Hi Rob,
Sorry I missed your response. Yes I have horrendous tinnitus. It's a 750 Hertz roar @ 75 decibels constantly. When this first started I would mask the noise with the loudest white noise possible. I would set it @70 decibels so I could hear the noise but not much. As my hearing continues to decline the noise continues to change but it has constantly been piercing loud. Honestly if I find no relief by the end of the year I will follow through and commit suicide. I was an engineer which is now gone. Hard to calculate something important with a noise so loud in your head. I'm also told because of my age @ 33 years old and lack of vertigo I do not qualify for SSI. So from $90k a year to zero and nothing I can do. I'm basically fucked either way. I I truly hope you find relief. Mine unfortunately will most likely only come by a cochlear implant if I qualify or death.
I've tagged you in another thread.
What treatments are you being given for the hydrops?
If you are not on a diuretic - get on one. This will help drain the fluid, and given you have not had hydrops for long, once the fluid is drained, you stand a very good chance of recovering your hearing.
I've mentioned the John of Ohio regimen and looking into autoimmune causes in my other reply.
Find a Neurologist or Otoneurologist who specialises in Meniere's. The treatments are the same for cochlear hydrops.
There is hope, this condition can be managed with the right treatment and you can preserve your hearing.
I lost about 40% of my hearing at 500 and 750khz in June.
Completely recovered it after taking a diuretic and my ear fullness and pressure completely went.
So did the horrific tinnitus, hyperacusis and diplacusis.
My ears are completely normal.
There is every chance your initial acoustic trauma triggered the hydrops, so protecting your ears going forward is essential.
Feel free to reach out if you need more support or advice.