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  • Users: Emmi
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  1. Emmi

    Looks Like I Meet the Group's Membership Criteria

    @Mick007 I am not sure if this is the case for you, but I have heard from some other meditation practitioners who actually got their T from meditating. I think in Buddhism there is even an own word for this phenomenon. So there seems to be a link between those two. However if you first noticed...
  2. Emmi

    One Year with Tinnitus and I Am More Scared Than Ever

    ...but lately I am thinking of trying it. @Gosia true, nobody promised us to lead a happy life. And sometimes things just happen and fate can be a b****. And probably it's wiser to focus on the things you can still do.. I know my focus is way too much on my restrictions atm. Oh wow, I tried...
  3. Emmi

    Poll for Americans: Who Are You Planning to Vote for President in 2016?

    Since Trump seems to be a personality that mostly cares about himself, why can't we just give him Tinnitus and I bet he won't care about the money for the wall in Mexico anymore too much. :p
  4. Emmi

    One Year with Tinnitus and I Am More Scared Than Ever

    Thanks guys. I really, really hope that it will settle again.. it's just not true to say volume doesn't matter and it's only perception. At least for me it does. This new level scares me way more than the old one, but the problem is it was another noise incident so I fear it won't go back to the...
  5. Emmi

    One Year with Tinnitus and I Am More Scared Than Ever

    Honestly guys, I am freaking out!! I am having this now for one year and I feel beyond terrible. I think I am having a panic attack right now, I am just so, so scared that this is staying now for the rest of my life. I am so sad, I don't know how to handle this amount of pain every day. I want...
  6. Emmi

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    that's my concern as well... that I will make it worse in the long run.. in another thread it was mentioned to try the enzyme which makes GABA in the brain (pyridoxal-5-phosphate dependent, activated B6) What would you think of this approach?
  7. Emmi

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    @Pleasure_Paulie thanks for your reply! I really did not want to go the benzo route, but currently I see no other way. My doctor did not want to prescribe it to me either.. and I really get why, but it's just the only thing that seems to help a bit. Do you use it only once a while in order to...
  8. Emmi

    Hey Barry! I read that you have tried the Mutebutton device.. could you tell me about your...

    Hey Barry! I read that you have tried the Mutebutton device.. could you tell me about your experience with this? Thanks a lot :)
  9. Emmi

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    I read for sure that this is the case for some people. I also feel that one beer makes it actually better. I also heard of Campral, but have not tried it so far. I think they did another trial where the results were way more negative, If I recall correctly. However I think that there is a link...
  10. Emmi

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    What about toxicity, when using Klonopin on and off "as needed"? Like when you are only using it twice a week you cannot really taper up/down.. so I wonder if this would lead to toxicity then?? It would be very nice to have something that gives a bit relief on a bad day though.. oh damn, I am so...
  11. Emmi

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    That approach seems very interesting and less dangerous than taking a benzo.. I would be very interested about your progress in this! Thank you for your detailed posts, they are really helpful! :)
  12. Emmi

    Can I Live with Tinnitus but Still Enjoy Live Music at a Concert?

    Hi Eazy, I know it's hard to get something like this with young age.. and feeling like you are missing out on things. But since you have T for only two weeks there really might be a chance for it going away. I would avoid loud noises for a while in order to increase this chance.. you don't...
  13. Emmi

    Discordant Dysfunction Theory

    I was wondering if a botox injection of the afferent axons would have this effect.. but no idea how you would find out where the afferent axons from the IHC at 10,4 khz go along..
  14. Emmi

    Discordant Dysfunction Theory

    This seems in deed quite logical. Did you do a high-frequency hearing test? If so, I don't get how the ENT could not see this.. Do you think that by restoring the balance, through numbing of the IHC, the T would theoretically go away?
  15. Emmi

    Discordant Dysfunction Theory

    I think it's not fleeting T, but temporary T after noise exposure (from flying the airplane).. and they found that those pilots, who developed temporary T and thus were seemingly more prone to developing the condition have lower values in their DPOAEs. But unfortunately I don't have full access...
  16. Emmi

    Discordant Dysfunction Theory

    Also interesting: "Thus, it seems likely that the outer hair cells sharpen the frequency-resolving power of the cochlea by actively contracting and relaxing, thus changing the stiffness of the tectorial membrane at particular locations. An active...
  17. Emmi

    Discordant Dysfunction Theory

    I just stumbled upon this study:, where they say that "susceptibility to tinnitus in normal hearing subjects exposed to noise on a daily basis seemed to be clearly related to lower DPOAEs, bilaterally, in the 1500- to 2800-kHz range." And further...
  18. Emmi

    I Have Been Having Tinnitus for 3 Days

    Did your friend start immediately with clonazepam? Do you think it could still help after 12 months?
  19. Emmi

    To Those Who Believe in God, Why Doesn't God Want Me Dead? Also Why Do You Still Believe in God?

    In general I would argue that faith is not verifiable, that's why it's faith. In science it's verifiable if a certain theory is correct.. with faith you have the choice to believe or the choice not to believe. But the meaning of the word "believe" is to think something is the way it is without...
  20. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    My audio-grams show no detectable hearing loss (until 8khz).. so far I have not found out if the higher frequencies are affected or if it's hidden hearing loss.. @jjflyman do you remember how your improvement developed over time? Like how did the T change? Was it just getting softer over time...
  21. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    @Vinnitus Another connection, that is quite interesting.. Tinnitus and floaters. Do you have floaters as well? I do, first noticed them 2 years before I got T. Since floaters seem to stand in relation to potassium channels, I think this goes into the direction of your theory, that people who...
  22. Emmi

    Is There a Relation Between Floaters and Tinnitus?

    I do think there is a connections as well! I did notice floaters two years before the ringing started. Although my T was caused by loud noise, but I think that something is making us neurologically prone for developing T.. and maybe this is linked to why you develop floaters as well. At least I...
  23. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    Hi Vinnitus, this sounds quite plausible to me. At least I felt that most people who had noise-induced T and tried Retigabine had some success with it. Of course it's too small of a number to draw conclusions out of this.. but still it seems to have some effect. There are just so many...
  24. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    That's a very interesting theory. I wonder if it's possible to get rid of the hyperactivity even when the hair cells didn't heal.. the way I was understanding it so far is that the damaged nerves cause a "glutamate storm" which brings the auditory cortex into an excitatory state... hence that's...
  25. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    That would be so great, I truly hope you are right. Was your T on both sides or only on one side? I do wonder why T from noise exposure goes away sometimes after such a long time. I tend to think that it's not the ears that heal, but your brain that is slowly understanding that the hearing loss...
  26. Emmi

    One Month, 24 Days

    Hey Set, to me it seems like your T is noise-induced, I also have a hissing type and I feel many get that after noise trauma. It is not nice to have something like this with young age, but apparently the healing chance is higher the younger you are as well. You don't have it for too long and...
  27. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    Hi @jjflyman, thank you for your quick response! I was exposed a couple of hours to loud music in a club. I did have temporary ringing in the ears after clubbing previously already, but not too often and it always went away after sleeping. I can function day to day tasks, my mood is just...
  28. Emmi

    July 10 — Tinnitus Came Back / As of September 3, Tinnitus Again Almost 90% Gone

    Those really are encouraging words and I wish that this is the case. I have T now for nearly 12 months and I am really starting to lose hope. Please post your success story, this hope is highly needed! I really would like to know how my case would have developed if I would have strictly avoided...
  29. Emmi

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    @Cityjohn Do you think LLLT could help with the pressure and fullness feeling?
  30. Emmi

    Depressing Mark of Tinnitus

    @Marlino I feel exactly the same. Counting pros and cons. Unfortunately I cannot give you much hope either. I just try to tell myself to keep going for at least one more year. You are only 8 months in, that's not too long.. I met at least two people, who had T for years and it went away. Of...
  31. Emmi

    Punch/Kick to Ear and Tinnitus

    For me it's also nearly a year.. and I think I am doing even worse than in the beginning. So far the last months I could only survive because I kept telling myself.. it's going to go away. But I guess it's time to face the truth.. and it's more likely that it's going to stay. I really hope it...
  32. Emmi

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    Do you think stem cell treatment could do that? In combination with LLLT? I feel like T prevents me from having a normal life and enjoying noisy events and everything, cause I am just so scared about worsening it all the time. :(
  33. Emmi

    Depressing Mark of Tinnitus

    Seriously???!! @Kazue I hope you'll just ignore this post.. I know exactly how you feel! Same for me! I have huge ups and downs.. often sadness catches me out of the blue. Similar situations as you mentioned. Life is just not that carefree anymore.. and we are both still young. That is even...
  34. Emmi

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @PatrickG I am very sorry to hear that, but thank you that you shared it. I was starting to think about trying Trobalt once as well, just to know if there is something that can eliminate it. But now I won't do that. I really hope that it will get better for you!
  35. Emmi

    Sulodexide Possibly Benefits Chronic Tinnitus

    Hi Rick, no detectable hearing loss, but did not do a high frequency audio-gram.. it is sort of a hiss in both of my ears. And yes destroyed everything for me as well..
  36. Emmi

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @Alue Why would you think so?
  37. Emmi

    Flupirtine — Another Potassium Channel Opener

    @undecided did you continue to use Flupirtine since it seems to work quite well for you? I am thinking about trying this as well.
  38. Emmi

    SoundCure Serenade Tinnitus Treatment System

    @Steve Does it not matter at which frequency your T is for these 40 Hz tones and how long would you suggest listening to it?
  39. Emmi

    Sulodexide Possibly Benefits Chronic Tinnitus

    Hello everyone, I was in contact with a doctor from St. Joseph University in Beirut and wanted to participate in a Tinnitus study. He told me that they unfortunately enrolled it already and the preliminary results showed a benefit in treating tinnitus with sulodexide (as known as Vessel Due F)...
  40. Emmi

    Is It Inevitable to Grow Tolerance from Clonazepam?

    Hi all, I am considering to discuss taking Clonazepam with my doctor, as a last resort. I want to try other things first, but since I am noticing a considerable reduction with Zolpidem, I think there is a good chance that same could happen with Clonazepam. It seems to work for quite many, but...
  41. Emmi

    Coffee Reducing Tinnitus?

    I certainly do! I was told not to drink coffee and I did so for months until I finally just couldn't resist anymore... and surprisingly it actually reduced my tinnitus.
  42. Emmi

    Coffee and Sleeping Pills Have Adverse Effects on CNS — Still Both Reduce My Tinnitus!

    @undecided true, I actually just read that I might even worsen it in the long run since the brain would produce less GABA naturally.. so I might first try to enhance GABA somehow with Yoga and herbs. (although I just can't believe that this will really work).. and thank you very much for the...
  43. Emmi

    Coffee and Sleeping Pills Have Adverse Effects on CNS — Still Both Reduce My Tinnitus!

    @Changwoo thank you for your response! I really hope we will both be able to beat T, although I fear that I have had it already too long... but still I'll continue experimenting. :) How is your development going? @undecided Thank you for your answer! May I ask, what's the thing with taking...
  44. Emmi

    Coffee and Sleeping Pills Have Adverse Effects on CNS — Still Both Reduce My Tinnitus!

    Hey all, sorry for spamming lately... but I have two weird findings concerning my T, that I'd like to share.. 1) drinking coffee reduces my T! 2) taking Zolpidem (sleeping pill) reduces my T! Now those two activities actually have adverse affects on the central nervous system, but still both...
  45. Emmi

    My Success Story! (Cut Out the Coffee)

    @BuzzyBee & @Kotve I also feel like my T is reduced after drinking coffee.. can you come up with an explanation why this is the case?
  46. Emmi

    Lowering Blood Pressure in Order to Lower Tinnitus — Worth a Try?!

    @Michael Leigh I know my values are completely normal and it sounds weird wanting to lower them and hence my overall health. But T is just something that I still really cannot cope with, therefore I want to try everything that I can find. And I wasn't looking for any posts like that, I just...
  47. Emmi

    I Got My Tinnitus 2 Months Ago After Club. Need Your Help.

    @Changwoo I am in a very similar situation..also got it from clubbing and also I feel like this is the most difficult time of my life.. really don't know what to do if this stays forever.. only that I am already 11 months in, so I reached the chronic phase already. Looks like my chances are...
  48. Emmi

    Lowering Blood Pressure in Order to Lower Tinnitus — Worth a Try?!

    okay true I don't have to necessarily take medication in order to lower it. Foods like ginger, curcuma, cayenne pepper, bananas and garlic can decrease blood pressure as well.. So I'll try that and see if it has any impact on my values.. if anything changes I'll update. :)
  49. Emmi

    Lowering Blood Pressure in Order to Lower Tinnitus — Worth a Try?!

    Hello guys, now and ten I stumbled upon posts from people who took blood thinning medication and had pretty low blood pressure thereafter.. it was quite a few times reported that their T decreased while having a very low blood pressure. I can't really come up with an explanation for this, but...
  50. Emmi

    Teen Daughter Gets "Accidental" Relief from Tinnitus

    @MomtoGG oh wow, that is indeed a lot.. :( But it really is interesting that it is primarily designed for Epilepsy.. since Tinnitus and Epilepsy seem to have a similar root. I will get in contact with them and see if I'll give it a try. But really interesting, thanks again for posting it!
  51. Emmi

    Teen Daughter Gets "Accidental" Relief from Tinnitus

    @MomtoGG thank you for sharing this! It is amazing that it worked for your daughter so well! Is it that one: unfortunately that is super pricey for me, but I would really like to give it a go.. have to think a bit about it. :)
  52. Emmi

    Determining the Likelihood of Temporary vs. Permanent Tinnitus

    I think it all comes down to the question of damage.. although some people with hearing loss don't get T. So now it is the question if that is because their hearing loss was "natural", meaning that no event caused it suddenly so that the brain would not have to cope with a sudden reduction of...
  53. Emmi

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    I thought that most T's are caused by a hyperactivity of the auditory cortex caused by hearing loss in certain frequencies thus a reduction of auditory inputs.. or am I misunderstanding something?
  54. Emmi

    Have an Appointment with an ENT Specialized in Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    To me this is a huge relief too! Thank you for sharing that! It actually really seems like something is going on. Do you happen to know when they will start with the trial? Or do you have a name of the research institute? Gosh, that really gives me hope that we don't have to endure this forever
  55. Emmi

    Lidocaine and Dexamethasone Perfusion

    @undecided So best case scenario would be temporary relief? Or do you know people where the effects are long term as well? Uhh I don't know if I shall do it.. tried Cortisone already via infusion.. and that didn't help unfortunately, but didn't make it worse either. Probably I am too late for...
  56. Emmi

    Lidocaine and Dexamethasone Perfusion

    @mrfixit38671 How long did you have your T already when you did that treatment? @Christian78 Do you know the cause of your T? And how long did you have it already when you did the treatment? And are you feeling a bit better? :)
  57. Emmi

    Ear Pain, Pressure & Fullness

    @MJC could you find anything against this pressure/fullness & ear pain feeling? I have that too and I think it is kind of common in T due to noise exposure.. but I can't really understand what exactly is happening?! Is it some kind of inflammation due to the damage maybe?
  58. Emmi

    I Don't Know How to Continue

    @Michael Leigh I have read your post and thanks for the long and informative answer! I am starting to feel slightly better, but the other symptoms which come along with T, such as ear pain and this constant fullness are very hard to handle for me. I know that my chances are low that T will...
  59. Emmi

    Lidocaine and Dexamethasone Perfusion

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if an intratympanic dexamethasone injection with lidocaine, for example done at the Shea Clinic, could still help after 11 months? Probably it will only help in an acute phase and I did an infusion therapy with cortisone already and that did not have any effect, so...
  60. Emmi

    IGF1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) as SSHL Salvage Treatment

    @XDR did you try some medication in order to lower your blood pressure already? If so how was the effect on your T? I am thinking to ask my doctor to try this.. even though I don't really have an explanation why this could help T.. does blood pressure stand in relation to pressure in the ear...