    @2049v Every little things makes mine worse. Its worsened too many times in only 4 years. I've managed to adjust each time so far, but it's getting more and more difficult.
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