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  1. Believin' Steven

    For anyone who likes to lurk profiles and see how things have ended up. Know I'm a rare case. I...

    For anyone who likes to lurk profiles and see how things have ended up. Know I'm a rare case. I made a lot of mistakes. You won't end up like me. I can almost guarantee it. I'll be gone soon. There isn't hope for me to get better. I'm trying to stick this out but it's not possible. Noxacusis is...
  2. Believin' Steven

    I am still here battling these afflictions. I will not give up. Everyday has pushed me to my...

    I am still here battling these afflictions. I will not give up. Everyday has pushed me to my limit, but I will continue to exceed them. I pray for everyone and anyone dealing with this, regardless of the difficulties that you face. It's been 5 years with nox and almost 10 with T. I love you all...
  3. Believin' Steven

    H got worse. Possibly due to lamotrigine. Pain all the time. Have to wear protection in quiet...

    H got worse. Possibly due to lamotrigine. Pain all the time. Have to wear protection in quiet room. Trying to ride it out, been about a month. Struggling. Lost so many things since the first time I got nox. Again. Hard to keep the hope alive. Pray for me.
  4. Believin' Steven

    Still kicking, T/H not getting better but not getting worse ☹️

    Still kicking, T/H not getting better but not getting worse ☹️
  5. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    I don’t know what I’m looking for but basically I’m trying to figure out if anyone had the same symptoms I had at the start of their hyperacusis. The pain gets so immense that I shake, sweat and cry. It’s impossible to sleep or even think about anything but ending it. It usually happens at...
  6. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    I had a bit of an episode last night. I had massive ear pain, worst it’s ever been. Went to the ER and they gave me a dose of Clonazepam and it took the pain away within the hour. It’s still calm now but the pain is still constant. It felt like (and still does to some extent) acid being poured...
  7. Believin' Steven

    Header for my profile and a reminder to myself. No headphones. EVER. Don’t risk it. Don’t dwell...

    Header for my profile and a reminder to myself. No headphones. EVER. Don’t risk it. Don’t dwell on mistakes either, it’s negative progress.
  8. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    My location isn’t so bad atm. I’m on an acre of land out in the sticks, nice quiet nights. But the beach sounds fucking great, I’ve listened to ocean sounds when I sleep for the past 3-4 years. The best natural relaxation I get is the rain, and it’s rare in Aus. I think you’ve given me a new...
  9. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    @Juan Yeah I’m starting to realise I have to give it some time. The past week it’s gotten a little better, but only slightly. I believe my ears are just generally fatigued and overworked from stupid shit like headphones, work and general haphazard behaviours. It’s hard not to get bent out of...
  10. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    Unfortunately I’m in Sydney. Do you know if this treatment is covered by Medicare? There’s no way I can pay out of pocket atm.
  11. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    I have been using headphones at a low volume for a while. I guess my ears finally gave and now the hyperacusis has taken root. I have been sitting in relative silence for the past few days and my ears still hurt like crazy. I don’t know what to do at this point, I can’t seek TRT treatment...
  12. Believin' Steven

    Hyperacusis Came Along with Tinnitus Spike: My Ears Are Sensitive to Even Quiet Noises

    Recently my tinnitus kicked up a notch and now I have nasty hyperacusis or ear pain or whatever. It’s extremely quiet, just a bit of wind and my ears feel like they’re going to fall off. I can’t think of any loud sounds I’ve been exposed to recently, the hyperacusis just came out of nowhere...
  13. Believin' Steven

    Why Do Some People Hate Bill Bauer?

    Fingers crossed
  14. Believin' Steven

    Why Do Some People Hate Bill Bauer?

    It started 2015 with a slight ring that I hardly noticed, but I continued to to go to loud events, use headphones/earphones, loud music, basically everything that you shouldn’t do. Then last year it became a massive problem, probably a month before I joined the site. Ever since then it’s become...
  15. Believin' Steven

    Why Do Some People Hate Bill Bauer?

    Not so much, it’s kinda worse and better at the same time. Worse In the sense that it’s a little louder, but better in sense that the tone has stopped moving around and allowed me to habituate a little. Nowadays it’s the mild H that came on a couple of months ago due to some unfortunate loud...
  16. Believin' Steven

    Why Do Some People Hate Bill Bauer?

    @Bill Bauer helped me through an incredibly dark time in my life almost a year back. I was posting multiple threads a week and he was almost always in the thread giving me guidance. Ive never met him, I probably will never meet him, but he holds a special place in my heart. No homo.
  17. Believin' Steven

    Tis' but another day...

    Tis' but another day...
  18. Believin' Steven

    Should I Check Myself Into a Psych Ward?

    Yeah better. I haven't broke down like I did since then. Even despite my T adding new tones that seem to come and go. Been keeping myself distracted and have become closer with friends and family. It still bothers me, though mostly at night as it seems to get louder even with masking, however I...
  19. Believin' Steven

    Keep reading stories of more and more people losing hope and even themselves to this affliction...

    Keep reading stories of more and more people losing hope and even themselves to this affliction. So hard to keep positive
  20. Believin' Steven

    I Got Over My Tinnitus, And You Can Too...

    You and I have similar T. I'm 1 1/2 months in and I hope to get back to life, was considering dropping out of Uni but I know if do that I will have let the noise win. People like you inspire me.
  21. Believin' Steven

    Yeah I've been having a rough patch and using him to calm me down. I find it's much better if...

    Yeah I've been having a rough patch and using him to calm me down. I find it's much better if you paint along with him. Even in photoshop or something
  22. Believin' Steven

    "Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you no when the good times come. I'm waiting on...

    "Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you no when the good times come. I'm waiting on the good times now" - Bob Ross
  23. Believin' Steven

    Should I Check Myself Into a Psych Ward?

    I have been taking magnesium citrate and circumin.
  24. Believin' Steven

    Should I Check Myself Into a Psych Ward?

    The ward wasn't too bad. There were about 6 patients total, mostly young people. The nurses and docs were really sympathetic and understanding. Although not much to do in terms of keeping the mind busy, so I didn't feel comfortable staying an additional night.
  25. Believin' Steven

    Should I Check Myself Into a Psych Ward?

    Hi all, Ended up going to the psych ward, had a good long talk with the doctors. Got some Ativan to sleep and stayed the night. Slept for about 3 hours due to being awoken by a doctor who wanted an interview. He prescribed me mirtazapene. Checked out because I wasn't sure I could stay another...
  26. Believin' Steven

    Should I Check Myself Into a Psych Ward?

    It's not just the tinnitus anymore. I'm struggling to cope. Everything was building up before this - anxiety, depression, hallucinations. Tinnitus was the straw that broke it I guess. I no longer feel safe and in control. I don't want it to be like this anymore.
  27. Believin' Steven

    Struggling to Cope

    Hello again. I'm really struggling to cope. The high pitched bullshit is so bad that when I sleep even with ambient sounds it takes over jolts me out of whatever pre sleep state I was in. I decreased my Ativan in a hope to slowly taper, so I know the days of shit quality sleep I do get are...
  28. Believin' Steven

    Is Anxiety the Culprit Behind These Symptoms?

    @Rosemerry Have a gp that only wants to prescribe SSRI's but no way in hell am I touching those. Going to a therapist today, first ever in my life. Going to ask for Valium so I can taper a lot more effectively. I was doing yoga under the guide of YouTube videos, too embarrassed to go to a class...
  29. Believin' Steven

    Is Anxiety the Culprit Behind These Symptoms?

    @light rain I've been really strict about my diet since T onset. Haven't touched sugar and use salt sparingly. Very little complex carbs and try to stick to naturally occurring foods (anything you can hunt or grow). Most of the time I don't feel anxious, I just have this piercing sound in my...
  30. Believin' Steven

    Is Anxiety the Culprit Behind These Symptoms?

    @fishbone I would really like to go for a walk but it's 5 degrees Celsius and I don't want a cold or anything like that. I was doing yoga for a bit and then stopped for no real reason, maybe I'll start again. May I ask what supplement caused these withdrawals?
  31. Believin' Steven

    Is Anxiety the Culprit Behind These Symptoms?

    Ideally I don't want to take anything. It's been 2 days and sleeping is near impossible. I have really bad head T without it and it feels as if my head will explode at any minute. Pretty crazy what this condition can do.
  32. Believin' Steven

    Is Anxiety the Culprit Behind These Symptoms?

    Yeah I'm a big dude and I've lost about 15 kilos. Friends say I look great, if only I felt the same though...
  33. Believin' Steven

    Benzodiazepines (for Life) as Treatment of Tinnitus? Is It Sustainable?

    Can you go into detail of the effects of this drug? My brother takes it for restless leg syndrome and it works for him in that regard. Thinking about inquiring about it with my doctor.
  34. Believin' Steven

    Also recently I've been having a head pain/stomach pain and a burning sensation in my upper...

    Also recently I've been having a head pain/stomach pain and a burning sensation in my upper spine. Really want to check into hospital to run tests
  35. Believin' Steven

    Not exactly. When I slept they would be at the most 1 quarter of the potential volume. I also...

    Not exactly. When I slept they would be at the most 1 quarter of the potential volume. I also smoked and still do, trying to quit but T feeds stress and cigs help. So vicious cycle
  36. Believin' Steven

    Is Anxiety the Culprit Behind These Symptoms?

    Recently I've been having other symptoms with my tinnitus. Tension headaches and stomach cramps to be specific. Is anxiety the culprit behind these symptoms? I notice when I take 1 mg of Ativan these feelings abate and I am able to sleep and function. But I know I can't take it for ever and...
  37. Believin' Steven

    At least that's what I blame it on. Probably doesn't help that I had/have untreated anxiety and...

    At least that's what I blame it on. Probably doesn't help that I had/have untreated anxiety and depression for many years
  38. Believin' Steven

    Not to mention I also used headphones for movies and video games. The perfect storm for hearing...

    Not to mention I also used headphones for movies and video games. The perfect storm for hearing damage.
  39. Believin' Steven

    I'm not exactly sure tbh. For years I slept with earphones with white noise like rain and wind...

    I'm not exactly sure tbh. For years I slept with earphones with white noise like rain and wind. It started off as a slight ring then progressed to the fluctuating bullshit it is now
  40. Believin' Steven

    Feeling Worthless and Pathetic for My Parents

    This does not seem right. Any employer would be out of their mind to do such a thing as it sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  41. Believin' Steven

    Habituation Lost?

    Trust me my friend, it does not mask it. However, the prominence of the sound allows my brain to maintain focus on the white noise, whereas with my sound machine, i'll hear any form of outside noise such as a dog bark or a floor creak and my attention breaks and I'm left having to refocus on the...
  42. Believin' Steven

    Habituation Lost?

    Unfortunately for me, the only time I get complete uninterrupted sleep for a solid 8 hours is through the use of my headphones and white noise apps. I use them as my one method of relief if I am desperate for good sleep. May I ask what is the difference between wearable white noise generators...
  43. Believin' Steven

    Is This Hyperacusis?

    Every now and then I'll get ear and jaw pain, specifically in my left ear and jaw. There is also an additional high-pitched ring only in my left ear that goes along with any type of noise and makes everything sound glassy and weird. This happens when people talk, birds chirp, and especially...
  44. Believin' Steven

    This shit is mentally and physically overpowering.

    This shit is mentally and physically overpowering.
  45. Believin' Steven

    Really Bad Spike. Need Some Input.

    I want to but I'm scared of the long term effects. I had my hearing tested and the main frequencies are fine. So I fear that prolonged exposure to ototoxic drugs will make my t worse. Have you noticed any changes in yours? Good or bad.
  46. Believin' Steven

    Really Bad Spike. Need Some Input.

    It's a possibility I guess. It sure as hell doesn't help. I think our anxiety brains are addicted to the sound, so to speak. It hears it, puts a stranglehold onto it and struggles to let it go. I'm hoping Xanax or Atavin will allow my brain to let go of the anxiety and fear that it induces as a...
  47. Believin' Steven

    Really Bad Spike. Need Some Input.

    Right now my T is going off the charts. I have two high frequency sounds, 1 in each ear, and another that seems to come and go that I have had before and after some relaxation methods it went away. I want to contribute it to a nasal spray (Avamys) that my ENT prescribed me for my sinuses. I'm...
  48. Believin' Steven

    Worsening Tinnitus Half Hour Ago After First Dose of Ranitidine

    You are most likely experiencing a spike due to a bad reaction to the drug. Drink a shot ton of water to flush it out of your system. Take a hot shower and see if the steam can help open up your pores to release some of the drug. Hell, even eat something considering it's drug that interacts with...
  49. Believin' Steven

    Thought I Was Making Progress But Now It's Worse

    How have you been since your onset. Is it any better, have you habituated, new tones, how is life in general?
  50. Believin' Steven

    Thought I Was Making Progress But Now It's Worse

    I honestly don't know how to describe this T. I'm hoping it's a spike. My heart rate is a million miles an hours. It's like my constant high frequency noise, then every now and then the T goes to a lower pitch for a second or so and then back. It's really hard to concentrate on the masking noise...
  51. Believin' Steven

    Thought I Was Making Progress But Now It's Worse

    I'm just so fed up and distraught. I keep thinking it can't get any worse but then the T laughs in my face and knocks it up a notch. I really hope it gets better because I'm only 20 and I don't think I can live with this for another 40-60 years.
  52. Believin' Steven

    Thought I Was Making Progress But Now It's Worse

    I suffer from high frequency T. Recently I have been able to sleep well, but now that has changed. Now I have another higher frequency tone in my left ear that pulsates along with the existing tone. My jaw is sore on both sides and my head is pounding. Will this stop or is it a new baseline...
  53. Believin' Steven

    How Long It Took You Until You Slept Better with Tinnitus?

    I guess I am lucky(?). Doesn't seem like a good word to use here tbh. But I could sleep anywhere at any time due to the fact that I grew up in a large household with people constantly up at random times of the night. Still doesn't help as much as you'd think it would with T. So don't feel like...
  54. Believin' Steven

    My Brain Really Loves to Play Games with Me

    After a spike last week, my T set itself back to baseline and I was able to get some good sleep. I was finally starting to enjoy some things in life. My rugby team won after a losing streak of 7-8 matches, I was getting back into one of my favourite shows and actually having a laugh with my...
  55. Believin' Steven

    Finally Got Some Sleep

    I will actually do that right now if I figure out how to. And also more good news. I managed to sleep for another 8-9 hours. I even woke up and fell back asleep. The noise is still quite annoying but I'm trying to soldier on and keep my hopes high that I will get acclimated or overtime it gets...
  56. Believin' Steven

    Finally Got Some Sleep

    Yes it was fantastically low this morning. Unfortunately as the day droned on it started to get a little worse. It is bearable but I'm dreading trying to get to sleep. I'll give it my best shot though.
  57. Believin' Steven

    Anyone with Experiences Regarding High Frequency Tinnitus and It Dropping to Manageable Levels?

    Hello once again. About a week ago my T ramped up from a mild tone to a high frequency after not taking care of myself and continuing to abuse my hearing through earphones and headphones. It is essentially unmaskable and hard to sleep. Has anyone's high frequency T maybe dropped in frequency...
  58. Believin' Steven

    Extremely High-Frequency Tinnitus

    Hi Bill. I am feeling a lot better but only after finally achieving 9-10 hours of sleep thanks to some sleeping pills and a white noise machine I bought. Doc said my ear drums and what not are all fine and there is no indication of infection. I have an appointment with an ENT on Tuesday. The...
  59. Believin' Steven

    Finally Got Some Sleep

    After 6 days of no sleep I finally got some. And yes literally no sleep. I was starting to hallucinate and lose touch with reality. Unfortunately I suffer from high frequency T so white noise does little for me other than offer some distraction. I went to my GP who prescribed some temazepam to...
  60. Believin' Steven

    Is My Tinnitus Getting Louder? Can Anyone Relate?

    This afternoon I was sitting on my desk looking at my phone and then bam! My T starts going crazy and now I have louder ringing in both ears. Will this subside or is this my life now? Because my God is it loud. Could I be going deaf?