Thought I Was Making Progress But Now It's Worse

Believin' Steven

May 10, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Prolonged use of in ear headphones during sleep
I suffer from high frequency T. Recently I have been able to sleep well, but now that has changed.

Now I have another higher frequency tone in my left ear that pulsates along with the existing tone. My jaw is sore on both sides and my head is pounding.

Will this stop or is it a new baseline? I don't think I can handle this. I can't even get to sleep with sleeping pills (temazepam).

It seems to have happened after I used the neuromonics app. I found a frequency that covered my tinnitus but after an hour my T started to compete and found a new tone.

This sucks and my mental health is suffering. I just want to sleep. I feel like I'm doing this to myself. I just can't let go like so many others seem to be able to.
Sorry to hear your having a tough time with your tinnitus and I totally understand how you feel.
Do everything you can to relax and stay calm with relaxing music and nice treats and fresh air to help your low mood.
My ears are really naughty too and having a rave and can't mask it but I'm sure yours will settle and mine soon .
Keep posting for support as we are here around the clock to support you.
Love glynis
@Believin' Steven I feel for you, I have the same issues. I have had very loud tinnitus at 12500hz for over a year now and its hard to cope during the day let alone at night. I also have a second tone in each ear too, which is lower. BTW mine was also oise induced. I can't really offer any advice as I struggle with it too, but try to believe that it will get better one day...hopefully soon.
@Believin' Steven ,
You might have migraine associated tinnitus so try a painkiller and also see your dentist about your jaw if the jaw pain continues as might be down to teeth clenching at night.
Love glynis
I'm just so fed up and distraught. I keep thinking it can't get any worse but then the T laughs in my face and knocks it up a notch. I really hope it gets better because I'm only 20 and I don't think I can live with this for another 40-60 years.
Work with your doctor to find medication that will help you sleep. Amitriptyline (10 mg) used to help me. It is non-addictive...
I honestly don't know how to describe this T. I'm hoping it's a spike. My heart rate is a million miles an hours. It's like my constant high frequency noise, then every now and then the T goes to a lower pitch for a second or so and then back. It's really hard to concentrate on the masking noise and my heart rate just climbs and climbs until I get up. I fear this noise is just going to get worse and worse. Does anyone else spike like this. Until now i thought spikes were just a raise in volume. But these are new tones and they scare the ever living shit out of me.
Hi @Believin' Steven,

I don't know if it is normal or a new baseline. I was also making progress myself, at least psychological, but I got a very low frequency as an extra tone in my head now for 3 days while I have (probably noise induced) T to begin with which I got 2 months ago.

It is scary, I don't know if this will stay or not. Nobody had an answer for me so I guess there is none but time. In the meantime we have to do our best to protect our ears and still keep going as we should. It is difficult but we can't do anything else at the moment. Hopefully someone here has some answers for us.

I also clench/grind my teeth in my sleep but I've been doing this for years now, I'm massaging my jaw each morning and evening and then I put a warm towel on my face to fight the clenching. And also stop biting or clenching your teeth when you're awake. So no biting movements aside from food. Unfortunately for me I started doing this like a week ago and still got the extra tone. But you got to do something about your jaw.

Edit: search google for how to stop teeth grinding for the tips
The T I've been experiencing has changed since the end of last week. I've had T since 2010 and it had eventually gotten to be mostly not noticeable except at night or in quiet. Last fall it changed and turned into screaming high pitched T in R ear. It hadn't subsided at all and now it has changed to a slightly lower tone but not quieter - along with faint wild Morse code sounds. This new level is a constant sound that is still high pitched but more like a test pattern on a TV channel. It is extremely annoying. Mine seems to be from HF hearing loss so don't know if it means more hearing loss.

I honestly don't know how to describe this T. I'm hoping it's a spike. My heart rate is a million miles an hours. It's like my constant high frequency noise, then every now and then the T goes to a lower pitch for a second or so and then back. It's really hard to concentrate on the masking noise and my heart rate just climbs and climbs until I get up. I fear this noise is just going to get worse and worse. Does anyone else spike like this. Until now i thought spikes were just a raise in volume. But these are new tones and they scare the ever living shit out of me.

Mine changes quite a lot. You don't habituate to the sounds, you habituate to the concept of having a sound with no external source. Instead of waiting to get better to move on with your life, try to do something to move on right now. Exercise, go out with friends, find a new job, and so on.

Mine got worse after listening to a binaural beat video on Utube. T went from a single tone at a level of 1 or 2 to dual tones at an 8 or 9. Meaning before the video I could sleep at night, no getting so sleep is a struggle. The second tone pulsated like yours. The good and bad. My second tone decreased considerably after about 6 months, but has never gone away. It now "rides" on top of the original tone making a "single" tone but now higher pitched. Your issue will more than likely calm down, but you may end up with a new baseline.

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