Still working now?This is my first post. I have been lurking for three months. I spent a lot of time in the Success Stories forum and have tried some of the things people had success with. I have been to an ENT, an audiologist, had a CT scan and consulted with a surgeon. I have been to an osteopath. I have had several sessions with a chiropractor and several sessions of acupuncture. I have been taking CBD oil, Coenzymated B-1, Ginko Biloba, Lipo Flavinoid, N-A-C, Zinc and Kudzu Root. I do not believe any of the above mentioned doctor visits or supplements had any effect on my tinnitus. I will continue with the chiropractor, acupuncture, osteopath and supplements, just in case. I have an appointment with Landmark Hearing Services in Sunnyvale Ca next week. I believe they vendor services similar to what General Fuzz has created. Out of desperation I am addressing the tinnitus with all of what is left of my brain capacity.
I am not sure if I am doing it right, but ACRN is WORKING FOR ME. I don't know if it will hold and actually be a cure, but for short term relief ACRN is fantastic. First I went to and tried to match my tinnitus frequency. Then I hit the PLAY ACRN button and listened. It knocked my tinnitus way down. Before I found this thread and the general fuzz site I thought the T would shake my teeth loose. It never stopped and it was loud. I could hear it over almost anything. In the shower, on the freeway in a convertible, while brushing my teeth with an electric toothbrush, it was always there.
With my wife's help and using the Audacity program mentioned previously in this thread we recorded an hour of sound for my frequency from the general fuzz site. With more help from my wife we copied the file thru Itunes onto my Iphone. I only have T on my right side. I have more hearing loss on that side and that is the side I crashed on to. I have only been at this a few days. At this point I keep the ear piece in the right side almost all the time. I can't sleep with the ACRN going, so when sleeping I use the Sound Oasis sound machine. My T is worse now first thing in morning, because I have been without the ACRN all night. I plug in first thing and it quiets down right away. I only play it on the right side and just loud enough to hear.
I am very grateful to jibs for the thread and for this site. General Fuzz, if we ever meet face to face, I am going to kiss you.
Doesn't seem like nothing....just a bunch of questions...a post with results needs to be started....Yes I agree the study's results aren't particularly easy to decipher. I think they used "regular masking" as their control group (rather than placebo), to figure out whether ACRN was any better than pure masking. It doesn't seem like a slam dunk.
Did you keep trying?I just played this for an minutes trying to find my tinnitus frequency and it already changed my tinnitus! Holy sh*t how is it even possible! My T went from loud high frequency hissing to lower hiss and lower tonal T! OMG! When I stopped the sound I immediately felt like my head was going to explode but then silence for seconds.. Then my T is back but much lower hissing and lower T(actually it almost gone!)
Wow. I do not know if I should keep it trying.
Mine is about 13000, does it work for you?Mine is 13.5 kHz. Thanks Steve.
I have also used ear candling five times, 8 candles on each ear.
So I have had tinnitus for around 8 years now, for the most part never really noticed it or been bothered by it bacause outward stimuli or background noise would keep my mind of it. I would hardly hear it except late at night when it real quite. In the past week I have tried using this technique a bit yesterday had it on for close to an hour straight an now I swear my tinnitus got LOUDER!?? I notice it almost all day now, the normal backgrounds sounds that would drown it out no longer work. it resonates on top of everything. before it was easily managable, now its driving me mad. Any chance this has made it worse, it was maybe 90minutes total I have used this or perhaps coincidence and the fact I am focused on it now? appreciate the help but I wish you would have left a warning that this could worsen it. Im desperate I should have known better. Like I said my T only bothered me rare nights now its everywhere!!!View attachment 2951
Our member generalfuzz has created a nifty web application that you can use to administer your own Acoustic Coordinated Reset Neuromodulation therapy!
Please see this website for more information and the instructions:
Original Post Begins Below:
The following is be a guide on how to create your own Acoustic Coordinated Reset Neuromodulation audio.
The study can be found here:
To make this it will take around 1-3 hours, depending on your computer usage ability. It is boring and tedious as I can't make a program to just spit out the final product. But seeing as how companies are charging 5k for this. It is worth a shot if you have time and want to give it a shot.
My method goes uses information provided in the studies and from a de constructed sample from a professional service. It may not be exactly the same as what is provided by a professional service.
First and foremost, you need to find your tinnitus frequency. This is the most important thing to do. If this is incorrect, you will just be wasting your time. If you don't know it, I suggest you spend as much time as possible trying to get the frequency as close as possible. Don't even start unless you are comfortable that you know it.
Play 4 sine tones, 2 above and 2 below your tinnitus frequency. In a random order for a sequence of 12 tones follow by a short break.
Tone 1 will be (tinnitus frequency - 900hz)
Tone 2 will be (tinnitus frequency - 400hz)
Tone 3 will be (tinnitus frequency + 400hz)
Tone 4 will be (tinnitus frequency +1500hz)
Creating your audio:
To do this you will need an audio editing program. I use audacity. It is free. Google it, download it.
Step one creating the tones:
In audacity go to the top menus and click generate>tone.
Waveform: Sine
Frequency: Whatever your Tone 1 frequency is
Amplitude: I did 0.5 (closest match to the sample)
Duration: 0.15 seconds
Now you get a nice tone. But it isn't finished yet. Click the selection tool (above the magnifying glass) and highlight the first 0.07 seconds of the tone. Go to the top menu, click effect>fade in. Repeat for the last 0.07 seconds for fade out. After this click at the end of the tone so it is no longer highlighted with the selection tool. Then go to generate>silence and make 0.01 seconds.
Repeat this process until you have created your four tones.
These are now your reference tones. Now comes a whole lot of copy and paste. Here is the following order of how I did mine (going of sample deconstruction).
After this you have your first set of 12 tones. Now you need to add the silence component. So again click generate>silence and do 1.4 seconds. Following this you will do another 12 tones -> silence -> 12 tones ->silence and so on. Here is the full tone structure if you want to copy mine.
After this you should have a sequence that goes for about 30 seconds. You can add more random tones if you wish. It should look something like this, except much longer.
View attachment 2420
In regards to volume, it should be just high enough to mask your tinnitus.
Export the audio to an mp3 and away you go.
*note 1 - I found if you have a high tinnitus frequency, listening to the high pitch tones over and over, especially tone 4 can be uncomfortable. I don't know how many people in the study had a high frequency as I think they mentioned the median frequency was 4khz.
*note 2 - If you are getting zero RI after a 30 second loop, not even 1 second. Something is wrong, either it won't work for you, or you got your tinnitus frequency incorrect (this happened to me the first time).
*note 3 - Although they boast a 70% success ratio. They had a somewhat specific sample group. It had to be within a certain frequency range, had tinnitus for a certain period of time (I think atleast 6 months), did not have TMJ etc.
EDIT by Markku: All talk about this Do-It-Yourself method can go in this thread you are now reading. Thanks to jibs for a comprehensive guide.
However, if you are participating in an Acoustic CR clinical trial or have bought that device and use it, then please use the original ACR thread, which you can find by clicking here.
This "therapy" has now become fairly discredited. The London Tinnitus centre - which charges a small fortune for it - paid for a large-scale trial and then made sure that the results were binned when they weren't positive. For all the people who've said that they found it moderately helpful, there are an equally large number of people who actually said it made their tinnitus worse - as you unfortunately have found.
I've already posted on this issue here:
The tinnitus clinic have tried to wipe all discussion of this trial which didn't give positive results out. After all if you fund the research you control the research.
However, the protocol for the trial - dating back to 2013 is here:
There are no further publications on it as Deb Hall etc were prevented from doing so when the trial results were negative.
Have you found that after you stopped with the therapy that you're tinnitus went back to how it was before or did it stay worse? And how many hours total did you listen because mine was very short maybe 2 hours total mostly without earphones and not even sure if it was the proper frequency.Mine is still at a very uncomfortable pitch that I cant even drown out with noise, perhaps part is I'm giving it too much attention. I'm just trying to figure out if this had anything to do with it or perhaps it worse because my underlying issue causing it is getting worse. Thanks for the input and best of health and wellness!@des I was on the Nottingham trial and it made mine worse. There were a few factors potentially behind it - didn't like the feel of the in-ear earphones, I found the tones irritating (I'm a musician so the non-musical nature of them felt jarring), I believe now that the main sound being treated has a physical (neck related) cause, the tone matching visits were too far apart when you start to feel a real change in pitch and I listened for too long, sometimes a full day - becomes an irritant in the head when you do that.
I was listening to it for well over a month, possibly more than 2, around 6-8 hours per day when I felt it had harmed my tinnitus (I kept a log but I'm n0t sure where it is now).Have you found that after you stopped with the therapy that you're tinnitus went back to how it was before or did it stay worse? And how many hours total did you listen because mine was very short maybe 2 hours total mostly without earphones and not even sure if it was the proper frequency.Mine is still at a very uncomfortable pitch that I cant even drown out with noise, perhaps part is I'm giving it too much attention. I'm just trying to figure out if this had anything to do with it or perhaps it worse because my underlying issue causing it is getting worse. Thanks for the input and best of health and wellness!
Samples seem to be free on You Tube (Search ACRN/ sound/ Relief ) to try before you buy...!Anyone here selling an Acoustic Neuromodulation cd? Where can I get this on disc?
You could also just listen to your Tinnitus for 24 hours a day and have 20% chance of improvementApparently you have to listen for 6-8 hours a day for a YEAR and you have a 20% chance of some improvement
You could also just listen to your Tinnitus for 24 hours a day and have 20% chance of improvement![]()