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  • How are you doing? My taper is going so so bad.
    I am a little better despite it all. You have not been on the benzos for long. That is really good I think! I hope you'll get better!
    That's great. Did you stay on clon or taper it?
    clonazepam made it worse for you? how long you took mate and how old are you let me know. i have generalized panic disorder ocd.
    i've been taking it for more than 2 years now every day. after half a year i noticed that T would worsen way more often than in the years before. T started to get really extreme while trying to taper it (5%/month) and even though i reinstated it eventually, the tinnitus would not get better or stabilize after, like at all. i wish my doctor would not have prescribed it. (1)
    it's a gamble. to think i would not try ashwaganda or antidepressants but somehow i was ok with taking that shit every day until it was too late to quit... f me. if you need advice try deepseek, it seems like it does not have problems sharing medical insights. i hope you get better! (2)
    It looks like we are similar. Severe worsening T and benzo withdrawal. Hope you're ok
    I'm not ok :( Are you tapering atm?
    Yes I am. I'm not on either :(. So many alien tones in my head that don't sound like ringing or hissing at all. There are pure brain damage like tones
    at first i wanted it to go away
    then i wanted it to be not as loud
    then i hoped it would at least remain stable
    now i only hope to survive
    Noise all the time 24/7 buzzing, static, electricity. So much worse than last year. But yeah the noise is worse, but heating to deal with the sound a lot better. I still have days I don't think I will make it, but I keep busy, keep going and try not to think about my T. It's the worst thing that has ever happened to me and my family.
    I carry Benzo's in my pkt everyday. Sooner or later I'm going to give in.
    @2049v I wish I had never taken them.
    @streifzug, i'm so sorry man :(
    Some people say this about benzo's and AD's. Can you tell me why you regret? How was the effect?
    @2094v - I carry them because there is not a moment that goes by that I don't think about taking them for the rest of my life.
    Hey - I see your on … man I'm having a bad two days. I found a place to be happy. When I find it, I live a little more then boom! Gets worse. How are you?
    I fight. I get a couple of OK days. Then it gets even worse than before. T is winning.
    @streifzug - I feel like I have a chance when I'm living a little. So I handle the volume, I do a little more in life, still the basics then worsen. Once again I habituate to some degree, live a little more, worsen. I can hear mine clearly in the shower no ear plugs. Honest. Loud. I tell my family if you heard this level all at ounce … you would die of a heart attach.
    @streifzug - you know when I feel better. When I try to do simple things. Ride my bike. I'll ride for a few days thinking at least I can do that…. Then worsen. A lot. Honest. I've been worsening constantly.
    i'm so so tired..
    benzos stop working after a while and like you say, you might not be able to come off ever if you're unlucky
    Then I'm done. I getting frustrated with family that think if I take meds I can get back to life. I have reactive T, N and pain H, Bad. Tried meds everything they kill my ears. I get worse. So I don't blame them but what can I do.
    I also feel absolutely helpless and desperate
    my benzo taper is failing
    I see you began Benzo's. I want to do the same daily. Why are you tapering? If I go on there would be no coming off.
    T changes parallel to sound therapy/masking and music now. It does not feel immediate, though. Comes about slowly. (1)
    to top things off a store alarm went off next to me 2 days ago. fml. i can't anymore (2)
    another small (5%) benzo cut and an entire month of worsening after. (1)
    @streifzug - why are you coming off. Did they stop working. After how long. Hoe much did you start and did you ever tapper up?
    Sorry I see you answered below. Too bad everything that helps creates new problems and is short lived,
    I once took lorazapam. Those few hours were heaven.
    Hi I'm also schizophrenic so I feel you. What antipsychotic do you take?
    clozapine. and you?
    quetiapine. before that i had also taken olanzapine and risperidone.
    does it also help you sleep?
    i was on quetiapine before clozapine. it's a good med. clozapine and 2mg of melatonin usually help me sleep.
    down to 2/3 of 0.5 clonazepam after 1 1/2 year everyday use. only small cuts (5% every 2 weeks max), but T seems to worsen every time. (1)
    50 trophy points. at least I am getting something done.
    hah... you know the trophy points actually upset me.. because it makes me realize that I am still here on this site.
    "Tinnitus is a rare but potential side effect primarily most associated with long-term use."
    @streifzug - I could of written the above myself. I think the same. I am not sure how long you have been suffering? I can tell you that I know people with extremely bad tinnitus and have an excellent life. It does happen. I am 1 year and a month in. If you are stable not worsening you will be okay in time.
    My T started 12th of Dec 2019 and only ever got worse. In Dec '22 after a dental procedure it's gotten so bad that I caved in and started taking clonazepam daily... I hope that once I tapered it off my T will heal some, but given my luck I highly doubt it :/ Stable T would be nice though!
    :( I am so sorry to hear this. I know how it feels.
    wake up 3:00 am. toss and turn for hours. dark thoughts. get up and make coffee. cry. it's gotten so fucked.
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