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Viewing member profile SharonBell

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  • Hi How long did it take you manage your tinnitus? I was good for some years but its getting worse i think, for no reason :(
    @henkess it has taken me over a year to learn to deal with it. Mine is a buzzing, static, electricity 24/7. I have to have my sound machine still 24/7. I finally went back to work though a while back. When I first got it, I about went crazy and lost 30 pounds in about 3 weeks.I guess maybe I have habituated.
    Oh seems hard to deal with. Happy you feel some relief atleast. Where did you get that sound machine?
    Hey, has your T caused by hearing loss above 8kHz i remember reading something about it months ago. Was able to create account recently wanted to ask it and how are you wish u're ok
    @hunu92 yeah my right ear is over 10,000 sensorineural Cochlea high frequency hearing loss and tinnitus. It's also bad in left ear. Mine is 24/7 in my head. When I first got it I thought I was going to kill myself. But I have managed to deal with it and start doing things I use to and yeah it's worse than it was before. I think mine was caused from covid.
    same for me i've got hearing loss between 10k-18k at my right ear nothing under 10k it's like brand new when u look at normal audiograms... it's sad that got undiagnosed because of that. hope it'll get better for all the people in the forum maybe we'll be able to see magic drug renews every single thing in our life time.

    wish u blessings
    @4Grace yeah I'm doing good. Dealing with the noise so much better. Maybe I habituated. I just try to go on every day. I miss you too and pray you will eventually get better. I just pray mine never gets worse later on down the road.
    Hello old friend. Miss you. Hope you are doing okay. Same old here. Too many words to describe my situation. I feel good enough to rejoin life. Just home bound. Just noise, no pain, hard but you can do it. No question.
    Sorry to hear your still homebound my friend. But glad to hear you have gotten a break from the pain. Small improvements are better then none I suppose. Be well.
    @MAH1970 I took Gabapentin before but I don't know. It seems like any medicine or lots of food and caffeine and loud noises make mine worse.
    Hello Sharon, I was noticing after tasing some of your posts my tinnitus seems similar to yours. I have to taken alot of medications over the years that were otoxic, do you take Gabapantin or notice that if you alter seratonin it increases your T?
    @MAH1970 Hello hope ou are doing good. I really don't take any medicine, but I use to take flexerill and I still do if my back is hurting really bad.
    have you tried any medication, in particular medication for pain? (maybe gabapentin, or something else?) if so, what has been your experience like? does it worsen your tinnitus? thanks
    I am getting attached to some of the people on here. Happy but afraid when they will move on.
    This has happened alot since I joined in early 2021. I'm kinda sad but also happy for them that they don't feel the need to visit. Hopefully that's a good sign for them.
    @BrOKeN_1 - agree. I would not wish this thing on my worst enemy. Honest.
    4Grace I always hVe missed you when you weren't on here. Don't know what I would have done without you. You kept me going.
    I always miss you the same. Honest. Happy when you can stay away from here but miss you a lot.
    Just saying hello my friend. I'm not coming in here so much because I'm concentrating on surviving. Best thing about T is that it made me spend more time with God/Jesus. I truly thank T for that but do hope it's in his will to provide my family with a few miracles. God bless. I will keep you in my prayers.
    @4Grace I can't believe you can sleep without any sound therapy.
    I don't know how I do it. It's crazy loud. Sometimes I crave listening to a pod cast but even on number one it stings my ears. I don't know how I am going to live like this.
    @4Grace yes sound therapy is a gift I would go crazy without it.
    @SharonBell - I used sound therapy for 14 - 15 months. Until I could no longer due to Nox. I could not handle one minute without it, now I have no choice to survive without. Crazy that I can sleep without sound therapy and my T is so much worse. I kinda wish i did without when my T was so much better.
    It's ashamed I have to have more noise to sleep so I can't hear my T. I would give anything for silence.
    I know what you mean. For me now it's the debilitation it causes in my life. Can't do anything at all. My mind is going to go. Ability to use sound therapy is a gift.
    My T is very loud but after almost two years I found a way to sleep with it. You are going to be okay. Certain things will be hard but many will be enjoyable. I wish you nothing but the best.
    Hey my friend. Hope you are well.
    @4Grace my head has been louder since I've been working, but I have also been drinking some caffeine too to wake me up. So I do sleep good at night and have for a while now, but I have to have all my noises at night that I listen to. I have been going over to my husbands brother-in-laws after work for a few hours.
    @4Grace because she has been in the hospital and they just found out she had COPD and she is on oxygen now. They can't do her surgery for cancer until she is stronger. Me and her are very close and it's been tough to see her that way. I sure hope you are doing better.
    Sorry to hear. It's nice that you have been able to go to give her some company. I know, for some this life can get hard. For others not so much. Great to hear you are still working a good distraction minus the dog :)
    @4Grace its been louder for a couple days now, still making me crazy, but I'm dealing with it better.
    @SharonBell - that's awesome. Such good news. You deserve it. If you just have the noise I really think this can be done. Honest to God I know it. Don't look at me as an example. I have other issues. I always feel guilty if I in any way hurt someone's confidence. Just the noise can be done no question.
    @4Grace yeah I love the gas, but it's so loud and I can't wear anything on my ears so I'm scared it will mess my hearing up more.
    O ya. No gas and no electric for me. I had to hire someone to cut my grass. I loved it as a pass time.
    @SharonBell - I have been reading books about God. Resting and trying to relax. However it's out of force. No choice. I am extremely delicate at this point. I feel like I'm going to do better but then I get worse. Staying inside to protect all the time is not progress to me.
    Hello Yes I'm hanging in there. My T is so much worse and now that it's colder even worse. I'm working all the time trying to keep my mind off it. Reading is good and talking to god. I sure wish we could all get better. Yeah I'm sure staying inside sucks. I started doing a lot of things I didn't do before, but I do wear ear plugs even though it makes my T worse.
    @4Grace I was going to my daughter's volleyball games and it was so loud in there that I paid for it afterwards. Im so tired at night now it doesn't take no time to go to sleep, but I still have my sound machine on. I so wish you would catch a break.
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