Mine was free...should have tried more sessions. It was three person tank and there were four of us in there.
Pretty nasty.
Pretty nasty.
Hope it works for you. I called about HBOT. The cheapest was $250 a session, minimum 10 sessions, all cash - up front and was an hour and a half away. Another hospital 30 minutes away offered it via a wound center and it was $1,000 per session, which they may have discounted with all up front payments. My insurance deductible is $6,000, so unfortunately, nothing I could afford to try. My 90 days has passed now. So, on I go...
If you don't mind me asking, will your insurance pay for your treatment, or do you have to pay yourself? Again, best of luck, I hope it helps.
I found a non-profit center...
Where in the US is this non-profit center?
I found a non-profit center that does treatments for $110 a hour for the shallow dive and $165 for the deep dive. That is just for the oxygen you use. You pay $500 down and settle up on Friday for the dives that week. They have a house that I am staying in for $20 a night. The people at the center are really nice and helpful. I have heard that some people can benifit from the treatment after the 90 window. It is just hard to find info from people that have been treated. Where are you located?
I will be leaving in a monent for #10, will post latter.
I didn't have to have a referral. I did have to provide medical history and some other paper work and they did the rest. I traveled 7hrs. from home to have these sessions and staying here in town. They have two chambers, one 5 person and a 10 person.Located in the US in northwest Georgia. Unfortunately, just very expensive in what is available. I called around to several clinics in the Atlanta area. Got differing information. Most of them want a referral from a physician.
Most of the chambers in the Atlanta area are group chambers.
I will be leaving in a moment for #10, will post later.
Still bothersome while sleeping though.sorry for the late post
Dive #10 and my T is about the same as yesterday still down some but not gone. Went to get a few items at the grocery store and didn't really notice it while I was in there. So I think it has improved some so far. Worst part is I sit here at the house I am staying in an work all day with complete silence and I notice my T more I think. I need to add some noise tomorrow and see what that does. Maybe some soft music or tv. The chamber isn't bad, there is 5 other people in with me and we watch movies or play Uno sometimes. Makes the time go by faster. 2 hours total is a long time in the chamber.
Dive #11 so far today it has been good. about like the past couple days T is still there but reduced some. Will see what the next couple of sessions do. I am only scheduled for 15 session but might condiser going 20 if I countiue to impove. If not I will stop at 15.
how are you ears feeling? you must feel a lot of pressure in them by now
OK, so I have been sleeping on a steep incline for a while. I decided to sleep laying down last night and that was not good. Woke up after about three hours and my T was pretty loud. Couldn't go back to sleep for about an hour and then fell asleep for a little while. Thankfully after a couple of hours it was down again. Did dive #12 today and took a 45min drive to a Bass Pro shop (sporting goods store) and walked around for a while. I wasn't real noisy in there but my ear was a little louder than it had been the last couple days. So after about an hour I decided to leave and come back to the house. So far it is still a little louder than it had been. Not sure if sleeping lying down or the trip made it worse. Will see how tomorrow goes and then dive #13 on Monday.
Yeah I don't think the Bass Pro made things permanently worse, maybe there even wasn't a real connection, who knows, tinnitus being so unpredictable...
It didn't make it worse, just made it squeal more for some reason. It was fine after I got back an rested a while. This morning it is the same as it has been for a while.
I'd def consider doing the 20 Goofy. The earliest people tend to get a lowering is 12 sessions from what I've read.
You're doing so well. GOOD LUCK!
[FONT=Goofy said:I fell asleep for about an hour this afternoon and when I woke up it was louder but then back down after a while. I just don't understand why it gets louder when sleeping.[/FONT]
I just don't get it. I am setting here and my T is down again and just a couple hours ago it was a lot louder (after my little nap). I wander if the treatments are helping. Does anyone else that has T have fluctuations like that? Loud for a little while and down again. Can it change that quickly? I know I am a newbie to T and still a lot of stuff I don't know. It is the same way when I sleep, I wake up one time and it is louder and an hour later I wake up and it is softer. Also I have to sleep practically setting up because for some reason when I sleep lying down I wake up after 2-3 hours of sleeping lying down and my T is horrible. I don't understand this part. Does anyone else have this problem???
Yesterday mine was screaming Goofy. This morning it buzzed and then it went away completely. It came back a couple of hours later, but it was light and hardly there. Now it is screeching again. A few days ago I had a whole day with nothing - absolutely nothing at all... not even my morning buzz (and I've had that morning buzz every day for over 11 months).
Yes, it can change very quickly. The sound can also change.. . not just the volume.
I thought that sleeping laying down was making it worse but now I'm not sure.
T is horrible. It's evil and relentless - not necessarily continuous... but still relentless because it keeps coming back.
Some days I feel in control again and other days it has me completely in its grasp.
(ps. Louise... you doing ok? oh & can you stop sending your snow down this way... it's freezing.)
I just don't get it. I am setting here and my T is down again and just a couple hours ago it was a lot louder (after my little nap). I wander if the treatments are helping. Does anyone else that has T have fluctuations like that? Loud for a little while and down again. Can it change that quickly? I know I am a newbie to T and still a lot of stuff I don't know. It is the same way when I sleep, I wake up one time and it is louder and an hour later I wake up and it is softer. Also I have to sleep practically setting up because for some reason when I sleep lying down I wake up after 2-3 hours of sleeping lying down and my T is horrible. I don't understand this part. Does anyone else have this problem???
(ps. Louise... you doing ok? oh & can you stop sending your snow down this way... it's freezing.)
Hey you - I am doing good actually. Its all down to the Pregabalin. Dont want to say anything too soon but its relieved my anxiety and I feel like myself again even WITH the T. I seem able to ignore it a lot more and do other things. The drug hasnt reduced the noise though. But, I'd rather feel like this than I did before.
Anyway, about the snow, suck it up like we have to up North! X