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  1. sworthi245

    Surviving and thriving everyday...

    Surviving and thriving everyday...
  2. sworthi245

    Antioxidant Therapy in Idiopathic Tinnitus: Preliminary Outcomes

    Thanks for all the great information. I have read much of this information since giving myself noise induced tinnitus. I think my good progression after almost 120 days with tinnitus can be attributed to the the antioxidants and supplements I started to take within three days of onset. I started...
  3. sworthi245

    Cjohnso409 Requesting Help

    Cjohnso409, Like the other posts, we understand how aggravating and irritating your tinnitus is, and can be. The medical community is of very little help to sufferers of T. If you can tell us more about your T and what you are doing other than the clonazepam, we may be able to guide you to...
  4. sworthi245

    Correlation Between Tinnitus and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    I found an interesting article associating tinnitus with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Read the article at the following link: This seems to coincide with the recent...
  5. sworthi245

    Returning Hope — Stem Cell Treatment in Asia

    Thank you! My Dad is quite the remarkable person. He still has all of his mental faculties, no arthritis, and about 90% of his own teeth. He still read two newspapers a day,, send a text better than I do, and beat most of his kids at reflex games on an IPad. I hope I do as well as him if I reach...
  6. sworthi245

    Neurofeedback for Tinnitus

    Interesting information, which I have read about similar therapies before. I too would be interested in content of therapy and costs. This sounds similar to binaural beats, which may be on the forums somewhere. This is a sound therapy that basically attempts to help regulate certain brainwaves...
  7. sworthi245

    For Recent Onset, Dr. Recommends...

    Hey Eric, I am relatively new to T. I took small doses of Magnesium prior to T, and have increased by dosage since getting T. I take about 800 - 1,000 mg each day. I take a high absorption, chelated brand that I buy off the internet. I take 100 mg every three hours for fear of upsetting my...
  8. sworthi245

    Editorial: Taking Hair Cell Regeneration Up a Notch

    Great article. There is a push on to find a fix for T because there is a large market and money to be made. Hopefully, the research will move forward quickly as the first company to find a successful cure will, in all probability, will make the most money. Let the race begin, and the winner be a...
  9. sworthi245

    Sound Therapy Called "Beyond Tinnitus"

    I did find the website and read about the therapy. I did not purchase anything from the company. What I found most interesting was the research from the founder, Dr. Alfred Tomatis. You can read about him on the website. He believed that the middle ear could be exercised by listening to...
  10. sworthi245

    Tinnitus, Ears and Swimming, Water etc

    Thanks, I appreciate your input. I think I will have a great summer with my son!
  11. sworthi245

    Medications Used for Tinnitus

    My mother was a believer in Christian Science. One of the things she said often to her five kids, family, and friends, was to "live in the now". When I was younger, I never understood what she meant. As I have grown older, I have come to understand what she meant, and T has helped to reinforce...
  12. sworthi245

    Returning Hope — Stem Cell Treatment in Asia

    My ninety year old Dad, who suffers from T and is about 70% deaf, and I have been discussing the medical advances taking place in the world around him. We have been reading about the printing of human body parts with the use of 3D printers. They recently printed the cartilage for the outside of...
  13. sworthi245

    Cortisol Suppression and Hearing Thresholds in Tinnitus After Low-Dose Dexamethasone Challenge

    Thanks for the additional information. I will research and see what I can find out. I wonder if anyone of the forums has ever taken any of these for their T? I wonder why a one physician would recommend the drugs, but none of the others seem to know anything about them? Ah, the medical world...
  14. sworthi245

    Cortisol Suppression and Hearing Thresholds in Tinnitus After Low-Dose Dexamethasone Challenge

    I found the following on WedMD related to cortisol at the following link: The following is an interesting excerpt, which follows many T suffers description of their T patterns of loudness: "Normally, cortisol levels rise during the early...
  15. sworthi245

    Cortisol Suppression and Hearing Thresholds in Tinnitus After Low-Dose Dexamethasone Challenge

    HELP... Is there a Greek interpreter or molecular biologist in the house? Whew, will need a second read on this one! There was an article recently published from Swedish researchers indicating that stressed women were more sensitive to loud noise. Their research helps to support the...
  16. sworthi245

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    Located in the US in northwest Georgia. Unfortunately, just very expensive in what is available. I called around to several clinics in the Atlanta area. Got differing information. Most of them want a referral from a physician. Most of them wanted $350 - $500 for an initial consultation in...
  17. sworthi245

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    Hope it works for you. I called about HBOT. The cheapest was $250 a session, minimum 10 sessions, all cash - up front and was an hour and a half away. Another hospital 30 minutes away offered it via a wound center and it was $1,000 per session, which they may have discounted with all up front...
  18. sworthi245

    Tinnitus, Ears and Swimming, Water etc

    Working on a vacation to the beach, and my son and I spend a lot of time at "the big city pool" with a large water slide. Being relatively new to T, I not been through the summer yet. Has anyone been swimming with T? Does it make your T worse if you get water in your ears? I know there are...
  19. sworthi245

    Tinnitus Textbook Devotes Chapter to Cannabinoids

    I can say that I have not tried Mary J for my T. In my teenage years, many, many, moons ago, I tried it but was never a fan of something that I could not turn off when I no longer wanted the sensation. I hated laying around stoned for hours on end. However, with the push to legalize the sale...
  20. sworthi245

    Resveratrol Reported to Protect From Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

    I think part of the benefit to red wine is also the relaxing effect from moderate consumption. I know that it supposedly takes a large amount of wine the reap any benefits from the resveratrol, but the calming effect may help as well. I bought some acetyl--carnitine and took it for a few days...
  21. sworthi245

    Talk about Balding

    Unfortunately, a lot of my hair has broken and thinned over the past year due to aging. (Don't make me say the M word.) I got my hair done Friday, and my stylist commented that my hair was nice and shiny. I did not tell her about the cap. Again, all I can say from my own experience is that my...
  22. sworthi245

    Talk about Balding

    I wish I could provide you with a more methodical approach to the whole situation. Unfortunately, I have nothing to measure against because I have never experienced this before. I know that I am doing better overall compared to three months ago. Everyday seems to be a little better that before...
  23. sworthi245

    Fisher Wallace Stimulator

    I did buy it specifically for T. Being new to T, I have no preconceived notions about what to do for it. I am doing what I feel works for me each day. As you know, at this point, the medical community offers little. I have been digging through all types of information trying to help myself...
  24. sworthi245

    Talk about Balding

    Try the far infrared skull cap I have been wearing, which I bought from I bought it to try for my T, but I think my hair has gotten much thicker since starting to wear it about 8 weeks ago. It is not the best fit in the world, but it seems to have made hair grow. Maybe it will...
  25. sworthi245

    Has having tinnitus made you give up any bad habits?

    Unfortunately, my main vice prior to T was drinking Cokes. Unfortunately, I did not have a whole lot of vices to give up. I should have enjoyed while I could have...;) I have actually picked up drinking an ounce or so of red wine everyday to help calm me down at the end of the day. So maybe I...
  26. sworthi245

    Eustachian Tube Drainage

    Being relatively new to T, (12/2012) I too think have a lot of problems with the Eustachian tubes. It seems like stuff won't drain, then stuff does drain. GROSS STUFF COMING UP SKIP IT YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW - Then it seems like really gross tasting fluid drips out of my ears. Most of the time...
  27. sworthi245

    Fisher Wallace Stimulator

    I am wearing my FIR cap as I type. I bought it specifically because of my T. Buzzing some tonight, but not the worst. Again, it does seem to be soothing. The odd thing about FIR is the energy from it excites cells and causes them to vibrate. You would not think that would be soothing with T...
  28. sworthi245

    After Onset of Tinnitus I've Taken or Tried the Following...

    You are thinking just what I was thinking. Lots of great information, but not in a measurable format. Surveys are a great way for us to develop the trends in what we discuss in the forums. Look at Used it in school for a few surveys. Thanks for the great effort. Maybe in the...
  29. sworthi245

    After Onset of Tinnitus I've Taken or Tried the Following...

    Vitamins (Magnesium, NAC, Biotin, B12), Residual Inhibition programs, far infrared, ice packs on neck, red wine (resveratrol - sp?).
  30. sworthi245

    Are Your Doctors Dismissive of Your Tinnitus Concerns?

    I have a GP that I have been to for years, and he is usually fairly straight forward about most issues. We discussed the T, which I would call mine probably mild to moderate (4 out of 10). It was about 6 weeks into my T. He recommended that I try a steroid shot, which I took, and some steroid...
  31. sworthi245

    Fisher Wallace Stimulator

    I replied to your post, but not directly. I don't think I responded properly to your inquiry. Please look at the Discussion for what I posted. Sorry, will reply directly next time. Susan W.
  32. sworthi245

    Fisher Wallace Stimulator

    I have read and researched all types of treatments for T. I ran across an article about low level light therapy (LLLT) being tested in a small trial with some success. I started researching different types of LLLT and came across far infrared. Of course I am always looking for the most cost...
  33. sworthi245

    Is Your Tinnitus Quieter First Thing in the Morning?

    Some mornings my T is almost gone. I wake up and start to move around and get ready for the day. It gets a little louder. I drink one cup of mild coffee in the morning, and about half of a caffeinated soda at lunch. By the end of most days, my head feels like it is buzzing. Sometimes is does not...
  34. sworthi245

    Fisher Wallace Stimulator

    Sorry for the sporadic responses. I have a hard time getting to post, but I read a lot of what everyone is posting. I found a link to a physician who claims he treated a patient (his mother) with the stimulator. The video link is: Also, good article from Harvard Med School for non-invasive...
  35. sworthi245

    Do You Believe in God/a Higher Power? Does Prayer Help You Cope?

    I absolutely believe in God and pray probably more than he, she it, cares to hear from me - long before I got T. It helps me through everyday of my life to hand off some of my fears and ask for strength to keep moving on. T to me is just another of life's struggles. There have been nights when I...
  36. sworthi245

    Fisher Wallace Stimulator

    I have been scouring the internet since giving myself my T, and came across the Fisher Wallace Stimulator in an ad that popped up. The device is an electronic stimulator which is FDA approved for the treatment of depression, insomnia, anxiety, and pain (it is NOT approved for T). Sounds similar...
  37. sworthi245

    Best Guess on When Tinnitus Will Be Cured?

    I signed up on tinnitustalk to be a part of the conversation with all of you. I have found so much good and honest effort to crunch the information that is out there about this affliction we all have! So, here it goes... I believe a viable solution will come for tinnitus quicker than we all...
  38. sworthi245

    Potassium Nitrate - Ouch!

    I have sensitive teeth, and prior to my T, I used sensitive tooth toothpaste. I stopped about 6 weeks ago, with improvement in my T. Unfortunately, my teeth started to get a little sensitive again. So, I tried the same toothpaste again. Three and a half days of misery with buzzing ears...
  39. sworthi245

    Finally posting my tinnitus story

    I am finally posting my history of how I got to this point. I feel like I need to join the conversation on my research on T as well as all of the other great information that is being posted on this site. I am 49 years old, female, married, with a nine-year old son. I have been in good health...