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  1. Bertman

    I Got Hit with a Puck to the Side of My Helmet — Caused Me More Tinnitus

    I mean it's true to an extent, they do still offer pretty good protection with the caps off because it is an impulse (shooter) style filter which filters out loud noise while letting in quieter noise. However, in our situation there is no way I would rely on them for use as described in the...
  2. Bertman

    I’m Back Unfortunately After a Christmas Party with a DJ

    Hey Telis, I know this isn't much consolation, but just wanted to share that you are not alone in this situation. After reading your post, I felt much of it could've said my name as the author (save for the hearing loss part). I too have stopped posting on Tinnitus Talk for the most part, just...
  3. Bertman

    I Got Hit with a Puck to the Side of My Helmet — Caused Me More Tinnitus

    Hey Patch, sorry to hear about your incident and I hope it settles down for you. As a former goalie myself I am very aware of what it's like to get hit in the mask. I would definitely suggest wearing earplugs when playing hockey for this exact reason. The ones I wore that I found to work quite...
  4. Bertman

    Whose Tinnitus Actually Went Away Though?

    I think mine would have went away if I hadn't gone out one night without earplugs a few weeks after I got T.
  5. Bertman

    US$100 Million to Solve a Hard Problem

    Give it all to Prof. Thanos Tzounopoulos. I bet he'd fix us up in no time.
  6. Bertman

    Should I Have Expected a Spike?

    You're going to be just fine.
  7. Bertman

    (LLLT Efficacy) Mobilizing Mitochondria May Be Key to Regenerating Damaged Neurons, Zhou, B et. al.

    @Cityjohn Hope I'm not coming off as rude or anything, but hasn't LLLT already been tested for tinnitus and the results marginal at best? Could this be one of those things that works great in scientific theory but doesn't translate to significant results in reality? I'm open to the idea, just...
  8. Bertman

    Announcement Tinnitus Neuromodulator Sound Generator — Collaboration

    I've been a huge fan of the MyNoise website since the beginning of my tinnitus. This makes it even better. Thanks @Steve and Stephane!
  9. Bertman

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    best wishes @monacco! Does anyone have a theory if stem cells would affect the frequency/duration/severity of noise related spikes? One thing I've heard a lot is that since we have damaged ears already, sounds that normally wouldn't affect people cause us to have elevated T. Maybe, just maybe...
  10. Bertman

    Tinnitus Much Worse After Club Despite Wearing Solid 35 dB Custom Earplugs — I'm at My Wits End

    NRR rating scale is basically the minimum protection which is usually lower because most earplugs are meant to fit lots of people. Therefore they have to include data even though the plugs may not fit properly. In my opinion(which could be wrong) custom earplugs don't have that issue because...
  11. Bertman

    Tinnitus Much Worse After Club Despite Wearing Solid 35 dB Custom Earplugs — I'm at My Wits End

    Try and stay calm. I've made my fair share of mistakes that resulted in spikes and I would say it takes around 5-7+ days before things start to settle down. There were a couple times early on that did not return 100% back to my baseline, but one time I wasn't wearing earplugs at all and the...
  12. Bertman

    Research and Markets — Tinnitus — Pipeline Review

    I wonder how much progress has been made on the pump delivery system. A little off topic but I remember seeing something about one of the problems of stem cells was that there is no way to directly apply them to the inner ear. If something like a pump could effectively and safely deliver them to...
  13. Bertman

    How and Where to Clean Earwax Out of My Ear?

    Does anyone know of any way to Prevent ear wax compacting. I seem to have a chronic problem of this now because I wear earplugs at work. I've read that putting in and taking out earplugs creates more wax, and then the other problem is (going to sound kind of gross..) that when it's warm out at...
  14. Bertman

    Poll: Do You Think Being Single and/or Childless Makes Tinnitus Worse for People?

    Can't really say as I've been single since I got T, but it sure makes it harder (on me anyways) to find someone to be in a relationship with.
  15. Bertman

    Vehicles with Loud Exhaust Systems

    I agree a loud exhaust on a crap car is dumb. But on a performance oriented car it's fine by me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's okay to be driving around with a full race exhaust, but in general adding more noise adds to the experience of driving a sports car. Different strokes for...
  16. Bertman

    Vehicles with Loud Exhaust Systems

    As a car enthusiast, loud exhausts don't make me angry at all. I actually envy people who can drive/ride loud sports cars and motorcycles.
  17. Bertman

    Do You Have Any "Go To" Coping Techniques to Get You Through the Day?

    If I'm at home I have a shower, sometimes multiple a day. Helps relax my mind a bit and feel rejuvenated afterwards. It also masks my T nicely.
  18. Bertman

    What Bothers Me the Most...

    Please explain to me how hearing aid companies could corrupt the research being done into hearing problems. Pharma companies and researchers have every incentive to find a cure.
  19. Bertman

    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    @Blujay I share your idea on how it would be great against setbacks due to noises that aren't really damaging levels, such as a big room full of people. That would really help with mostly everyones social lives here. Couple thoughts though. Forgive me as I have not read the whole thread, but do...
  20. Bertman

    What Bothers Me the Most...

    I 100% do not agree. Sure, hearing aid manufactures may not be funding research for tinnitus and a cure for hearing loss, and that's understandable because they are in the business of making money through their devices, but to say that they somehow have control over research being done is just...
  21. Bertman

    Anyone Have Any Good, Long, Masking Sound Files?

    Via computer I would highly suggest checking out I know this isn't exactly what you are asking for (mp3 files), but I hope this helps!
  22. Bertman

    Anyone Have Any Good, Long, Masking Sound Files?

    Ok, what are you using to play the sound files?
  23. Bertman

    Anyone Have Any Good, Long, Masking Sound Files? Not sure if you are willing to spend money right now but I came across this by chance because my cousin has one. It's convenient because then you don't have to deal with mp3's, phones, iPod docks etc. You just turn it on...
  24. Bertman

    Understanding Brain Activity in Tinnitus

    I hope you get the results you are looking for. A question though that may affect accuracy: - Does having external stimuli change EEG results in general? Because if so, then you may detect changes when there aren't any (and vice versa). May be a good idea to compare any changes from having and...
  25. Bertman

    Android, iOS, BB or Windows Phone?

    I like my iPhone the best, but only for one real reason: I have a macbook so being able to use it in conjunction with my phone makes it the best for me (I can send texts on my macbook and have all my notes, calendar events etc transfer over seamlessly) If this wasn't the case I would say it's a...
  26. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    I agree with you, but I also understand why it's the way it is. Although we don't know the specifics on whether or not it will work for us chronic T folk, it's easy to associate it with am-101 which doesn't seem to have hope for us longer term T people. So the majority of people on here will...
  27. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    That's what I assumed this thread was all about. Kind of like how people are trialling trobalt on their own but with an experimental drug instead. It's for personal benefit, not to create scientific data; that's what scientists, doctors and researchers are for. More of a try it and see if it...
  28. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    I agree. With that said though, I hope everyone that goes through with it does so responsibly. I may be open to the idea later on, but at this time it's just too risky for me. I wish everyone the best and hopefully it works for you all.
  29. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    Yes, and I'd be willing to wait even longer to ensure it's safe. Personally I don't want to take a new brain altering drug without at least some scientific proof that it's safe. I understand you're point of view, and it'd be great to hear whether it works or not even sooner, but it'd still be a...
  30. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    @Bobby B That's an interesting proposal, but I would personally want to wait at least until the phase 1 trials (safety and dosage study) are completed. Until there is at least some research on humans I feel it is a little to risky IMO. Once we know more about it, such as safe dosages (if it is...
  31. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    Also, who would be the pharma company that would be bringing this to trials, or is there one yet? Cause that could be a long delay if there is a lack of funding.
  32. Bertman

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    This is some "cautiously" great news because in my opinion, it suggests that these Kv channels have at least a some chance at reducing T levels for many of us (and hopefully preventing noise spikes). I say this because I don't think great minds like Prof Tzounopoulos would create yet another...
  33. Bertman

    Online School to Keep Busy?

    Being in class has helped me tremendously to learn to focus on other things besides T. Sounds like a great idea to me.
  34. Bertman

    New Phase II Grant for Oricula Therapeutics LLC

    I'm not so sure about that. I've had spikes from sounds that would not cause damage to my hearing
  35. Bertman

    How Much Can You Protect Your Hearing from Street Jerks?

    Also, sorry about your situation, and I hope it calms back down for you. Unfortunately these things happen, just the way it is. It's good to always have ear protection with you, but as glynis said, it's also important not to over protect. best/
  36. Bertman

    How Much Can You Protect Your Hearing from Street Jerks?

    Ok I think you're taking it a little too far here.. You can't get mad at everyone in the world who makes loud noise.. Fact is not many people think about or even know of the 1% that suffer from tinnitus and can't handle loud noise. To top it all off, most people probably don't even think it's...
  37. Bertman

    Don't See the Point Anymore to Staying

    It's pretty much all been said on here. If you give yourself time you can get through this. I just turned 21 a few days ago, going on 8 months of T right now, so I know how you feel about this at a young age. Even though I had anxiety and depression through the roof, unable to sleep for many...
  38. Bertman

    Best Earplugs?

    I would not say they are the same, because the custom earplugs most people refer to on this website are musician earplugs. The difference is that these are made of a high grade silicone based on a deep mold from your ear canal (reducing occlusion and improving fit). Also, they offer...
  39. Bertman

    Best Earplugs?

    mine were around $200, and I think thats a pretty average price. Regarding hearing normal conversations, I usually just leave the strongest filter in mine so hearing conversations can be hard at times, but I'd say generally custom moulded ones with filters are more clear than foam earplugs.
  40. Bertman

    Prevent Further Damage to Your Ears — Have a Protection Plan

    Personally, I don't think any further damage is done to the ears if you're in a reasonably noisy place wearing earplugs (extremely loud bars/clubs, concerts might be an exception), but since we have tinnitus already, our ears and brain don't process the noise correctly (too sensitive maybe) and...
  41. Bertman

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    That would be awesome, however in this case I doubt it. The reason I say this is because as stated earlier, they claim to have lost or are losing 85% of their government grants for research, so I would imagine if they had something special they'd publish it to have a better chance at receiving...
  42. Bertman

    Tinnitus Spike After Having Some Salted Popcorn

    I think salt is one of the few foods that bothers my T as well. After having a bunch of salted tortilla chips a few nights ago, my T seemed to be louder for the rest of the night. It's happened a few times after eating salty meals too, just took me a while to put 2 and 2 together.
  43. Bertman

    An Interesting Discussion About Silence That I Found on Reddit

    I think there was a study done that found pretty much everyone, when put in a sound proof room, heard things similar to tinnitus. Obviously this is different than what we hear though, as most people cannot hear it otherwise and it doesn't react to sound like ours, but interesting nonetheless.
  44. Bertman

    Singing with Earplugs

    Personally I don't think so. I wear them all day and have to speak semi-loudly over the work truck and haven't noticed anything from it. I know singing is different though, so hopefully other musicians can chime in.
  45. Bertman

    Singing with Earplugs

    First off, I don't perform music so I'm not sure how much this will all help, but I got tinnitus from a really loud gig. I can't comment on whether or not your tinnitus will increase playing music. For some it does and for some it doesn't (I wouldn't be able to handle it). But regarding the...
  46. Bertman

    Safest Method of Earwax Removal for Tinnitus Sufferers?

    Personally I've had my ears syringed 2 times now. The first time was at the onset of my T, because docs don't know anything about it. The second was a couple weeks ago because after work I took out my earplugs and lost some hearing in my right ear because the plug pushed wax deep in my ear...
  47. Bertman

    Avoiding Loud Situations, for How Long?

    It's hard to say, as there's no specific time frame of avoiding loud places. It's more of a go at your own risk kind of thing. I know it sucks as I'm in a similar position.
  48. Bertman

    New, General Formula to Treat Brain Disorders, Tinnitus Included (2016)

    seems like a wonder drug.. don't like being pessimistic but we might as well keep dreaming
  49. Bertman

    Week 5 in Hell. Any Tips?

    My main tip is to just keep moving forward. I believe most everyone here felt at one point or unfortunately still feel the same way. With me, it has been a struggle, but looking back, I feel a lot better now (not 100% though) than I had during my first month, it just takes time. Also, try...
  50. Bertman


    Nice dude!
  51. Bertman


    Cool man, you have good taste. After I start my career I think I want to get an m235i. Same class, similar price, and similar performance, stock at least haha. You should send me the link to your youtube channel.
  52. Bertman


    Right on dude! what kinda car?
  53. Bertman


    I have a loud car too, unfortunately it's just a civic with a dumb exhaust on it (have wanted to return it to a stock one even before I got T). Anyways, I wear my earplugs if I am going to drive high speeds for awhile because the drone can mess with my ears. But when I get a new car I probably...
  54. Bertman


    YES! Love cars. I plan on doing marketing in the auto industry when I finish my degree.
  55. Bertman

    Have Tinnitus, but No Longer SUFFER with It.

    That's really great news! It's nice to see comments like these every now and again.
  56. Bertman

    SciFluor Receives US Patent for KCNQ2/3 Activator to Treat Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders This is the website I looked at before. My understanding is it shouldn't take too long to come to market if it is successful, it's the clinical trial part that takes the most time. I'd say it's around 10 years give or take a few away.
  57. Bertman

    I Feel So Stupid (Self-Blame)

    Hey there. My opinion is that you didn't do any further damage and 5 months seems like a very long time for a delayed reaction to cause an increase. So there is probably another explanation for your spike, possibly anxiety. I know its hard but try to stay calm, I know when I'm anxious about my T...
  58. Bertman

    I've Got Tinnitus from One of the Happiest Events I've Had in My Life

    Hey dude, good to hear that your T is at a low volume. Just make sure you still be careful around loud noise, at least for awhile anyways. The same thing happened to me and I re-exposed myself too early and lets just say it was a bad mistake. Also, I was extremely sensitive to noise after I got...