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  1. Suzerman

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    It's amazing to read that this device is actually helping some people. So much has happened since three years ago!
  2. Suzerman

    How to Protect Against Dentist Sounds?

    Well I just went.. they tried to watch it a bit, but I still think I got exposed to way too much noise.. So far im not noticing anything different, but my jaw is definitely tired and it aches, as well as my ears. Hopefully I won't get a surprise tinnitus later in the day/week... I'll keep track...
  3. Suzerman

    How to Protect Against Dentist Sounds?

    Oh man... Well I guess I will just have to face this. My appointment is in an hour, pretty nervous lol. I'll explain my situation to the dentist though and will see if he can drill for smaller periods. Thanks for the advice everyone!
  4. Suzerman

    How to Protect Against Dentist Sounds?

    Hi everyone! It hasn't been too long since my concert question, yet I am already facing a new challenge. I am going to have to get fillings replaced at the dentist tomorrow, and the dentist on its own scares me, let alone with all these ear problems I have since recently. Unlike a concert, I...
  5. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    Hey! Of course not! I've reported back a page ago I think haha. But the venue was between 95 to 105 dB at peak levels. I skipped the opening act to curb risk and to spend more time with an old friend. I stood in the middle/back and wore foam earplugs and had peltor muffs with me just in case...
  6. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    Hello everyone! Just thought I'd report back here. I went to the concert. Stood in the back and only went for the main act and skipped the supporting act altogether to curb risk and hang out a bit longer with a friend I didn't see in two years. The db levels were between 95 and 105 db's and I...
  7. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I'm going to see Hatari :D :whistle: :oops: hahaha. The venue is apparently medium sized, not too big not too small. And I've even sent an e-mail to the venue to ask about dB levels. Don't know if they're gonna reply though.
  8. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I really want to do this, but I am worried that once I walk out I won't be able to get back in or that my spot is gone. How do people manage to do this? And how many breaks are needed do you think? This is good to know. Thanks! I'll keep this in mind tonight while watching the dB levels. @Lane...
  9. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I was just naming an example. If it's consistently over 100 dB I'll probably walk out. And I don't just have earplugs I'll also bring ear muffs with me that I'll wear over them. I should be able to at least filter out 30 dB with that. Therefore if a concert is 100 dB, my protection will probably...
  10. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I definitely understand where you're coming from. And I definitely don't want to seem disrespectful or anything of everyone's experiences here. I'm trying to have common sense about it. All of your comments weigh on my mind and definitely contribute to me being super cautious during the concert...
  11. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I do appreciate everyone's advice. Of course I know that regarding my hearing, it's the best decision not to go, that's obvious. And your advice will always be the best and the smartest thing to do. However, people should also be informed how to take the stupid decision in the best way possible...
  12. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I am actually going this coming Tuesday! I have to say that I'm quite nervous, but I'm super prepared. I bought foam plugs that have been rated as the best and are known to filter out about 35 dB. Im also bringing my decibelmeter to check the sound levels, and I have bought peltor muffs that...
  13. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    I have to say you guys did not really supply me with the answers I was hoping for lol but I was already expecting this. I just wish there was some way to know how loud the venue is going to be prior to going. Are there any websites on this subject? Or apps that keep track of these things?
  14. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    Thank you for all the replies. I think i'm just going to bring foam plugs as well as peltor muffs. I have to say that I'll always be nervous to do things like this especially after reading some experiences here. And I am doubting whether I should. I am just a really big fan of this band and I...
  15. Suzerman

    Are Foam Earplugs the Best Plugs for Concerts?

    For the first time since getting my (probably somatic) tinnitus, I am going to go see a concert. I do however want to protect myself as much as possible, and I am considering to even buy Peltor muffs to put on if the noise is still too loud. However, preferably I would like to just wear...
  16. Suzerman

    Breaking the Anxiety Over Tinnitus Cycle (Worst in the Middle of the Night)

    Whenever I get a fleeting tinnitus episode at night that makes me anxious I take cannabis oil and valerian, and mostly it manages to calm me down a bit.
  17. Suzerman

    My Story Started 2 Months Ago

    I am also dutch and I do have to say your problems sound eerily similar as to what I have been through. Mine has been pretty mild so far (thank god), but I do also have tmj problems, retracted ears without the doctors really knowing why, yet perfect hearing on the hearing test. Also some...
  18. Suzerman

    Apart from Tinnitus, Curious If Anyone Is Experiencing Similar Symptoms as Me?

    @Greg Sacramento I am starting to suspect I have some cervical radiculopathy going on in my neck. Is there anything I can do about my situation? Would strength exercises and such make it worse? Cause my tinnitus does seem to spike every time I attempt it. Exercise in general is good right?
  19. Suzerman

    Apart from Tinnitus, Curious If Anyone Is Experiencing Similar Symptoms as Me?

    Ears are spiking at the moment, and had already 4/5 fleeting tinnitus events today :arghh:
  20. Suzerman

    Apart from Tinnitus, Curious If Anyone Is Experiencing Similar Symptoms as Me?

    Wow, I am actually very surprised as to how many people are experiencing the same type of symptoms. Its kind of scary how all of this seems to be such a neurological thing as well. @Greg Sacramento this is super interesting. I figured it all had a connection. I am trying to watch my posture...
  21. Suzerman

    Crazy Spike After Working Out (Push-Ups)

    I have the same experience after a workout. My ear starts making some new sounds and my normal tinnitus definitely increases in volume and develops a sharp edge around it, which definitely takes a few days to settle. The only type of exercise i seem to be able to do nowadays without giving me...
  22. Suzerman

    Apart from Tinnitus, Curious If Anyone Is Experiencing Similar Symptoms as Me?

    Noises sounding too loud definitely. It's not necessarily pain, but my ear just feels really uncomfortable around loud noise. Only when the noise is really really loud it hurts and makes my ear twinge.
  23. Suzerman

    Apart from Tinnitus, Curious If Anyone Is Experiencing Similar Symptoms as Me?

    Apart from my tinnitus, I have other symptoms as well, which I am just curious about if they are related. Next to tinnitus I also have TMJ which I am seeing a therapist for. So I figured that might be important information. So, my tinnitus started after a fleeting tinnitus event (which I never...
  24. Suzerman

    Did Anyone Ever Get a Spike from Crunchy Food?

    Yes I have. My tinnitus is very somatic I believe. Yesterday I had a bad spike as well, it made me pretty anxious. No idea what caused it since i was just sitting on the couch when it happened, however I was having a bag of chips before it happened so that could have actually been the trigger. I...
  25. Suzerman

    Do You Wear Hearing Protection When Cutting Your Nails?

    Hahahahaha i don't know if i should be laughing but I cant help it this thread is hilarious :LOL:
  26. Suzerman

    Morse Code Type of Tinnitus?

    For a few weeks I have been hearing a very soft morse code type like sound in my ear. It seems to come and go because I don't hear it all the time. It is almost inaudible, but can definitely hear it when I plug my ears, and sometimes even without plugging my ears if I focus on it. Right now...
  27. Suzerman

    Can Tinnitus Be Made Permanent by Just Thinking About It?

    I wonder this too. I got it shortly after my aunt got it and we talked about it. I remember saying:' what a terrible condition, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone'. Two days later boom fleeting tinnitus and a hissing noise that lingered to this day.
  28. Suzerman

    Tinnitus Classification for the General Public

    What I personally think would raise the most awareness is just exactly that.. how common it is, and how this affliction can affect anyone, sometimes even randomly for no clear reason. It happens to all ages, all genders. It does not discriminate. Personally. I find that the scariest thing about...
  29. Suzerman

    Your Questions for Dr. Josef Rauschecker Interview

    Is there any knowledge on what causes unilateral tapering (fleeting) tinnitus, and why these events seem more prevalent in people with chronic tinnitus? Is it a physical or neurological event?
  30. Suzerman

    Exercise and Tinnitus — Experiences

    Hello everyone. I have had mild tinnitus for over a year now, and since getting this condition I have stopped doing a lot of things and take a lot of preventing measures as well. I still don't really know what the cause of my tinnitus is. I have retracted ear drums, which implies some kind of...
  31. Suzerman

    Pathologies of Tinnitus: Why Do So Many Different Things Cause Tinnitus?

    It was the same for me really. No direct cause, just woke up one night with a loud tone in my ear (fleeting tinnitus), which went away, but the hissing remained and fluctuates daily. Some days I have to plug my ears to hear it other days I can swear I hear it over the tv. I do count my blessings...
  32. Suzerman

    Tinnitus and Ear Infection Paranoia

    I bought a disinfectant spray for my ear plugs, I probably wear them on average half an hour every day, and I clean them once a week, mostly on a day where i dont use them the next two days or whatever so that they can dry. The last time I did not do that and put my ear plugs in while they were...
  33. Suzerman

    Pathologies of Tinnitus: Why Do So Many Different Things Cause Tinnitus?

    The people who post stories here with: ' I just woke up one day and it was there' terrify the absolute shit out of me. Makes me so scared of mine just becoming terribly loud one day without me having any control over it. :arghh:
  34. Suzerman

    Can I Still Use My Gaming Headset on Low Volume?

    I personally wouldn't but maybe I'm overly cautious. I used to wear headphones all evening after work. I'd wear them going to the gym, travelling, anything really. But ever since I got my mild tinnitus I would like to do everything in my power to keep it mild so I havent gone to any loud place...
  35. Suzerman

    Mild Tinnitus with Crippling Fear of It Getting Worse

    Im doing a lot better mentally luckily (knock on wood) since I wrote this post. The tinnitus is actually either the same or a little bit louder I think, but it just varies so much throughout the day that I somehow learned to not worry too much about it. It seems to be louder in the mornings and...
  36. Suzerman

    My Tinnitus Seems to Be Somatic, What Else Can I Do to Improve It?

    Do you have tense shoulder muscles? Or TMJ? Im pretty sure after months of being scared of noise and everything related that my tinnitus is actually somatic and mostly related to my neck and jaw. I can be in a loud room and it wont do much, yet when i chew a hard candy or whatever my tinnitus...
  37. Suzerman

    Advice for Newbies

    @dpdx I remember you were struggling a lot with a loud spike and floaters. How are you now? Are you doing better?
  38. Suzerman

    Ear Pressurization or Ear Barotrauma

    It varies a lot. It really seems to depend on my posture and positioning of my jaw/neck etc. I have some control over it by massaging my shoulders and neck. Sometimes its hissing very agressively, and then i move into another position and it lowers in volume. It does make me feel partially happy...
  39. Suzerman

    Ear Pressurization or Ear Barotrauma

    No nothing new unfortunately. I've tried countless nasal sprays, antihistamines, steaming etc. But nothing seems to work :(
  40. Suzerman

    Ear Pressurization or Ear Barotrauma

    I'm still struggling with the exact same thing. Constant crackling and popping when I yawn and swallow. And a constant feeling that my ears need to pop. I also have tmj which doesn't seem to heal because of the need to yawn everyday lol. I also have excessive pleghm. I constantly feel it in the...
  41. Suzerman

    I Have No Idea What's Going On

    I've had something similar happen to me. It comes and goes and it also freaks me out quite a bit, but for me I've noticed it has to do with congestion in the ears and sonuses, it makes sound vibrate weirdly in my experience which causes these feedback sounds
  42. Suzerman

    Am I Overprotecting or Underprotecting?

    Yep same here. Seriously do not freak out about noise, it can give you a whole lot of other problems like hyperacusis, ear fullness, emotional response to noise etc. etc. I had this happen to me
  43. Suzerman

    Somatic Tinnitus, Let's Talk About the Symptoms

    I think mine is somatic. Noise does not seem to influence it half as much as a day of bad posture seems to do. I once had a spike from eating liquorice, whereas I was totally fine after an evening of clubbing. Also, I seem to be able to lower the volume by relaxing my shoulder blades, neck and...
  44. Suzerman

    Don't Ever Lose Hope!

    I still think mine is also possibly related to an exposure of noise, but my hearing test came back flawless, which made me doubt that. Just be careful with your ears from now on, and I really think they should be able to do something if it's from water irrigation alone. Maybe there is fluid...
  45. Suzerman

    Don't Ever Lose Hope!

    To this day Im still trying to figure it out. Because I just randomly started to get fleeting tinnitus episodes at night, and then the static hissing just kind of appeared But from what I can tell my tinnitus seems to be related to my neck, jaw and posture, as well as some slight issues with...
  46. Suzerman

    Don't Ever Lose Hope!

    I understand, I was just commenting on the eye floaters because i have aalot of experience with them. I have both mild tinnitus and hyperacusis so I can completely understand how it would. My hyperacusis was quite severe a few months ago, where people's voices hurt my ears. Yet at the same time...
  47. Suzerman

    Don't Ever Lose Hope!

    I know exactly how you feel. I can't say much about the tinnitus, because mine is very mild so far and I thank god every day for that too. However, I do know a thing or two about intrusive eye floaters. I got mine when I was 16... Yep.. 16 years old! The Dr back then told me there was nothing I...
  48. Suzerman

    Two Months On ... Mixed Feelings

    Im very interested in this. I have something similar where my own voice, and those of other people seem to sound a bit off. Like there is some electric static echo sound lingering for a millisecond after I or other people, or sometimes even the tv make sound. And every time I have this it indeed...
  49. Suzerman

    Weekly Changing Tinnitus

    Mine tends to change a lot too. I have a lot of fleeting tinnitus, at least once a week on average. And sometimes random new sounds that come and go, like a soft rumbling noise in my right ear, a hiss in my left ear, that sometimes becomes a small ring, then its a recorder noise thats very soft...
  50. Suzerman

    The Sound of TMJ Related Tinnitus?

    I open my mouth slightly, and basically stretch it a little and take away the muscle tension I feel. Hard to explain haha, but that is it basically
  51. Suzerman

    The Sound of TMJ Related Tinnitus?

    I open my mouth slightly, and basically stretch it a little and take away the muscle tension I feel. Hard to explain haha, but that is it basically
  52. Suzerman

    The Sound of TMJ Related Tinnitus?

    I can actually lower the volume and can make it almost disappear by relaxing my jaw shoulder and neck muscles. Is that common for tmj/somatic tinnitus? Or is that also possible with hearing loss tinnitus?
  53. Suzerman

    TMJ the Cause of ETD?

    So far not that much improvement in my tmj I'm afraid. I'm wearing a splint everyday and seeing a jaw therapist once a week, but my jaw opening is still really limited, and my tinnitus still the same. There are better days and worse days though. Last night was hell again, my head was vibrating...
  54. Suzerman

    The Current Year Is 2018

    You know what field is even worse than a tinnitus treatment...the eye floaters one. Literally nothing happening there apart from one intrusive procedure that could potentially make you blind, or a laser that could make things a 100 times worse
  55. Suzerman

    Using Earplugs — How Do You Avoid Building Up Wax? Or Avoid Developing Hyperacusis?

    How do you guys avoid building up wax? Or avoid developing hyperacusis? I have used ear plugs a few months ago nearly every day because of my hyperacusis and noisy work place. My work isn't continuously loud, but there are sudden bursts of noise because of mechanics working relatively close to...
  56. Suzerman

    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Increase When Lying Down?

    Mine also seems to be louder when I lie down. I think it has to do with the positioning of my neck and shoulders
  57. Suzerman


    Yeah but you have a very mild case of eyefloaters. I have like 15 brown ones (as far as Im able to count them anymore) some large some smaller, and then all the debris you can see through. Far from being just a mild annoyance in my case. Ive had them since I was 16 years old, and it was one of...
  58. Suzerman

    Tinnitus Is Worse in Specific Areas of the House

    Isn't it maybe just a sound in the room? I have the same thing. Tinnitus seems to be the loudest in my living room, but I'm suspecting that's my fridge and router maybe making some weird mixture of noise that makes it seem like my tinnitus is amplified
  59. Suzerman

    Is There a Relation Between Floaters and Tinnitus?

    I dont know but I have had floaters since I was 16 years old. They're big and brown and kind of blur my vision from time to time. They've been probably the toughest thing I ever had to deal with apart from tinnitus. I remember feeling very suicidal over them and thinking how I could ever live...
  60. Suzerman

    Discovered Stretching My Shoulders and Neck Improved My Hissing Tinnitus

    I've been suspecting for a long time that my hissing tinnitus had something to do with my neck/shoulders/jaw because I could influence the volume by tensing it all up or relaxing it. Now today I was putting on my heater (very old gas heater) so I put earplugs in and headphones on, because it is...