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  1. cowdodge


    Yes! It really helps but still It's a drug I would prefer to not take.
  2. cowdodge

    Oxycontin and Tinnitus

    I take a very minimal amount of Oxycontin usually in the middle of the night to help me fall to sleep when t's are really banging away. Just wondering if anyone here does the same thing? Antidepresents just knock me of my feet and leave me the next day just plain tired. At least the oxy...
  3. cowdodge

    Has Anyone Taken Oxycodone in Conjunction with Xanax for Tinnitus?

    Been taking oxicotin for years but a very mild dose. .025 now only when I neeed it. My doctor stated to me He didn't want me on it but what th heck I have taken it for years and for sure I'm not addicted to it. It just takes the edge oft the noise issue. Right now I'm nervous b ecause of the...
  4. cowdodge

    Why Does Anxiety Make You Feel Weird and Spaced Out?

    My Anxity starts first thing in the morning upon waking up to tennitus. I try to sleep in but just t keep turning over and over till I push myself out of bed. Right now I have been up for a few hours but still feel tired and the tennitus is steaming away. This is the pits as my doctor doesn't...
  5. cowdodge

    Has Anyone Taken Oxycodone in Conjunction with Xanax for Tinnitus?

    No replies so far I have noticed that oxicotin does help with Anxity and that in turn does help the noise factor of having tennitus. Sure wish someone here would answer me back. Very noisy today and just trying to see th day through.
  6. cowdodge

    Still Going, and Still Strong

    Can antidepresents cause t's to get louder
  7. cowdodge

    Is Oxycodone/Acetaminophen Ototoxic?

    It definitely helps me sleep! I do not take oxy all the time but do when I want to get some extra rest. It works for me and it drives part of my Anxity down from the t's.
  8. cowdodge

    Wearable In-Ear Maskers and Tinnitus

    I have had this junk for 18 years and pretty much know about how th
  9. cowdodge

    Wearable In-Ear Maskers and Tinnitus

    I wear zen maskers and they do help! The hearing aids come with the noise feature Zen and also white noise with three white noises. I have had them for almost two years and would feel lost without them. I still have great Anxity problems and keep on looking for away to resolve that stuff. I...
  10. cowdodge

    A Headphone Setup for Listening To TV and Music

    Can wearing hearing aids with specially equipped to hear tv cause t's to spike? I have noticed that my t's seem to be louder the following day after watching my tv. Thanks Jon
  11. cowdodge

    Has Anyone Else Had This Experience? Many Different Tinnitus Sounds...

    I have mostly a sound like steam escaping from a pipe. My main problem is in the morning after I first wake up. I have a problem with getting up and facing a new day. If I have something to do than that distracts me brain and the noise seems to go away! But like all of us here it controls us...
  12. cowdodge

    Trying to Cope

    Do you have a hearing loss? My T's have really spiked up the last week and I blame that on a restaurant that I went too. Should have put my ear plugs in but didn't think of them. I wear Zen hearing aids and the maskers work fairly well. But get tired of wearing them sometimes like right now...
  13. cowdodge

    Does Hearing Loss Tinnitus Diminish?

    When does it end? I mean of course the T's or only when we end! Going through a spike I hope and have my Zen hearing aids maxed out. Hate this stuff but I know it's hear to stay and just get oust to it. Who is better to see about this junk A neurologist or a phycratrist? Just wondering?
  14. cowdodge

    Do Daytime Naps Make Your Tinnitus Louder Too?

    Tennitus causes anxity and in turn causes fight or flight and that in turn causes your system to get tired. Boy what a predicament only thing to help this is to keep busy and that in itself can cause a person to be tired. Right now I guess I fighting a spike and for what I do not know? My...
  15. cowdodge

    Feeling Desperate, Any Advice Please

    Oh what to do? My doctor in which I have not much faith in and the care system I'm locked into. I belong to aHMO type system and feel as though I'm just another patient in which they can only spend 15 minutes with per visit. Not much time to talk over your problems. My phvratrist is just...
  16. cowdodge

    Working at Stopping Xanax

    I have taken Xanax for almost 15 years and decided that it's not helping me with my tinnitus anymore. I have only taken two tabs a day at .025 per tab. I'm tapering at 1/4 of a tab per week. Is this fast? My doctor stated to me a much slower withdrawal but his period of time would be five...
  17. cowdodge

    Gave In; Getting Hearing Aids

    What is wrong with hearing aids? Most of the time you cannot even see them being worn. If they do the trick to help forget the vanity!
  18. cowdodge

    Anxiety and How to Cope?

    My millin dollar question is? Simple is there a diet that can reduce you adrenalin output? Adrenalin is the biggest culprit in u fight for peace. Seems like f you could reduce this part of th puzzle than the noise should go down and your body would not be staged for fight or flight!
  19. cowdodge

    Xanax Withdrawal. What Has Been Your Experience?

    Well I'm back and still taking the zanax. Trying to figure out if I'm addicted to this stuff or is it the T's that make m nervous. I got a tragic ticket a few days ago and my anxity went oft the chart. But still managed just to take my prescribed amount of Xanax, could have taken more but...
  20. cowdodge

    Getting Less and Less Sleep... Sleeping Pills?

    I noticed when taking melitonin that I got some real bad dreams. The Remona works but I noticed my driving was getting a little erratic. Oh what to do? Never tried sound at night maybe that might help? I have zen hearing aids and they work wonderfully for me but cannot wear them at night...
  21. cowdodge

    I Am Spiking Now...

    So So what to do with road noise? Wear a ar plugs?
  22. cowdodge

    Tinnitus Reduced by Mirtazapine (Remeron)

    Dam if you don't or dam if you do! Well now my world of tennitus is blasting oft to taking Mirtazapinn! My doctor prescribed it after we had a nice visit about where I was at in my world of t's. I'm going to start probably tonight with a haft a tab 15mg. That will be abou 7.5 mg and being...
  23. cowdodge

    Considering Ending My Life

    I truly do feel your pain as my t's were fairy manageable up too around a year or so ago. I went to a head srink and got a proscription for Prozac to try to calm my nerves but the fifth day after taking that junk mj t's hit the roof. So I dropped that stuff like a hot rock! I still have the...
  24. cowdodge

    Waking Up with Tinnitus

    Still wearing my windex hearing aids but no change in t's But the zen features kind of help with the anzity that goes hand in hand with the noise. Not much else new but I have noticed my nerves are a little bit more jumpy.
  25. cowdodge

    Wearable In-Ear Maskers and Tinnitus

    You are so right! Those little wing things are way over priced. Never worked for me.
  26. cowdodge


    Windex hearing aids! I got a free set because my hearing problem was job related. I got all the bells and whissels and they do help by the distraction to the brain. I do not think they will lower the noise envolved with having t's . They are like a hopped race car because of the Zen features...
  27. cowdodge

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Yes medical majawana does come in a pill form. I bought some very expensive (20 American dollars for 8 pills). I didn't get any effect from them so I might some day just get some regular weed and smoke it! It's legal in th state of Washington .
  28. cowdodge

    Tinnitus and Depression

    My tennitus was not brought on by stress as when I first noticed it my life was pretty much in check. No big problems that I can attest too. But it did have a big change on my sleeping habits and short naps. 15 years ago there were no internet sites like this and most ent's didn't want to...
  29. cowdodge

    What Gets You Through Your Bad Days?

    Just thought I would pop in here and state my problem with this junky! About 30 years ago I came down with somethings the doctors could never figure it out but it changed my strength levels and caused me to want to sleep more. Now fast forward to about 15 years ago and the T's hit me! I had...
  30. cowdodge

    Benzodiazepine Withdrawal-Induced Tinnitus

    First of all I started to take Xanax about 13 years ago to help me manage my tennitus problem. And it works to settle me down somewhat? My doctor prescribe me .025 dosage three times daily. I never did take that amount only twice a day. Now fast forward 12 years or so and up to about six...
  31. cowdodge

    Xanax Withdrawal. What Has Been Your Experience?

    Well day six and I'm cutting back to 1 pill at night and 3/4 of a pill during a the day. My T's are kind of screaming but if I keep busy and be with people I do not notice the junk as much. This will be an interesting ride to see what my brain will do without its added zanax. Next week down...
  32. cowdodge

    Benzo Withdrawal Taking a Toll

    The Ashton schedule is set upupfor very high dose of which I'm not taking. It would b nice to see a schudual of .025 twice daily. I sat down last night and made up a schudual of dropping 1/8 of two pills every 1en days. Since I have never done this befor I'm just a little concerned on what to...
  33. cowdodge

    Xanax Withdrawal. What Has Been Your Experience?

    Yes twice a day .25!
  34. cowdodge

    Benzo Withdrawal Taking a Toll

    Tapering oft of Xanax .25 and been taking this does for nearly 15 years. I would like someone here to give some advice about the amount I should cut down to.. I take Xanax twice daily and feel like it's not really working all that well. So my question is how do I much should I cut a tab too...
  35. cowdodge

    A Positive Thread: What Calms Your Tinnitus?

    Getting oft xanix!
  36. cowdodge

    Whooshing in Right Ear

    Interesting. I posted this same question on another t site and got all kinds of fed back! So I'm not the only one who gets this whooshing noise and that in itself is nice to know. Kind of wonder if this comes from the cocela area where the hair cell are located at! This might be part of the...
  37. cowdodge

    Whooshing in Right Ear

    Just wondering if anyone else here get a strange whooshing noise in there ears! Ever since I got this junk I noticed when I shake my had side to side that this strange noise is produced. It also happen if I'm walking and I pound my heals on concrete or whatever? I know it must have something...
  38. cowdodge

    Side Effects from Having Tinnitus: Dry Lips and Skin That Is Wrinkling?

    I guess with all the anxiety that goes with having T's other body functions start to show up? Just recently I have noticed a skin condition that making my skin loose and having dry lips. Anyone here have this problem? I'm trying to manage my T's as best as I can but the anxiety part is beating...
  39. cowdodge

    Xanax Withdrawal. What Has Been Your Experience?

    Thanks for the reply! I still have the ringing but I think I have the anxity under control somewhat? The anxity issue is why I. Want to cut back on the Xanax to see if it helps with anxity issue as what I have read Xanax can cause anxity. Funny you take it for anxity and then it can cause...
  40. cowdodge

    Xanax Withdrawal. What Has Been Your Experience?

    I went and saw my doctor last week and told him I was wanting to get oft my Xanax .025 and how much should I take to wean oft this drug. Well to my surprise and wonder he stated that I should just not take one pill a month till my monthly allotment was down to zero! My prescription is for 60...
  41. cowdodge

    Worse in the Morning When My Mouth Is Dry

    I notice that when I have my fake teeth in the my dry mouth issue is not an issue but of course the T's are still blaring away. Any reason for this dry mouth issue? Really oft T's subject.
  42. cowdodge

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Just wondering are any of these folks on Benzo's?
  43. cowdodge

    Waking Up with Tinnitus

    I'm going to try something new as a test! In the state of Washington Mariawana is legal and this coming week I'm going to take some pill form of this drug. Not much just enough to see if it will relax the fight or fight syndrome of the T's. I plan on taking it first thing in the morning to...
  44. cowdodge

    The Morning Autopilot Anxiety

    I'm retired guess I'm lucky but like the rest of you when I wake up and the T's are going full blast that's when the anxity levels start to roll. I have noticed lately that I'm trying to sleep in more but the rest I'm getting is not quality rest. I'm going to buy a oliptical trainer and force...
  45. cowdodge

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    Here is another question? We have two different outlet types of outlet stores for the the buying of pot products. One is a store fount that is set up so you can but medical Mariawana And the other outlet stores are just stores where you can get any pot products-what is the main differences...
  46. cowdodge

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    Since I'm not a pot smoker and only indulged in it way back in the 60's I'm having trouble with understanding what edibles would be good for a starter point on my anxity problem. I live in the state of Washington and we now can buy pot almost everywhere. I would just like to know in simple...
  47. cowdodge

    Having a Mental Breakdown

    I have had the T's for over 18 years and tme past year and a haft it's steadily getting worst. My doctor doesn't know anything about T's and stated to me I was a great case for him to learn by. Now phycatrst she doesn't seem to understand either but suggested that I take gabatin instead of the...
  48. cowdodge

    Has Anyone Taken Oxycodone in Conjunction with Xanax for Tinnitus?

    I have been on Oxycodone for a number of years and just decided that whatever effect it did for the ringing it was not doing anything. So last Sunday I stopped the oxy and thank god I have had no real withdrawal problems. But what little I read about getting off of that drug it might spike up...
  49. cowdodge

    Chime Sounds When Turning Head Side to Side

    Have you ever ask any doctor what that noise could be comming from? Would be interesting to know? By the way what kind of car is that in the picture?
  50. cowdodge

    Chime Sounds When Turning Head Side to Side

    Ok I'm going to describe a sound that occures when I turn my head side to side and its sort of a flute noise. I only happens when I regerously move my head side to side. Also when I'm walking at a brisk pace and have ear plugs on this noise go oft and on when I take forward footsteps or...
  51. cowdodge

    Hearing Aids

    I'm sitting here with my zen hearing aids on trying to drown out a high squeal that my tennitus is making. They do help but not completely. I feel as though I'm becoming a robot with my hearing aids as I put them on first thing in the morning and usually last thing at night. Beside the...
  52. cowdodge

    Happy Tinnitus Day!

    Nothing like starting the day with screeching sounds and anxiety up and roaring! Well it's Father's Day today and just have to put my best foot forward. Just got to get busy and not monitor the noise. Anyway be happy!
  53. cowdodge

    How Do You Sleep?

    When I first got my t's and went to bed I got one tone for a few minutes and then another one just before I would fall asleep! It was like the brain changing channels to go into sleep mood. I kind of thought it was cool to hear these changes. But now that's gone and it's just lay the head...
  54. cowdodge

    How Many Times a Week Do You Shower?

    usually once a day! I can feel the grime on me if I don't!
  55. cowdodge


    You know when you throw all this info up in the air and it comes down its kind of one like a rubrics cube! All I bled up! These people who go doctor shopping must have fat wallets as it seems that way. I'm kind of stuck with group health plan and they are pretty stingy about who you see and...
  56. cowdodge


    I think? That my head phones exsaterbate my tennitus? My wife doesn't like the TV noise on and so I watch it with my head phones on and I notice that the next day my t's seem to spike is there a reason for this? I also have a special set of hearing aids that can pick up the TV signal but...
  57. cowdodge

    Cannot Hear the Noise Produced by the Original TRT Devices, Can I Use Hearing Aids' White Noise?

    Yes I have a hearing loss due to working in shipyards. I can hear speech but not well. TV has't to be turn up when not having my hearing aids on. I noticed this more so when one of my sons stated to me turn down the TV! Now my hearing aids serve two purposes one the zen noise or white noise...
  58. cowdodge

    Hearing Aids That Play Rain Noise

    My zen hearing aids cost 3700 dollars per unit! I would not have them I have tennitus related case wit owcp and they payed for the set! I like them because there simple to use and I'm not a high tech person. My son had to show me how to get an app on my IPad that's how savvy I'm with tech...