Search results for query: cochlear hydrops

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  1. M

    Could It Be Cochlear Hydrops, Ménière's?

    You audiogram doesnt reflect meniers or cochlear hydrops, "Typically, the audiogram of someone with Ménière’s Disease slopes from right to left. Thus, the person with this audiogram will be able to hear high-pitched sounds better than low-pitched sounds in the left ear. The right ear hears...
  2. Ian Mac

    Autifony's CLARITY-1 (Age-Related Hearing Loss) Phase II Study for AUT00063

    You don't have tinnitus you have either pulsatile throbbing, ear bone spasms, damage from loud music, cochlear hydrops, or cervical spine damage. You need to go into your brain and figure out what caused your noises and make peace with the underlying reason, then stop that underlying cause...
  3. Samantha R

    Tinnitus and Diuretics — Can Diuretics Help Lessen Tinnitus Symptoms?

    I'm not sure if I'm a success story. Cochlear hydrops (if that is what I have) is a lifelong condition and I may have flare ups in the future. I think I'll take each day as it comes for the time being, but happy to share my experience with others. :) I do have regular high pitch tinnitus...
  4. Foncky

    An ENT Doctor with Tinnitus

    ...keep going. You'll certainly be able to answer many questions TT members have about hearing matters, if you want to. Like cochlear hydrops ! I was told I may have that, but I had no further explanation. Do you think having T will change something in your practice as a doctor ? (even if...
  5. Samantha R

    Diagnosed with Meniere's Disease Three Months After Tinnitus: Need Help!

    ...causes in my other reply. Find a Neurologist or Otoneurologist who specialises in Meniere’s. The treatments are the same for cochlear hydrops. There is hope, this condition can be managed with the right treatment and you can preserve your hearing. I lost about 40% of my hearing at 500 and...
  6. glynis

    Worsening High-Frequency Hearing After Acoustic Trauma

    Hydrops causes crystals on the tiny hairs in your cochlear and causes motion sickness ,dizziness and ear fullness and tinnitus and hearingloss but unlike meniere's it is not a progressive disease . Tests are done to rule out other problems and MRI and balance tests done . It is good to keep a...
  7. Jrblovsky

    Sharp Stabbing Pain in Front of My Ear If I Pull on My Antitragus or Massage It

    ...has heard of the severe tinnitus and random pain. The pain along with progressive unilateral hearing loss and possibly Meniere's or cochlear hydrops sucks. The worst is the sharp stabbing pain directly in front of my ear if I pull on my antitragus or try to massage it. I can perform the...
  8. glynis

    Questions on Endolymphatic Hydrops

    It resembles menieres in most symptoms without the vertigo and treatment similar. Menieres is a progresive disease leading to hearingloss and sever tinnitus. With hydrops you form crystals on the tiny hairs in your cochlear so it is a inner ear problem and not middle ear that focuses on your...
  9. Dominic1955

    Meniere's Disease

    @Teri , I was hoping to have cochlear hydrops but last night I had a severe vertigo attack, I was sitting on my couch and it was sudden no warning I laid on the floor and vomited profusely and had drenching sweats. Lasted one hr and I was able to walk at around 330am. It's menieres I am not...
  10. FGG

    Hyperacusis / Reactive Tinnitus / Hearing Distortion

    Hydrops is not purely cochlear. Intracranial pressure can affect it. However, you can alter its severity through changing cochlear fluid dynamics. I also think for some people their hyperacusis is related to stapedius muscle dysfunction (i.e. losing the dampening effect) and other middle ear...
  11. dpdx

    I Have Tinnitus and Now I'm Very Depressed and Scared

    That is what my T sounds like. I hate it.....worsened by the stupid ENT/Audiologist who told me that acoustic traumas are less likely to happen then meniere/cochlear hydrops/tumors/etc. :(
  12. PatrickG

    Ian Mac's Regenokine (Orthokine) Treatment for Cochlear Hydrops

    ...That is amazing. I really hope it turns out well and that your tinnitus goes down. I have the exact same tinnitus as you do, but in the right ear only. Changes several times a second and several similar noises to what you have. Wonder if I have cochlear hydrops too? How can I get that diagnosed?
  13. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    That says only got "complete remission" in 101/151 cases, which is interesting but if the problem is "hair cells stuck in the on position" as your theory goes I would think that would be much higher since you are fully removing input from the ear. It also doesn't address why people with...
  14. J

    Hello Patrick, I had a question concerning Cochlear Hydrops. My audiogram shows no hearing...

    Hello Patrick, I had a question concerning Cochlear Hydrops. My audiogram shows no hearing loss and it doesnt seem to fluctuate over time and stays the same. However my both ears feel blocked now they seem to pop but I never get relief since 2 moths.. it possible to have CH without hearing...
  15. Liam_Cairns

    Do I Have Acoustic Trauma (Microsuction) Induced Cochlear Hydrops or AIED?

    ...on Methotrexate. As I personally believe (and this is total speculation), our group who suffers with this very specific form of cochlear hydrops that seems to be greatly aggravated by sound is almost an immune response to noise. In the way that some people with Meniere's can't touch salt...
  16. J

    Ear Pressure etc... Cochlear Hydrops?

    I am wondering if this is not cochlear hydrops, but at any rate it seems the use this category (cochlear hydrops) as a general diagnosis for many cases doctors cannot really explain. I think I do have fluctuating hearing. And there is some "enhancement of sound" our hearing does that for me is...
  17. Candy

    Tinnitus and Vertigo — Can They Be Related?

    Hi Paul I’m not far from you... In terms of the symptom I would ask about cochlear hydrops, Meniere's. Look into TMJ causes as well, particularly if you have ear fullness... TMJ can be responsible but treatment is a bit of a long shot as far as the symptom of tinnitus goes. Do you have a...
  18. J

    Worried About Rumbling Sound

    From what this Dr told you, it sounds like I definitely have Hydrops. Then he said that it leads to Meniere's. You lose at least half of your hearing in one ear if you have Meniere's. That would mean that I would not be able to hear. Hearing with a Cochlear implant is not hearing at all...
  19. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    It's not accurate to say there is no evidence. There is a lot of evidence that in cases where the underlying cause can be treated (e.g., Hydrops) the tinnitus resolves with treating the underlying cause which means it's not "stuck in the brain." See also ear infections and ear wax, ETD, etc...
  20. Benjaminbb

    Sudden Onset of Dysacusis/Diplacusis — Please Help Me!

    ...normal people wouldn’t. All you can do is protect your ears. If it continues consistently then it may be worth looking deeper into cochlear hydrops. But at this point is sounds like it should have minimal effect on your life. I had something similar with 80 Hz, but I’d only notice it if I...
  21. Michael Leigh

    How Can You Habituate to LOUD Tinnitus?

    ...wrong tinnitus can sometimes develop. However, they don't actually treat the tinnitus especially noise induced. You have mentioned cochlear hydrops. My understanding is that this condition is associated with Menier's. Therefore, it's probably the Menier's that is making your tinnitus worse...
  22. I

    Could It Be Cochlear Hydrops, Ménière's?

    That seems to be the same case with what I presume I have, "cochlear hydrops" My hearing was good for 10 days, low frequency really came back but not 100%. Then it just got worse again. This seems to be the same cycle that keeps happening since I got this 3 months ago. I don't think it will...
  23. T

    Sound Pharmaceuticals (SPI-5557 & SPI-1005) cells, because they're not damaged, but restoring the cochlea pressure to stop the hearing dysfunction. Here's a good video on cochlear hydrops that precede Meniere's: TLDR; Not all hearing disorders are a result of hair cell damage or death and so the treatment for these disorders...
  24. FGG

    Aldosterone and Hearing

    If his low frequency problem was causes by hydrops, he could absolutely see that kind of dramatic improvement in low frequency hearing. Mine isn't caused by hydrops but Aldosterone should make my surviving strial Na/K channels (because it acts directly on them) more efficient and my cochlear...
  25. davidchampoux

    Meniere's Disease

    Never heard about 'pre' cochlear hydrops. Do you feel ear fullness? If you have hydrops, you should have dizziness and/or hearing fluctuation and/or ear pain-fullness... If I was you, I would definitely try a low dose of diuretics. I would maybe also try a low dose of SERC. I read it helped...
  26. Shelbylynn

    Young Adults with Tinnitus — Please Respond in Solidarity

    You no longer have an infection but still have symptoms? Or am I just confused? And what kind of ear infection if you don’t mind me asking. I’m only asking because I still hve odd symptoms after my ear infection has cleared up to the point I think it’s coming back but I’ll look at it with a...
  27. brownbear

    An ENT Doctor with Tinnitus the moment that I am not sure how it will manifest itself, but i would like to see something positive come from this. Regarding cochlear hydrops - I am not an expert (who is?!) and it seems to me to be a difficult diagnosis to make as some of the symptoms overlap considerably with much...
  28. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    It's in a different location. The canalostomy is in the semi-circular canal. The risk here is vestibular but as someone who has virtually no vestibular function on my right side and is clinically normal (though I probably can't go on roller coasters again) after PT, it's worth the risk imo. As...
  29. T

    Does This Sound Like a Crazy Tinnitus Spike or Cochlear Hydrops?

    inner ear ct scan . and neuroradiologist report should clear out any doubt about cochlear hydrops or something else
  30. Teri

    The Positivity Thread

    ...40 days without loud T and sleepless nights! YIPPEE!!! I hope this cycle continues. I have not had any difficulty with Meneires, cochlear hydrops or whatever it is I have in my inner ear other than my cycle of migraine headaches and a some fullness in my ear off and on. I feel...
  31. Hottopic29

    Suffered an Acoustic Trauma While on Prednisone, Resulting in Tinnitus in My "Good Ear"

    ...Doctors say nothing can be done about it. This tinnitus is in the ear I never had it in before along with a very faint eee... Since I've had tinnitus for many years, I was upset about this for 2 weeks, but now I'm in the phase where I'm more curious if this is cochlear hydrops or hyperacusis?
  32. L

    Do I Have Acoustic Trauma (Microsuction) Induced Cochlear Hydrops or AIED?

    I think you would be wise to try LDN before harsh steroids. Have you tried a mild diuretic (like dandelion tea) to see if it helps your symptoms? I believe LDN will help people with hydrops, inflammation or issues of an autoimmune origin. The problem is that there is still such an overlap and no...
  33. M

    Wearing Foam Ear Plugs on a Roller Coaster?

    ...refrain from screaming too much, so many do that. I have had fullness in my ear since my acoustic trauma and the ear plugs were fine on the rollercoaster. Although, I didn't go on any upside down rollercoasters as I may have cochlear hydrops and I don't want to trigger a vertigo episode. Good...
  34. M

    Meniere's Disease

    I am planning on getting another opinion, thank you. He said I might have cochlear hydrops which is basically early stages of Ménière's in which it doesn't effect the balance part of your ear. Not sure if this is true, but we'll see
  35. L

    Atypical Meniere's Diagnosis — Is This My New Reality. I Can't Take It. OK. The low sodium diet and water pill hasn't really help. I still get attack. This is why she think it isn't Meniere's Dx or Cochlear Hydrops. Thank you Blue28. The first round of prednisone did help...the second round didn't. I don't even think the mirgrane diet or even the Meniere's...
  36. R

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I wonder if it would it depend on if you were having an episode though as Meniere's tends to be episodic doesn't it? So if you were able to get the treatment at a time when fluid retention was at a minimum I suppose the drug could do its thing still.
  37. J

    Ear Pressure etc... Cochlear Hydrops?

    ...for days after hearing some noise; apparently this is quite uncommon too. Sometimes I get this liquid feeling deep down my ears, and there is no visible liquid, so I thought maybe this sensation is cochlear hydrops, and that's why I feel the liquid and the warmth feeling of pressure on and off.
  38. Dominic1955

    An ENT Doctor with Tinnitus

    @brownbear , how are you ? I may possibly also have cochlear hydrops Do you have fluctuating hearing loss and how bad? Do you experience aural fullness? T is very loud with hypercusis ? I also a physician, but I can get any straight answers from my associates Have you tried dyazide? What is the...
  39. Dominic1955

    New to Tinnitus — Still in Shock all frequencies but especially in my low tones. It's now 7 months and I have noted a few days of improvement in my low tones and relief of my loud T, this is short lived I then revert to my diabolical symptoms. I was told that it could be cochlear hydrops. Have you noted any improvement? Dom
  40. Matchbox

    Can Drugs or Supplements Help Sound Distortions/Dysacusis?

    ...My concern is that the "low" lightsaber hum reactive tones (literally what it sounds like in brown noise) are more distinctive of cochlear hydrops... And I did get barotrauma and Prednisone is known to screw with fluid balance, as well as inflammation could too. The smoking gun for this for...
  41. Laurix

    Worse When Lying in Bed

    Hi there, So one month ago I had these episodes of hydrops cochlear what fortunately have vanished, but I got left with a hissing in both ears that I can only hear very mildly when I go to bed, but especially when I wake up, the moment I open my eyes I feel like I'm under water. What's the...
  42. R

    Betaserc (Betahistine)

    ...Betahistine 3 times a day and it seems to lessen my tinnitus. I had to take it for 3 or so weeks before I felt any benefit. I have cochlear hydrops and this is the second time I have tried Betahistine. I gave up the first time - higher dose of 16mg x 3 - as it gave me indigestion. I am very...
  43. Sound Wave

    Cochlear Hydrops

    I am resurrecting this thread, because an ENT I just saw, commented I might have cochlear hydrops. I found this article interesting, which mentions 'anomalies in the region of the mastoid in these patients', which is another symptom I seem to have at least in the form of trigger point / fascial...
  44. Heathen

    Diuretic Effectiveness for Cochlear Hydrops — How Quickly Should I Notice Improvement?

    Really? Wow. Thank you for the info. The diagnosis came after a hearing test that showed mild low frequency hearing loss. That coupled with my tinnitus and hyperacusis led to the diagnosis. My problem came on extremely suddenly back in August. It was like someone flipped a switch. I went from...
  45. GregCA

    Very Severe Tinnitus and Hyperacusis After One Year

    Yes I am, but it's not helping that much. I understand. It's a moving target. I was originally (mis)diagnosed as having hydrops and given a diuretic. Just a day after the first dose of diuretic is when my T appeared. I just had hearing loss before that. I don't know if the diuretic is...
  46. Matchbox

    Frequent Transient Hearing Loss for a Few Hours — ENT Suspects Cochlear Hydrops

    I have insanity tinnitus and this happens to me too. Hearing drops get a piercing Eeeeeeeeee and audiogram shows 6 kHz losses for hours. Talking loudly or having full ears definitely seems like a prerequisite for it to happen.
  47. Coyotesheaven

    Audiogram — Low Frequencies Burning Away — Help

    @Jkph75 Well, I do think you might have hydrops, but it's very difficult to figure out whether you have elevated endolymph pressure in one or both of your ears. Sometimes they can use the Ecog test to determine that, but that is a test you don't want to take with delicate ears (it's like a...
  48. dpdx

    Two Audiograms with Different Results

    ...night about 2-4 hours. My audiologist claims that it got worse because of anxiety and the 25db drop in my hearing is also stress related. my ENT thought I had Acoustic Neuroma, AIDS, Thyroid Cancer, Meniere, Cochlear Hydrops, etc. She said that acoustic trauma was the least likely of all of...
  49. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    What was the cause of your tinnitus? Any hearing loss? I don't think "metallic sea shell sound" is very typical and I have read that as a description for tinnitus being caused by less common things like patent cochlear aqueduct, Perilymph Fistula, hydrops, etc. Did they rule those kinds of...
  50. FGG

    Hearing Aids

    When regenerative therapy comes out, I definitely want to go to a Meniere's specialist for the IT injection. They do it so often, it's routine for them.
  51. FGG

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration! FYI researchers *are* working on regenerating the vessels in the stria. I wrote Dr. Wang (she's an author on the paper I linked) a while ago and she said they are working on getting something clinical hopefully soon with...
  52. Samantha R

    My Turn for Your Support — Woke Up with Sudden Hearing Loss and Severe Vertigo

    ...ear. A diuretic can assist in draining the fluid and helping with those sensations. Whilst I don’t have Meniere’s, I did have a cochlear Hydrops episode and that was exactly how my ear felt until I went on a diuretic. At that point, within 24 hours I had my hearing back, less pressure in my...
  53. Dr. Nagler

    @Dr. Nagler — Help!

    With low pitched tinnitus and intermittent fullness, cochlear hydrops comes to mind - but that's really much more of a guess and much less of a diagnosis at this point in time. My suggestion would be for you to see a neurotologist for a thorough evaluation, which will clearly serve you far...
  54. Chinmoku

    Could I Have Meniere's Disease? Need Some Help Figuring Out Symptoms Before Next ENT Appointment

    That would be cochlear hydrops, which is different from Meniere. The fluid in your inner ear builds in excess and that causes tinnitus sometimes, and other symptoms. There is no direct test for that. They usually deduce it from a cochleography (be careful, it's a loud exam and can worsen...
  55. N

    Tinnitus Fades in Early Morning in Semi-Conscious State: Debunks the Damaged Hair Cells Theory

    The shit from the "cochlear synaptopathy," "hidden hearing loss," "pain fibre," etc crowd doesn't generally impress me anymore because almost none of them take into account the mere existence of the middle ear. While tinnitus and hyperacusis can both most definitely be of cochlear origin I...
  56. Quasar

    Two Audiograms with Different Results

    Is it permanent loss? have you been tested on other issues than Acoustic Trauma?
  57. GregCA

    New to Tinnitus — Still in Shock

    I have not experienced any dizziness, no (except right after my stapedotomy - which is expected - and just minor). I haven't seen any improvement in my T. In fact it's quite consistent. Consistently bad unfortunately, with no periods of relief. Your symptoms indeed seem to point to hydrops...
  58. kelsey

    I Rather Not Be Here Than Hear This Loud Scary Sound :(

    No mine sounds like a loud semi engine, Its not a hissing or buzzing or anything close to that........And its positional....It goes away slightly when I lay down, and when I sit I hear it very loud.....
  59. D

    Sudden Onset of Dysacusis/Diplacusis — Please Help Me!

    ...told me how the brain might have caused it because of the obstacle in the way of the incoming soundwaves. I told him all about cochlear hydrops etc, which he dismissed and eventually said I'm okay and there is nothing to worry about after an extended talk about how it could be more serious...
  60. M

    Tinnitus for 4 Years from Loud Noise — Now I Rarely Notice It and It Doesn't Bother Me

    Seems quite clear that you in fact then have some fluid building up. Have you received any treatment for that? Any talks about installing a shunt there, for example? This is mentioned in