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  1. lana

    Young with Tinnitus

    Hi how are you getting on tenna? Iu just had my mri results and they are normal which I kind of knew alreadyo_O Was going to ask you about the humming you get you said you hadn't heard it for a while, how long is that, weeks or months or longer? I heardine this morning for the first time...
  2. lana

    Thank You Message for Everyone :)

    Yes the hypnotherapy was v helpful and he was a tinnitus specialist too so knew a lot about it. ( he also told me there'd be a cure soon!) I have a whistling also in one ear that's how all this started, but I v rarely hear it now just in morning sometimes
  3. lana

    Thank You Message for Everyone :)

    Yes I'm not bothered by the constant sound as its so mild but i had to go to hypnotherapist to help with it even though it was mild! This humming bothers me much more as it fluctuates and even though its not always there you never know when it'll say hello! Did you watch the hunger games? I...
  4. lana

    Thank You Message for Everyone :)

    I love your attitude Anne:) it is so true. I havnt heard the humming sound half as much as I used to and I am grateful but also it's important to think that it is probably still there but not to panic when I do hear it. (As my partner always tells me) I was like you Anne when mine first started(...
  5. lana

    Welcome Back, Tinnitus!

    Hi Anne, it's back but you know it can go away for a while at a time and that's great. I have a faint noise that's there all the time but I also have a humming that comes and goes and I try not to get upset if it comes back after a "break". Try to think of positives in life always helps. Hope...
  6. lana

    Can Tinnitus Be Cured? What Is Going to End Up Being the Cure?

    Couldn't read this for some reason my phone wouldn't let me. Sounded good though
  7. lana

    Neuroscience May Offer Hope to Millions Robbed of Silence by Tinnitus

    Great that awareness is being made, I can't believe how common this condition is and how little warnings or awareness being done. Do you really believe they will find a treatment in our lifetime? I hope if they do or dont I will be so used to it by then that I may not care?
  8. lana

    Neuroscience May Offer Hope to Millions Robbed of Silence by Tinnitus

    I like the fact they say will find a cure, how far away??
  9. lana

    Can Tinnitus Be Cured? What Is Going to End Up Being the Cure?

    I like it Eric! I think there are so many different forms of t but there must only be a few root causes, there are just too many people afflicted for it not to be ignored! ( and made money from pharmaceutical companies!)
  10. lana


    Hi nana sorry to hear that, how loud is yours? Have you tried hypnotherapy, it worked for my anxiety more as noise wasn't loud, then after I had baby I started to get humming which I hate but am starting to get used to. This thing is awful but I hold out hope that they will find something one...
  11. lana

    Hi want to introduce myself, have low humming

    Hi was wondering you said you grew up with your humming how long did you have it for and have you ever wondered why it went away?
  12. lana

    Can Tinnitus Be Cured? What Is Going to End Up Being the Cure?

    Hi was just wondering if there has been any new developments in way of treatments in our lifetime ?? Does anybody believe that there will be anything effective found in the next 10 years? I know these questions are v common and usually the answers are usually nothing new .. Any hope anybody??
  13. lana

    Hi want to introduce myself, have low humming

    Hi John, still getting to grips with this site:) that must of been hard getting high pitch is bad enough ( my "other"noise is v faint ) without humming too. Which bothers you the most as I find the humming really depressing although I'm sleeping better now and i can go days without hearing it.
  14. lana

    Hi want to introduce myself, have low humming

    Hi Thanks for the quick reply! Can I ask how long you had humming for? The fact that it went away is great.. Although I doubt mine will although it does sometimes go away for days. When it started it would get louder if I sat up or bent down did that happen to you? It might be blood pressure I...
  15. lana

    Hi want to introduce myself, have low humming

    Hi I have been lurking on here for a while and feel like I know some of you! Basically I had mild tinnitus since June last year, then I started getting an awful humming sound a few months ago that comes and goes. Does anyone else have this as its supposed to be uncommon ?