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    Ongoing Tinnitus Spike After Months of Habituation — A Result of a Burn Out and Continued Stress?

    I know the feeling unfortunately. I've had tinnitus since Jan 2016 and the start was a nightmare. I would do anything and everything to resist it. However since Sep 2017, my tinnitus was stable and down to a gentle hum. Yet this week, maybe triggered by a sore throat or cold weather (who knows...
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    Anyone Have Experience With Amitriptyline for Sleep?

    I see. Unfortunately it hasn't done anything for me on the first night. Do I need to take it for a while before I experience an effect ?
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    Anyone Have Experience With Amitriptyline for Sleep?

    Been prescribed Amitriptyline 10mg per night to help me sleep. I guess the response depends on the individual but hopefully this'll help me get a good night's sleep without making me feel like a zombie.
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    Promethazine Hydrochloride

    Have had it for 18 momths since getting T and helped me back into a normal sleep routine. However in the last week the effect appears to be wearing off. Was on a 50mg dose and then 75mg daily.
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    Stressed Out Over Latest Setback Just When I Had Tinnitus Under Control

    Another relapse. Had a spike (no apparent cause) on Weds that meant I was up all night. Have had a couple of decent night's sleep but tonight its been unbearable. Have tried various white noise sounds to allow me to at least mask it so I can sleep but I can't find one that does the job...
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    Stressed Out Over Latest Setback Just When I Had Tinnitus Under Control

    Glad to report the spike has settled and T is softer for now. Thanks for all those who offered support.
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    Needing Some Encouragement

    I can relate. I can deal with the low level dull ring but when my T spikes (as it has for the last two weeks) and the pitch changes I find it hard to deal with. Right now its become high pitched and hard to find any sound to mask it making sleep impossible. Utterly miserable and fed up with it.
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    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    Currently experiencing a spike and came across this thread hoping this could calm it. Seems like an amazing amount of time and effort has been invested in it. How long should I listen to the sounds for it to have an effect ?
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    Stressed Out Over Latest Setback Just When I Had Tinnitus Under Control

    Yes, I use a noise generator that plays rainfall which has helped with sleep. It switches itself off after 60 mins, usually by the time I get to sleep. However when I suffer a spike, sleeping does become more difficult as the sound is more noticeable.
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    Stressed Out Over Latest Setback Just When I Had Tinnitus Under Control

    Thanks as always Glynis. Its very frustrating as I genuinely had a nice six months or so where my T had stabilised and I got back into my routine. This last week with this high pitched spike has been a major setback and knocked my confidence with a return to some of the terrible thoughts I had...
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    Stressed Out Over Latest Setback Just When I Had Tinnitus Under Control

    Seems worse at night. Its almost as if the T adapts to the masking sound.
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    Stressed Out Over Latest Setback Just When I Had Tinnitus Under Control

    My first experience of T was one year ago and the first five months were nightmarish to say the least. I was using in-ear maskers way too much which only caused my T to spike. However since then I'd began a course of Betahistine which appeared to have taken the edge off my T. I only use...
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    Sleeping Meds & Tinnitus — Suggestions for Best Drugs to Try?

    Promethazine 50mg for me. It has got me regular sleep since I started taking it. Do have the occasional rough night though.
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    Betaserc (Betahistine)

    Getting back from the doctors now, been prescribed betahistine and citalopram for my low moods. Apparently it increases blood flow to the inner ear. Hope this works in at least getting my T back down to a manageable level.
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    Questions About Spikes

    I've gone through a spike in both ears in the last few days, and I'm hearing multiple tones compared to the stable T I had before and was just about managing to deal with. @Fangen I really hope its temporary but I don't know how I can get a decent night's sleep like this. My mood has sunk so...
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    Mr. Tinnitus — Having a Challenging Day Today

    I didn't get much sleep either. Last few days my T has changed to a multiple tone buzzing. How do you usually manage sleeping ? I've been on promethazine for over a month and use masking.
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    Poll: Do You Think Your Family Really Understands the Suffering Tinnitus Causes You?

    I think they do but don't realise just how tortous it is to live with.
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    No. I Can't Do It Anymore. Suicide Is the Only Cure for Me.

    In the same boat as you @Poyraz. Don't feel alone.
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    What I Did to Cure My Tinnitus

    Happy to hear that. Right now I'm going through a tortous sleepless night but stories like this are encouraging.
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    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Thanks for the reply. I'll clarify that - I came down with gastroenteritis in late Jan. I wanted to take my mind off things and plugged in my earphones for an hour. Ever since then my ears haven't stopped ringing. I have used earphones heavily in the last few years, at stupidly loud levels...
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    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Have been invited to AM101. Agonising over whether to accept. On one hand, I dread a post-injection spike and related side effects. I really need to know more about its efficacy. Also I'm quite reliant on my maskers which are apparently prohibited during the trial. Yet on the other, I've had T...
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    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Stay the Same Yet Able to Deal with It Some Days Better Than Others?

    Before the last few days I was just about dealing with my T as it was stable. However the last few days not only has it spiked in both ears but the tone has changed from a hum to a louder, musical like ring ! Masking seemed to work for me short-term but I find it hard dealing with tone...
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    A Month of Hell, Petrified Out of My Mind and Desperate for a Plan of Action

    Thanks, managed somehow to get to sleep with masking. Last night was scary. I'm really not good at dealing with spikes or tone changes.
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    A Month of Hell, Petrified Out of My Mind and Desperate for a Plan of Action

    T is screaming at the moment in both ears. God knows how I'm gonna make it through tonight.
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    Hi Guys. Day 5 or 6 and Decided to Sign Up.

    @AlexSongitus how quickly should Prednisone be initiated after onset ? Its not easily prescribed here in the UK and its been two months of onset for me, would it still have an effect now ?
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    New Sound Exposure and Panic

    Unfortunately suffered the same experience last night. My T went from one to both ears and changed from a high pitched buzz to a phone-like dial tone. Woke up at midnight with feelings of a heavy chest and general anxiety. In recent days I'm ashamed to say I've had suicidal thoughts. Finding it...
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    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    This is the Manchester place - I'm planning on going to the one in Leeds, I've had tinnitus for just over a month now and the sooner I initiate treatment the better. I've no idea how effective it'll be but I'm willing to try anything at this point.
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    A Month of Hell, Petrified Out of My Mind and Desperate for a Plan of Action

    OK so have been to ENT this morning and had a hearing test - hearing is fine, no issues there. The doctor said it should go away with time, didn't recommend taking any medication and to stick on some background noise below the volume of the tinnitus. I'll be having TRT with an audiologist and...
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    A Month of Hell, Petrified Out of My Mind and Desperate for a Plan of Action

    Thanks guys, that means a lot. I had a good night of uninterrupted sleep and the T has subsided somewhat. I'd say its at a 2/10. I took some Kalms remedies yesterday and they seemed to work - maybe its stress related T ? I really hope this is not a false dawn.
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    A Month of Hell, Petrified Out of My Mind and Desperate for a Plan of Action

    Couple of extra details - whenever I swallow I feel the sensation of clicking in my ears and very rarely I can hear my pulse but its mainly a "radio hiss"/ringing sound.
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    A Month of Hell, Petrified Out of My Mind and Desperate for a Plan of Action

    Hi everyone, been lurking on this forum rabidly for the last month since frankly the worst health issue I've ever experienced. I can take physical pain, I'd much rather have a tooth taken out in excruciating fashion like I had last year but I can't tolerate this. I know members here have heard...